An argumentative essay on gay marriage

Support gay marriage, far less than those who are otherwise supportive of legally enforced gay rights (about 75%). There are also a lot of stereotypes about gay relationships, and even a great deal of misunderstanding of what marriage itself is all purpose of this essay is to clear up a few of these misunderstandings and discuss some of facts surrounding gay relationships and marriage, gay and , lets discuss what gay relationships are really all about. Benefit to heterosexual society of gay marriage is the fact that the commitment of a marriage means the participants are discouraged from promiscous sex. This has the advantage of slowing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, which know no sexual orientation and are equal opportunity benefits of gay marriage have changed the attitudes of the majority of people in denmark and other countries where various forms of gay marriage have been legal for years. Indeed, in 1989, when the proposal to legalize marriage between gays first was proposed in denmark, the majority of the clergy were opposed. Now, after having seen the benefits to the partners and to society, they are overwhelmingly in favor, according to the surveys done then and , having established the value of gay marriage, why are people so opposed to it? Of the reasons offered for opposing gay marriage are based on the assumption that gays have a choice in who they can feel attracted to, and the reality is quite different. This is something that few heterosexuals can understand unless they are a minority e itself has finally weighed in on the reasons why conservatives in particular are so opposed to gay marriage. So now we know why conservatives as a group is in opposition to gay marriage, but there are additional, subtle reasons which will be delineated below, which address individual concerns, not necessarily related to a general conservative arguments against gay , of course there are a lot of reasons being offered these days for opposing gay marriage, and they are usually variations on a few well-established themes. It seems to me that if the straight community cannot show a compelling reason to deny the institution of marriage to gay people, it shouldn't be denied. Again, such an argument fails to persuade based on the marriages society does allow routinely, without even a second thought. That's an interesting one, in light of who society does allow to get married and bring children into their marriage. Fact is that many gay couples raise children, adopted and occasionally their own from failed attempts at heterosexual marriages. Not all world religions have a problem with homosexuality; many sects of buddhism, for example, celebrate gay relationships freely and would like to have the authority to make them legal marriages.

If one believes in religious freedom, the recognition that opposition to gay marriage is based on religious arguments is reason enough to discount this argument. Let's face it - marriage is about love and commitment, and support for that commitment, not about procreation. If you allow gay people to marry each other, you no longer encourage them to marry people to whom they feel little attraction, with whom they most often cannot relate sexually, and thereby reduce the number of supposed heterosexual marriages that end up in the divorce courts. If it is the institution of heterosexual marriage that worries you, then consider that no one would require you or anyone else to participate in a gay marriage. So you would have freedom of choice, of choosing what kind of marriage to participate in -- something more than what you have now. And speaking of divorce -- to argue that the institution of marriage is worth preserving at the cost of requiring involuntary participants to remain in it is a better argument for tightening divorce laws than proscribing gay marriage. We shouldn't alter heterosexual marriage, which is a traditional institution that goes back to the dawn of time. Heterosexuals may still marry (and divorce) at will - entirely unaffected by the institution of gay marriage. If we are supposed to worship the traditional status and nature of marriage, why do we freely allow divorce, which has only been legal in most states for just a few decades? But how less onerous is the notion that one will have to marry someone one cannot love and to whom one cannot relate, if one is to enjoy the benefits of marriage? Clearly, this hypocrisy - on the one hand, asserting the importance of the traditional nature of marriage, while allowing its destruction through the thoroughly modern concept of divorce with hardly a second thought - demonstrates very clearly that this really isn't about traditional definitions at all, it's about using this argument as a cover for another, less acceptable motivation. Why not recognize the hypocrisy - that there is no sound moral ground on which to support the notion of worshipfully traditional heterosexual marriage while freely allowing its destruction through divorce? Wouldn't it just be better to recognize that the concept of marriage is not as rigidly traditional and fixed as claimed? The fact is that a form of gay marriage has been legal in denmark since 1989 (full marriage rights except for adoption rights and church weddings, and a proposal now exists in the danish parliament to allow both of those rights as well), and most of the rest of scandinavia from not long after.

