Beef cattle business plan

Cow-calf cow-calf production is largely a part-time producers make their living exclusively in the cow-calf part one in the series here and part two ishmael | sep 25, a’s beef cow-calf business seems straightforward enough – wean the highest percentage of calves possible per cow exposed, wean the most pounds possible per cow exposed, and do so for the least cost possible. Exploiting value-added opportunities is part of the formula as well, but the above has been the basic business model for at least five ’s the business reference in the model where reality becomes less ing on the size of your abacus and whether you’re using your toes, beef cows, which are the lifeblood of the cattle and beef industries, fuel an annual economic impact of at least $1 and calf sales were worth about $61. Economy, or roughly 6% of the entire gdp,” the report , so lumping it together is cowboy math, but the point is beef cows are responsible for a pile of money and make a huge annual national economic impact, no matter how you full-timer , the cow-calf business is, on average, largely a part-time endeavor. Operators of more than a third of beef cow-calf farms worked off-farm in 2008, and half of beef cow-calf farms are classified as rural residence farms,” say william d. Beef cow-calf farms,” which was published by usda’s economic research service (ers) last year.

Beef production business plan

These farms are small operations that specialize in beef cow-calf production but report off-farm earnings as the primary source of household income. Commercial farms with beef cow-calf enterprises are mostly diversified farm operations on which cattle are a secondary enterprise that accounts for about a fourth of farm product value. Ers study summarized information from a 2008 agricultural resource management survey (arms) and also utilized state data from the usda ag census for 1997, 2002 and lion’s share of beef cow operations (80%) had 50 head or fewer, representing 27. Agricultural economist james mcgrann puts it this way: “in reality, fewer than 4% of beef cow-calf operations make their sole living from the cow-calf enterprise. This means that the industry can produce at least 50% of the feeder cattle and not be profitable to owners.

Mcgrann is a texas a&m university professor emeritus and owns ranch management economist, a ranch business consulting are plenty of reasons why those who specialize in beef production tend to be among the smallest producers, and why the largest herds tend to be part of a diversified agricultural operation. No one can start a ranch business with ranch earnings and expect to earn $60,000 before self-employed and income taxes. The cow-calf sector is an investment business and roi is what attracts capital for growth. The amount of off-farm income earned by beef cow-calf producers in 2008 dwarfed farm income,” say mcbride and mathews. Average off-farm income was about $72,000 among all beef cow-calf farms, nearly three times higher than net cash farm income, and $20,000 more than gross cattle sales.

It also helps explain the lack of what some would consider essential management in some parts of the instance, according to the national animal health monitoring system’s (nahms) “beef 2007-2008 reference of beef cow-calf management practices in the u. The average age of rr farm operators in the arms survey was 60 years old, and 25% of those said they planned to exit the business within five years. Meanwhile, the average age of intermediate farm operators was 62, and 24% of those planned to exit. And the average age for commercial farm operators was 55, with 14% of them indicating they planned to exit within five realities help explain why, more than drought, the commodity bubble or the great recession is behind the ongoing reluctance of producers to expand the nation’s information about text tsallowed html tags:

plain textno html tags page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links and paragraphs break hlog in or register to dthe story of beef from gate to platejul 27, 2012connecting the dots | beef's story from gate to platemay 13, 2013seedstock sector represents both beginning & end of beef productionaug 29, 2012turns out cow temperament is more than a convenience traitnov 07, logcattlegrazingfencingwaterbeef productiontips & toolsbooksartículos en españ... This siteaboutgrass-fed cattle (book)guest article e cattle farm plan:part i: summer pasture -plan your pasture rotation by creating a series of detailed farm maps that explain every part of your cattle farming strategy.

This map-making process is an essential part of developing a comprehensive farm business plan for your beef business. After all, your farm plan is the blueprint to your entire cattle example farm business plan showcased below and on the next two pages of this article series shows how all the principles and practical 'how-to' information described in my book grass-fed cattle: how to produce and market natural beef can be boiled down to a very simple farm plan. This page - part i of the farm plan - focuses on the summer pasture rotation. Use it as a guide to help you plan your own cattle business in a consistent, logical, step-by-step series of farm maps in this example farm plan will walk you through every step of a grass-fed beef business, from cow-calf to grass-finished. You'll also notice that the layout of the grazing rotation is so simple that it will continue to work equally well even if, at some point in the future, the farm in this example chooses to specialize in only one part of the beef production process, such as only cow/calf, only stockers, or only your farm plan and pasture rotation simple.

By the time you are done designing your farm maps, you should be able to give your plan to anyone familiar with basic cattle farming principles and they should be able to successfully manage your farm without you having to give them another word of a little background to give context to the example farm plan featured below:This farm plan is for a cow-calf to grass-finished beef operation with a brood herd of approximately 100 cow/calf pairs. Based on the quick-reference table on page 278 of grass-fed cattle, if in the future this farm chooses to focus on only a single portion of the beef production process, this same land base would support approximately 175-200 cow/calf pairs as a stand-alone business, or 200-300 grass-finishing animals, or 300-400 stockers, depending on breed, length of time spent on the farm, slaughter age, and weight at the time of purchase and/or growing season on this farm lasts from beginning of may through end of september. The winter pasture rotation is expected to continue through the entire winter (through the snow), with minimal to no stored feed required, but with a well-designed supplement program to support the winter pastures to ensure that nutrition keeps body condition scores within a safe cattle are combined as a single herd (cow/calf, stockers, grass-finishing animals), excluding the bulls outside of the breeding season. Two exceptions to this rule are during weaning (until the cows dry up) and during mid-winter to extend the grass-finishing season, but these exceptions are discussed further in the farm plan this example farm plan is meant to help as a planning guide for your cattle farming business plan, i have purposefully excluded acreages, dimensions, and location to avoid confusion. But the basic ideas and principles at work in the pasture rotation will be the same, regardless of farm can learn more about how to organize your own farm plan arent map layers in your computer software drawing program farm plan layers below follow the electric fence, cattle water, and pasture rotation planning process described in the smart electric fence grid article ng with the farm air photo...

