Breast cancer research papers

According to the american cancer society, each year, more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer; furthermore twelve percent of all women will contract the disease, and 3. There are 4 stages of breast cancer and several treatments, although treatments vary from types and stages of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women who are 40 to 55 years old (breast cancer, 2009). If you or a loved one were diagnosed with breast cancer, how would you feel. Breast cancer is a common and potentially deadly form of cancer that affects both men and women. There are also steps that people can take to try to prevent getting breast cancer or at least catch it early. Luckily there are many organizations working to raise awareness of the disease, to educate the public about it, and to support research about it.... Breast cancer is one of the most common and important diseases that affect women and ovarian cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer mortality in american women1. These cancers are triggered by germline mutations on the c-terminal of a gene called brca1 (or “breast cancer 1, early onset gene”) tumor suppressor. Breast cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the tissue of the breast and spread to the surrounding area of the breast. This cancer most normally begins from the inner lobules of the breast, which are called the ducts and is better known as the part of the breast that makes milk. After a woman develops cancer, she is tested to determine what type of cancer she has and which treatment is best for her. In the present day, surgery is nevertheless the best choice when dealing with breast cancer.... In the last years, magnetic resonance imaging (mri) has become a very popular method used for the early detection of breast cancer, because it has greater sensibility than mammography. Although many people think that mastectomy may increase with mri’s, i feel that these types of screenings should be more recommendable for women at high risk for breast cancer, because cancer, if not treated on time might be fatal.... Surgical oncology is a subset of oncology that focuses on the surgical management of cancer. Through developing technology, such as the iknife, surgery to target tumorous cells is becoming a necessary and popular field of medicine and is a very viable option for cancer procedures, both for treatment and prevention.... Local breast cancer hot spot with the waves crashing in front of you, the sun warming your body, and a slight breeze coming just over the dunes, you would never think you were sitting on a beach considered to be a breast cancer "hot spot. It's an unfortunate situation, i lost two sisters and my mother-in-law to breast cancer, all of us lived on the cape most of our lives. There are at least two majors genes (brca1 and brca2) that when they mutate can cause breast cancer. These genes can be passed from parent to child, increasing the risk of developing cancer in those child that have parent carrying these genes.

There is a 90% chance of developing breast cancer for a woman that has these mutated genes. In contrast, men carrying brca1 have no risk to develop breast cancer, but those carrying brca2 genes have high risk.... Breast cancer there is a large amount of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer every day but they usually do not know a lot about it in terms of how it forms and the many ways it can be treated. Breast cancer is a very serious disease that shouldn’t be taken lightly; if it is left untreated it can spread to other organs and eventually kill you. Even if you do not have breast cancer, chances are that you know or will know someone who will get it, so it is imperative that people understand how breast cancer forms, know the stages of breast cancer, be familiar with who gets breast cancer and how you can possibly avert it, and understand all of the different ways to treat the cancer and... The battle to beat breast cancer breast cancer impacts women and their friends and loved ones in so many different ways. There are ways to detect breast cancer and if detected early, may possibly be the difference between life and death.... Women coping with breast cancer coping has been closely connected to stress; it involves a process by which a person attempts to restore balance in response to a stressful life event (henderson, gore, davis, and condon, 2003). An average of 445 canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and an average of 100 canadian women will die of breast cancer every week (canadian cancer society, 2010). Coping with breast cancer has been defined as being emotionally and physically challenging for women and their families (henderson et al. Breast cancer is the predominant form of cancer diagnosed in america women, second only to skin cancer and the primary cause of cancer deaths, surpassed only by lung cancer. Approximations suggest that one in eight women in the united states will develop invasive breast cancer during the course of their life (american cancer society, 2013). As with any disease, a diagnosis of breast cancer can be tremendously challenging and freighting experience not only during the time of treatment and post treatment, but also as a survivor of the disease.... In the past year, there were over 194,000 new cases of breast cancer in the u. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in a female or male’s breast cells. When cells in the breast start to develop abnormally they begin to develop quicker than the normal cells. They also keep multiplying, causing them to metastasize throughout the breast to the persons lymph nodes and sometimes other parts of the body.... Because doctors warn that breast cancer is the leading killer in women; yearly mammograms and monthly self-exams are preformed. The daily routine to lower the rick of breast cancer consist of: exercise, eating healthy, and avoiding alcohol. Breast cancer is known as the most common solid tumor among the female population in most parts of the world [who 2012], second only to skin cancer in the united states [ma 2013]. In 2014, an estimated 235,030 new cases of breast cancer (bca) will occur in the united states [siegel 2014] with an average of 1 in 8 women developing bca at some point in their lifetime.