Full marriage rights have existed in many dutch cities for several years, and it was recently made legal nationwide, including the word "marriage" to describe it. Far from leading to the "destruction of western civilization" as some critics (including the mormon and catholic churches among others) have warned, the result of the "experiment" has actually been civilizing and strengthening, not just to the institution of marriage, but to society as a whole. The fact that many churches are not willing to accept this evidence says more about the churches than it does about gay marriage. Same-sex marriage would start us down a "slippery slope" towards legalized incest, bestial marriage, polygamy and all manner of other horrible consequences. If the argument were true, wouldn't that have already happened in countries where forms of legalized gay marriage already exist? The reality is that a form of gay marriage has been legal in scandinavian countries for many years, and no such legalization has happened, nor has there been a clamor for it. That is most assuredly not the case, especially regarding marriage and all the legal protections that go along with it. There are many marriages to which many churches object, such as interracial marriage, interfaith marriage, the marriage of divorcees, etc. And yet no state law of which i am aware requires any church to marry any couple when that church objects to performance of that particular marriage. The right granted by the state to a church to perform marriages is a right, not a requirement, and to pretend that it would be a requirement in the case of gays, but not in the above examples, is disingenuous on the face of it. Gay marriage is already legal in several states and many foreign countries, including canada, but can anyone point to an example of homosexuality being promoted in the public schools? As for gay marriage itself undermining western civilization, it is hard to see how the promotion of love, commitment, sharing and commonality of values and goals isn't going to strengthen civilization a lot sooner than it is going to undermine it. Gay marriage has been legal, in various forms, in parts of europe for more than twenty years, and in canada and many states in the united states for some time now, but can anyone point to any credible evidence that gay marriage itself is leading to the crumbling of western civilization? I have never, ever seen a religious opponent of homosexuality who is asserting that homosexuality is a choice, advance that last point with regards to religion - a fact which very glaringly demonstrates the clearly bigoted character of this real reasons people oppose gay far, we've examined the reasons everyone give for opposing gay marriage.

The fact the people aren't comfortable with the idea stems primarily from the fact that for many years, society has promoted the idea that a marriage between members of the same sex is ludicrous, mainly because of the objections raised above. But if those objections don't make sense, neither does the idea that gay marriage is neccessarily ludicrous. Many mainstream christian denominations, to be sure, and definitely most branches of islam and orthodox judaism, but outside those, most religions are unopposed to gay marriage, and many actually favor it. It's based on the assumption that the state has the responsibility to "sanctify" marriages - a fundamentally religious idea. It would seem to me that anyone who feels that the sanctity of their marriage is threatened by a gay couple down the street having the right to marry, is mighty insecure about their religion if one accepts the presumption of the united states as a bible-believing, christian nation as an acceptable legal doctrine, as many conservative christians insist, and the bible should be the basis for the sacred institution of marriage, perhaps those christians should get out their bibles and actually read them for a change. Including all the inconvenient passages that not only permit but can even require polygamy, involuntary marriage and the about deuteronomy 25:5-10, for example: "when brothers reside together, and one of them dies and has no son, the wife of the deceased shall not be married outside the family to a stranger. Her husband's brother shall go in to her, taking her in marriage and performing the duty of a husband's brother to her, and the firstborn whom she bears shall succeed to the name of the deceased brother, so that his name may not be blotted out of israel. The bible is sacred and inviolate when it comes to the institution of marriage, then the above passage and all the other inconvenient ones require reverence too, do they not? The institution of marriage as it is practiced in the real world is a culturally defined institution, not biblically defined, as a reading of the above quotation should make quite clear, and it is high time we recognize and face up to the cold reality that cultural values have changed since the bible was written, and the institution of marriage has changed along with it. Because it would be hard to justify, before a court,Allowing a couple to marry and then legally bar them from having sexual relations, many conservative religionists privately oppose gay marriage in part because it would undermine the legal basis for sodomy laws, which, even though they have been struck down as unconstitutional by the u. And allowing state sanction in the form of marriage, threatens the stereotype by undermining the justification for the end of the day, the opposition to gay marriage stems ultimately from a deep-seated homophobia in american culture, borne almost entirely out of religious prejudice. It is there, it is pervasive, and it has far more serious consequences for american society than most americans realize, not just for gay people, but for society in anti-gay-marriage propaganda the organized opposition to gay marriage is primarily from groups with an obvious homophobic agenda should be self evident if one looks at who they are and what they are doing outside of the arena of the gay marriage debate. It was the vigorous organization and strong fundraising effort by the mormon church that raised approximately 70% of the money that came into california from out of state, to push the campaign for proposition 8, a ballot measure that amended that state's constitution to prohibit gay marriage and even the recognition of gay marriages performed elsewhere. Eventually the fear and disinformation campaign took its toll, emotion overtook reason, the majority in favor of gay marriage slowly eroded, and the proposition passed rather by itself, dressed up as religious dogma has been used for so long that it is beginning to lose its effectiveness (eventually people begin to figure out that it is mostly a tactic for filling pews, collection plates and campaign coffers more than it is a way of reforming lost souls and improving society), so the more clever of these organizations have begun to move onto a slick propaganda effort based on that long-time favorite argument-winner - course, the all time favorite among those fearmongering tactics is that logical fallacy called the slippery-slope argument, described briefly above.