Air photo provides an excellent overview of the basic layout of the farm, but air photos are too 'busy' for planning all the details in your farm plan. Create a clean simple farm map for planning all the rest of the components of in your farm business is useful to airbrush out existing fence lines on a copy of your air photo so you can focus on designing the most efficient electric fence grid that makes sense for your topography and your grass fed beef production strategy. Click on the link for more tips on how to deal with existing cattle old fences on this air photo took less than 2 minute to airbrush away using the healing brush tool or the spot healing brush tool in the computer software drawing program i recommend here. Keep the air photo as a base layer in your software program, which you can show or hide, as needed, underneath all the other visible layers in your farm plan simply by clicking the 'eye' symbol next to the simple clean farm layer shows all the important features on the farm - topography, water features, general soil types, timber, pasture land, ridges, gullies, and roads. Use this layer to plan all other aspects of your farm business plan, while hiding the busy air photo from you plan on using a mobile cattle water system to supply livestock water to your pasture rotation, it's also useful to draw a basic cross-section of your aphical farm example farm is composed of a series of flat benches with step banks descending towards the river at the bottom of the valley.

This topographical cross-section naturally suggests how to set up water-lines for the mobile cattle water system and where to put drain plugs (the benches slope away from the river! To help drain the system before next map layer should contain just your electric fence infrastructure for your rotational grazing -wire electric fences are shown in yellow and single-wire gates (with under-gate leadout wire connections) are shown in cattle water alley (also built using single-wire electric fences) is shown in brown. It allows cattle to be easily moved between any part of the pasture rotation and the corral (i. All interior fences are built with swivel-lock electric fence -scale topographical features and different soil types have also been fenced separately for improved pasture electric fence corridor has its own individual cut-out switch where it branches off the perimeter fence to allow individual corridors to be turned on or off as needed for maintenance (or during the winter) without affecting the remainder of the electric fence cattle water system for mobile water lines show the polyethylene water line network overlaid on the electric fence grid. This network of polyethylene pipes (1-1/4 to 1-1/2" diameter) supplies cattle water to the mobile cattle water tub that accompanies the summer rotational grazing lines are pressurized from the well in the farm yard.

Pressure losses or gains caused by gravity, friction inside the pipes, and pipe diameter have been calculated using the reference tables in the "your grazing infrastructure" and "livestock water" chapters of grass-fed cattle, which provides step-by-step calculations for designing your mobile cattle water polyethylene water lines are laid above ground, directly underneath the electric fences to protect them from trampling. Daily moves are always to directly adjacent pastures using the front fence, back fence, next day's front fence cross-fencing strategy described in the portable electric fences pasture rotation has been planned to avoid cattle having to cross over exposed water lines during pasture moves. Ii of the example cattle farm planto see how to set up and manage the winter pasture iii of the example cattle farming plan - farm maps of the grass-finishing, calving, and weaning strategies, as well as the sick animal treatment protocol, bull herd management, and drought/emergency smart electric fence grid - a four-part article series on how to plan and build your electric fence infrastructure for your pasture ng cattle to electric fences - create effective psychological barriers in the minds of your for drawing your cattle management farm plan - handy tips on how to plan your grazing strategies and electric fence installation using map when you're ready to start planning your cattle farm, check out my book: grass-fed cattle: how to produce and market natural enable javascript to view the comments powered by plan: summer pasture plan: summer pasture logcattlegrazingfencingwaterbeef productiontips & toolsbooksartículos en españolmore... This siteaboutgrass-fed cattle (book)guest article al grazing body condition scoring: how (and why) to monitor cattle body fat. And the average age for commercial farm operators was 55, with 14% of them indicating they planned to exit within five realities help explain why, more than drought, the commodity bubble or the great recession is behind the ongoing reluctance of producers to expand the nation’s information about text tsallowed html tags:

plain textno html tags page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links and paragraphs break hlog in or register to dthe story of beef from gate to platejul 27, 2012connecting the dots | beef's story from gate to platemay 13, 2013seedstock sector represents both beginning & end of beef productionaug 29, 2012turns out cow temperament is more than a convenience traitnov 07, ock>cow-calf does your ranch have a written business plan?

Written business plan is often a requirement for farm or ranch vance, university of missouri extension for delta farm press | aug 26, t a plan in place, your ranch could be moving forward without a devlin, a university of missouri extension agriculture business specialist, says, “you are saying who, what, when and where as far as what you produce, how you are going to market it and the financing behind your business. Plans on paper can help get all family members and employees on the same page, can help acquire financing from an agricultural lender, and can provide a clear-cut idea of where the operation is learn more about how to get a written plan in place, click here. Experts predict cattle industrys up your herd performance with these information about text tsallowed html tags:

plain textno html tags page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links and paragraphs break hlog in or register to d70+ photos honor the hardworking cowboys on the ranchmay 24, 201280+ photos of our favorite calves & cowboysjun 26, 2012talk to your banker, trust your instinctsaug 15, 201260+ stunning photos that showcase ranch work ethicssep 11, 2012.