Anyanwu for taking action against breast cancer as she recommends all women do the same.... Geographical factor: incidence and mortality of breast cancer varies from one country to the other. Studies of migrants show that the rates of breast cancer in migrants tends towards the rate in the host country within two generations, this indicates that the environment is a more important factor than genetics. Menarche and menopause: early menarche and late menopause increases the risk of breast cancer because. Women who attain menopause after the age of 55 are twice more likely to develop breast cancer as women who attain menopause before age 44.... Introduction in the united states, breast cancer is one of the most commonly occurring cancers in women. Within the year of 2011, 230,480 new cases and 39,520 deaths related to breast cancer were reported (national cancer institute, 2011). However, death rates from breast cancer have declined steadily since 1990, resulting in an increase in survivors. Breast cancer is the second leading cancer killer among women, after lung cancer (breast cancer , 2014). Cancer is a word that puts fear in many people, especially if they have family members who have either died or survived the disease. No one wants to hear that he or she has been diagnosed with any disease, especially cancer. The life of a cancer cell amazes me from where it begins and where it ends off. In breast cancer, the cancer cell is much more causes the cells to start their cancerous factors that cause the activation of dormant cancer cells are, radiation, health, lifestyle and genetics. Breast cancer report breast cancer is a growing epidemic that many women (and men) are faced with. Fortunately, there are many preventative measures you can take against it and a lot of research has been done to make it manageable. Only 5-10% of patients obtained cancer hereditarily, otherwise known as through their genes (american cancer society 2011). Factors associated with developing breast cancer that cannot be influenced include: gender, age, family history, benign breast problems, and menstrual problems (in text). In contrast, factors including: method of birth control, diet, obesity, alcohol and drug use, hormone usage, and failure to breastfeed are all factors that can influenced by the patient. One factor not mentioned previously, but can influence the growth of breast cancer tumors is race. According to susan g komen, caucasians\ women are more likely to develop breast cancer, however breast cancer is more aggressive in african american and hispanic women.... Breast cancer occurs when cells in the breast divide and grow without their normal control” (komen).

Ductal carcinoma, the most common type which starts in the tubes that transport milk from the breast to the nipple, and lobular carcinoma which starts in the area that helps to produce milk called the lobules.... Over the past twenty years, researchers discovered more about breast cancer and cancer in general, then the past five-hundred years together. Within the past twenty years breast cancer research has expanded to six continents rather than one. The breast cancer research foundation (bcrf), is a distinguished group of nine men and women who are devoted to understanding breast cancer. We empower researchers to utilize their grants to explore new theories, conduct pilot investigations and partner with fellow researchers from around the world to deepen their work and thereby improve their results” (bcrf), which shows how... According to the american cancer society, “breast cancer is the common disease of women in the united states, other than skin cancer. It helps to have some basic facts about the normal makeup of the breasts to understand breast cancer. In the past, this disease was one of the most feared forms of cancer due to its fatality rate and because complete recovery often required breast removal. In the united states, starting from the first breast cancer case in 1930s to today, a woman's lifetime risk of breast cancer increases to one eighth (gray et al. Continuously increasing breast cancer rate has caused a lot of concerns among not only ordinary people but also scientists. For decades, scientists have been working on the causes of breast cancer in order to find the corresponding methods of treatment. Till today, heredity, lifetime exposure to environmental estrogen (the female sex hormone), and the dietary fat are the only major known causes (“cover story: breast cancer and environment”).... Approximately 20 – 30% of women delay for 12 weeks or more from self-discovery of a breast symptom to presentation to a health care provider (grunfeld, et al. In other words it takes a woman 3 months if not longer to inform her doctor that she might have breast cancer or some other problem wrong with her body. Let’s not forget that certain cases of breast cancer can take a person’s life if they are not treated in the proper amount of time.... If your mother, sister, or daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer, your chances also increase. However, the majority of people diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of the disease. Beginning of periods at a younger age (less than 12) or the beginning of a menopause at a much older age exposes you to the risk of developing breast cancer.... Breast cancer is an epidemic that plagues women, even though some men can get it. According to the american cancer society, “breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the breast. A malignant tumor is a group of cancer cells that can grow into (invade) surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body.