One sees the slippery-slope fallacy in almost every one of their arguments, because they have few logically sound arguments to which to marriage has been a reality for two decades in denmark, nearly as long in one form or another in several other scandinavian countries, and for several years now in canada, and in the form of civil unions, and more recently, full-on gay marriage itself in several states in the united states. If twenty years of gay marriage in denmark has not brought about the collapse of civilization in that country (indeed, it remains higher on the united nations development index than does the united states), i doubt that the collapse of civilization will be brought on in the united states by a couple of dudes saying "i do" - but that simple reality doesn't stop the argument from being made. As for any of the other arguments raised against gay marriage, an examination of what has happened during the last twenty years in that country and other scandinavian countries that followed suit shortly thereafter, will show that the fears are misplaced and the slippery slope so often fearmongered, remains remarkably easiest way to counter the slippery-slope fallacy is to simply point out that gay marriage has been tried in many places in the world for many years, including the united states itself, and none of the dire effects insistently predicted have yet to occur in any of those locations to any significant anti-gay-marriage campaigners have recently been losing in the courts with increasing frequency. It is hard to argue that gays, unable to access the dozens of rights of marriage available to straights (as identified by the supreme court of the state of hawaii), have equal protection of the law, when they clearly do not under any reasonable standard of logic, and so the courts have been ruling that the 14th amendment to the u. Constitution, and similar statutes in state constitutions mean that the rights and responsibilities available to straight married couples are due to gays as well, and have struck down numerous state laws forbidding gay marriage. For all intents and purposes, an amendment to a state constitution is by definition, constitutional, and can't be overturned as unconstitutional by a state supreme court, at least under most ordinary marriage is a hot-button issue. And because it is, the strategy is often used to put a gay-marriage initiative on the ballot when interest in an election important to the right is otherwise flagging. It gets out the homophobe vote quite reliably, so when right-wing candidates are behind in the polls, a gay marriage ballot measure is often used as a way to also raise the participation and push a right-winger into office when he would otherwise have lost. Conversely, when there is a hotly contested race between a liberal democrat and a conservative republican, interest in the race is often used to get out conservative votes for a gay marriage ballot measure which may otherwise on the ballot, the disinformation used in the campaign consists of nearly always variations on the same arguments regardless of where the campaign is taking place, nearly all of them lies, generally easily refuted and can be easily seen to be without merit: 1) that homosexual sex (and/or gay marriage) would be taught and promoted in the public schools; 2) that heterosexual marriage would be undermined; 3) that churches would be forced to sanctify gay marriages; 4) that the underpinnings of western civilization (presumed to be heterosexual marriage) would be threatened; 5) that gay married couples would recruit, recruiting especially any adopted children who would then grow up to be gay. It doesn't matter whether these claims are true or not for this disinformation campaign to succeed; as adolf hitler himself noted, all it takes for a lie to be believed is for it to be repeated often enough, especially if it is a big lie, and these campaigns repeat the same lies over and over and over again until they finally become conventional there is a looming problem for the anti-gay-marriage crowd. It could easily tip back into a minority of conservatives, and so the forces of reaction have initiated a gay marriage lawsuit, ostensibly seeking the right to gay marriage, but deliberately calculated to fail before the supreme court, in a deliberate effort to take the issue to the u. Supreme court before a new justice is appointed who would shift the balance in favor of gay marriage. That would have the effect of nullifying any challenge to the heterosexual monopoly on marriage solely on the basis of a violation of the 14th amendment (equal protection of the law). If the lawsuit succeeds in failing, as intended, it would prevent an equal-protection challenge to gay marriage prohibitions to the u.