The disease occurs almost entirely in women, but men can get it, too” (breast cancer). Breast cancer starts with the body’s cells multiplying strongly and then the cells metastasize to places in the body they shouldn’t be. It develops in the milk ducts and glands of the breast tissue, and begins by forming a lump in the breast. Once the lump is formed the cancer spreads through to the channels of the lymph nodes or the bloods stream to the other organs.... Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women in the world today and has one of the highest mortality rates when compared to other cancers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). This cancer develops when tumors have formed within the cells of the breast and begin to divide uncontrollably while gaining the ability to metastasize (4, 7, 8). When looking at the statistics, one in eight women will develop breast cancer at some point in their life time (2, 4). Many changes will occur to women’s breast during their lifetime, especially during menopause, puberty, and childbirth. Not a lot of women, however, are actually familiar with the anatomy and function of breasts. This would be a first good step for women towards understanding the causes of breast cancer (brinker, 2013). The breasts are made up of fat and breast tissues along with veins, nerves, arteries, and connective tissue that help to hold them in place. In breast tissue there is a complex network of lobules-sacs that produce milk, and ducts which are canals that carry milk from lobules to the nipple openings when a mom breastfeeds.... A total of ninety-eight patients who presented in april 2009 through may 2011 with locally advanced breast cancer (labc) were treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the combined breast clinic in national cancer institute. Not something you want your child to need because you don’t want to breast feed.... The pink ribbons, the “i heart boobies” bracelets, and the thousands of breast cancer walks all over the united states. This may not seem serious by the promotions and jokes that these organizations pull support from, but don’t forget the millions of people who have breast cancer. Every three minutes a woman is diagnosed: one in eight women will have breast cancer (walgreens, 2011; chen, 2010). Mutations turn genes on and off, activating diseases; all women have a chance of developing breast cancer (understanding; breast).... Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death for women but not as bad of a death for men. Males or females, are born with some breast cells and tissues that have the possibility to turn into cancer cells. As you all know, breast cancer is the cancer type that many womens have concerns about.

As a woman, i need to gather informations about the singnificance of breasts, who specially at risk, how breast cancer occurs, if it’s cure or not, if itor what if anything can do about it. The definition of breast cancer “is a malignant tumor that starts from cells of the breast”. A malignant tumor is a group of cancer cells that may grow to take over the breast. Being diagnosed with breast cancer could be very difficult to accept that you have it. The female breast is made up mainly of lobules (milk-producing glands), ducts (tiny tubes that carry the milk from the lobules to the nipple), and stoma (fatty tissue and connective tissue surrounding the ducts and lobules, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels) (“what is” par. In the us, it is the most common, and the leading cause of cancer related deaths among women between 45 – 64 years of age (clegg et al. The gravity of the disease therefore demands further research towards its early diagnosis, and for evaluating the prognosis of its course.... Breast cancer as the most common cancer in iranian women affects women at least one decade younger than their counterparts in developed countries. It is commonly accepted that estrogen and its receptor have an important role in the pathogenesis of breast malignancies. Breast tumors are classified based on er status to er negative and er positive tumors. Introduction breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women and 70 percentage of breast cancer is caused by the over expression of estrogen receptor (er). It is targeted by pharmaceutical agents for hormone replacement in menopausal women and reproductive cancers such as prostate cancer, uterine cancer and breast cancer [1]. The term “breast cancer” refers to a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast” (breast cancer,n. If men can have abnormal cell growths in the breast, they are except-able to breast cancer as well. Men need to be aware of the prevention, diagnoses, and treatments for male breast cancer. Males have breast tissues,' boys' and men's bodies normally do not produce much of the breast stimulating hormones.... Representation of breast cancer "palimpsest" is defined as "awrittendocument, typically on vellum or parchment, that has been writtenupon severaltimes, often with remnants of earlier, imperfectly erased writingstill visible,remnants of this kind being a major source for the recovery of lostliteraryworks of classical antiquity" (american heritage dictionary). Thisdefinitionprovides a way to theorize the intersection of photography withbreast cancer asa medical condition, a personal trial, and a discourse.... According to the american cancer society, every year, more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer; furthermore twelve percent of all women will contract the disease, and 3. Cells divides it causes cancer which then changes from an normal call to what’s called a cancerous cell that requires gene alterations.... You may also have a higher risk of breast cancer if you have a close relative, such as a mother, sister, or daughter, who has had breast cancer.

Statistics states “about 20-30% of women with breast cancer have family histories of the disease. They are commonly known as brca1 and brca2, which produces proteins protecting you from cancer. Breast cancer is a disease that can sometime lead to ovarian cancer and has caused a lot of women’s death. About five to ten percent of breast cancer cases are thought to be hereditary, meaning that they result from gene defects called mutations inherited from a parent”. Breast cancer is a cancerous tumor that has developed within the cells of the breast. The most ordinary area in the breast for breast cancer to develop is the ducts, and less ordinary in the lobules of the breast. The cancerous cells can intrude healthy breast tissue over time, or cells can break off from the tumor and travel to the lymph nodes and into the lymphatic system which could take them to other parts of the body (“breast cancer-woman’s”).... The diagnosis of breast cancer is becoming more common today; we need to know what the symptoms are, and how to help prevent it. Breast cancer is the leading reason of death in women in the united states; it has increased greatly over the last 30 years. Breast cancer occurs in women, men can be diagnosis with breast cancer too because men have breast tissue that can develop into breast cancer. Even though exercising and eating healthier are preventions, breast cancer affects both men and women because men are diagnosed with breast cancer and women should get annual mammograms. Men breast duct cells are not as developed as women, therefore men are not at high risk for getting breast cancer.... The nerves that go through the breasts are cutaneous innervation, medial pectoral, lateral pectoral, and long thoracic nerves. Lymphatic system in the breasts collects wastes and provides filtration of the fluid outside of the circulatory system.... Breast cancer pain breast anatomy and physiology the breasts or mammary glands are sometimes considered a part of the reproduction system. The breast is usually situated on top of the pectoral major muscles covering the second rib to the sixth or seventh rib and extends from the sternum to the mid-axillary line. As businesses choose to utilize cause-related marketing as a profit strategy, a succession of consequences has occurred, calling for examination and discussion, specifically when dealing with breast cancer, which is popularly associated with the symbol of the pink ribbon. Breast cancer organizations and discussions about breast cancer have seen a major shift from the scientific aspect of finding the cure towards the business side of turning a profit.... Following skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, as approximately 12% of women will develop invasive breast cancer throughout their lifetime (ma, jemal 2013). After being diagnosed with breast cancer, women face major psychological and social challenges to coping with the disease. According to statistics found on , around 233,000 women in the us will develop breast cancer in 2014, with over 40,000 people expected to die from it in 2014 alone (, 2009).

With numbers this large, breast cancer is quickly becoming a heart breaking tragedy for too many families. And the worst part about it is that there is no long term cure for cancer, even if doctors are able to remove the tumor they found from your body, there is no guarantee that another one won’t form or grow.... The purpose of this essay is to identify the processes through which breast cancer cells develop and to discuss the pathology and methods diagnosing as well as various treatments available. Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer among american women, producing more than forty thousand fatalities annually mohammad et al. The malignant tumors are made up of different sets of observable sets of characteristics that resulted from the interactions between the various breast cancer cells genotype and the environment.... Being that all these are factors makes detecting the actual cause of breast cancer difficult. Early detection of breast cancer increases the odds of a patient's survival, and mammography screenings are an important tool in discovering this cancer. Patients are different and have varying degrees of cancer risk, and patients should regularly talk with their doctors to determine if mammography screening is right for them. Harris,june 20,2012) in this early stage of breast cancer there may not be any symptoms present.... According to world health organization (who) mortality estimates, cancer is the fourth ranked cause of death in the eastern mediterranean region (emr), after cardiovascular diseases, infectious/parasitic diseases and injuries [1-3]. The largest increase in cancer incidence among the who regions in the next 15 years is likely to be in the emr where breast cancer (bc) is recorded as the commonest type of female malignancy in almost all national cancer registries [1-4]. Iran and iraq), in addition to being the most important cancer, there are other features that justify increasing efforts for bc control, including the tendency for this disease to affect younge... Abstract: breast cancer research over the last decade has been tremendous and the novel methods being develop help in the early detection, in setting the stages of the therapy and in assessing the response of the patient to the treatment. Different methods are explored for their merits and de-merits for the diagnosis of breast lesion.... The researchers wanted to look at the uncertainties that young women that are survivors of cancer face, and how they cope with these major challenges and changes in their life that they are faced with after surviving breast cancer. This article focuses on younger breast cancer survivors (bcs) because breast cancer is seen more often in older women, the writers state that there is little research done on the stress of survivorship in younger women.... Thus, this consists of years of life lost (ylls) and years of healthy life lost (ylds) (aihw, cancer in australia an overview). Yld for cancers can include adverse effects of treatment including chemotherapy, and further psychosocial effects. Crc has both a high yll and high yld, with 2010 figures placing it second for ylls (55, 800 ylls), and third for ylds (12, 400 ylds) (aihw, cancer in australia an overview).... Cancer is a recognized risk for thromboembolic events (tee) with rates in this population being up to four higher than the general population [1,2]. Tee are held to be the second leading cause of death in cancer patients [8] and patients with tee over all have poorer outcomes with a 2 fold increase in death rate within 2 years of diagnosis in patients with breast cancer [9]....