Almost any older gay couple can tell you horror stories of themselves or friends who have been victimized in such ways and many are all civil rights issues that have nothing whatever to do with the ecclesiastical origins of marriage; they are matters that have become enshrined in state and federal laws over the years in many ways that exclude us from the rights that legally married couples enjoy and consider their constitutional right. It is why, in september of 2011, david cameron, the british prime minister, in addressing the convention of his conservative party, addressed these values in his announcement of his plans for a gay marriage law in britain. When gays are not given the rights of marriage, are they not more likely to get involved in legal entanglements, court battles, family feuds, etc. Marriage is strengthened, not demeaned by gay marriage, because people who do not love each other and cannot relate to each other are not being encouraged or even forced to marry in order to enjoy the many hundreds of benefits and rights that legal marriage offers. Isn't it better that gays conduct their relationships within the context of a well-defined marriage law, same as heterosexual couples? Come to understand what values motivate conservatives, frame the argument within those values and show why it is consistent with conservative values, and the conservative can be won over, however we have seen, the arguments against gay marriage don't hold up to close scrutiny. For those researching the subject of gay marriage:The case for same-sex marriage : from sexual liberty to civilized commitment by william n. Offers some compelling legal reasons why the arguments raised in this essay make sense, both from a legal and moral point of view. Highly d equal: why gay rights matter to america by michael nava and robert dawidoff is a compelling argument on why the issue of gay marriage and gay rights are vitally important to all americans, not just gays. Place at the table is bruce bawer's excellent treatise on how americans have come to misunderstand homosexuality, and in the process, have failed to understand why gay marriage would benefit society as a to cite this article in your essay, paper, or report? If same-sex marriage is legalized, the world will be changed entirely; it can’t be argued. So, it is fair to make gay marriages provide peace between different social groups in the country, minorities’ rights have to be respected. Moreover, lives of ordinary people will not be affected by legalizing of homosexual marriage in point of parents are homosexual, it doesn’t mean that family is unnatural or defective. The point that their parents are homosexuals doesn’t make kids maladaptive or gay marriages are validated, there will be less stereotyping and prejudgments.

As a result, less homosexual people will suffer from somebody’s sayings or evil jokes, and community will become stronger and r, there are several arguments that show legalizing in bad is an opinion that gay marriage is harmful for society as it reverses roles in family life. Boys should be definitely taught that girls are weaker and it is inexcusably to hurt gay couples are not physically able to give a birth to children, increasing of such marriages can lead to the demographic crisis. Furthermore, for homosexuals it can be more complicated to adopt a child than for a traditional many people, same-sex marriages are immoral; they say it destructs the conception of marriage at all and leads to depravation of nation. The point is that rights of all people should be respected and nobody can be singled out for their statements or sexual what if my attitude is us assume that you may neither support nor oppose the idea of gay marriage. We are going to consider a few handy suggestions and facts which can help you to state your neutral point of view and, at the same time, to provide quite a fulfilling review of such controversial tion #1: just write it is no doubt that the marriage between two people of the same sex is a risky question to answer it very definitely. However, you can stay frank and just write that you personally are neither for nor against legalization and the very phenomenon of the gay order to sound less careless of the subject you should muse over and yet more informed on it generally, you should take into account all the ideas that are put forward by those who do and do not support same-sex marriages. It is really worth expressing them in your essay, as they can provide really valid explanation of why your own position. Let us set a few examples:You may take the gay marriage just as a fact without assessing it and evaluating its influence on the society;. More pathetically, you may set the range of examples of much more immoral deeds the mankind can be accused of, and consider the modern issue of gay marriages in contrast with them. As much reliable evidence as possible: on the internet you will discover that the links to articles for gay marriages and against them just take turns;. Or ted /dissertation tation chapter - tation chapter - literature tation chapter - tation chapter - tation chapter - tation chapter - /dissertation /dissertation sex marriage argumentative r 3, 2017  |  dissertation on glaucoma  |  no r i am struggling to. Disney internal and external environments getessay argumentative essay on same sex marriage essay describing community service community involvement essay. Download and read argumentative essay same sex marriage argumentative essay same sex marriage dear readers, when you are hunting the new book collection to read this. Need to write an argumentative essay for school and don't know of a good topic?

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