For example, if a women’s mother or sister has breast cancer, she may be at higher risk of getting the disease. Mutations in brca1 and brca2 are leading factors of breast cancers in women; it will actually promote the development of cancer cells. For example, according to a research done by some chinese scholars, “genetic variants in the vicinity of pre-mir-101-2 were associated with breast cancer risk in the chinese population. Cancerous cells are cells that grow without the normal system of controls placed upon them. Extensive research has been done in the field of oncology to try and determine the best and most effective methods to cure cancer. Cancer has been a very critical and long term problem that has been seen for centuries. Several researchers have came to the conclusion that the best way to cure cancer would be to incorporate the practices together thus enhancing and bringing the positives from the is an important health problem... Being the most common cancer in the uk, breast cancer affects about 48,000 women a year, it affects mostly women over the age of 50, however younger women and in some cases even men can be affected by the disease. Multidisciplinary team or mdt are there for cancer patients to provide them with the best possible care and treatment for each individual patient. The mdt team consists of a specialist cancer surgeon, an oncologist, a radiologist, a pathologist, a radiographer, a reconstructive surgeon and a specialist nurse.... New treatments for breast cancer breast cancer affects one in eight of american women, and is the second most common cause of cancer death in america. I chose to write my term paper on breast cancer because it is a disease that has effected some members of my family. Due to this possibly inherited condition, i felt that researching the topic would help me learn ways to prevent the disease and educate myself to perform self-exams that may result in early detection. The dictionary defines breast cancer as being a serious disease caused by the growth of abnormal cells, but to a woman, this definition includes a very personal and real fight for their life. Komen foundation, one out of every three women is diagnosed with breast cancer each year, and one out of every 13 women diagnosed will die from the disease. As the second leading cause of death among women, this particular form of cancer however, there are currently over 2 million breast cancer survivors that overcame the odds, and these courageous women are evidence of a continual effort to understand the risk factors involved, different types of staging, and treatment option... Young states, "according to the american cancer society about 230,500 women in the united states have been diagnosed with invasive breast cancer this year. In today’s society, the pink ribbon has become one of the most widely recognized symbols of breast cancer research. It can symbolize strength, hope, responsibility, empathy, and permission to discuss breast cancer,” (harvey, 1) but that’s not all the pink ribbon campaign does. As such in addition to the tenfold increase in awareness surrounding breast cancer within our society, many major corporations have increased their bottom-lines as a result of the breast cancer industry.... In the united states, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer that women are diagnosed with (stephens, osowski, fidale, & spagnoli, 2008).

Nurses can improve the quality of care for women with breast cancer and their families by providing additional support services and post-treatment information during the initial education and follow-up call”(stephens, osowski, fidale, & spagnoli, 2008).... The author believes that people making decisions to have breast reconstruction need to be well informed before they make the choice. The risks of breast implants include pain, breakage, leakage, and links to many other diseases. Telephone follow-up after treatment for breast cancer: views and experiences of patients and specialist breast care nurses identifying the phenomenon this essay focuses on the views of patients and specialist breast care nurses (bcn) on telephone follow-up after treatment for breast cancer. The problem in this article is whether or not the telephone follow-up is an effective alternate form of follow-up treatment for breast cancer patients compared to routine hospital appointment follow-ups. Our free enter the title keyword:Featured review: cancer stem cell though cancer is now viewed as a stem cell disease, there is still no consensus on the metabolic characteristics of these cells. Summarizes the latest findings and discoveries on cancer stem cell h society of breast radiology annual scientific meeting hed on: 1 november on of t2-guided optical tomography improves noncontrast breast magnetic resonance imaging o feng, junqing xu, shudong jiang, hong yin, yan zhao, jiang gui, ke wang, xiuhua lv, fang ren, brian w. Haffty and zhiyuan hed on: 18 october expression modules in primary breast cancers as risk factors for organotropic patterns of first metastatic spread: a case control ine lawler, efterpi papouli, cristina naceur-lombardelli, anca mera, kayleigh ougham, andrew tutt, siker kimbung, ingrid hedenfalk, jun zhan, hongquan zhang, richard buus, mitch dowsett, tony ng, sarah e. On: 13 october accessed articles ng the right cell line for breast cancer h l holliday and valerie hed on: 12 august atic breast cancer cells inhibit osteoblast differentiation through the runx2/cbfβ-dependent expression of the wnt antagonist, mendoza-villanueva, leo zeef and paul hed on: 27 october al research gaps and translational priorities for the successful prevention and treatment of breast e a eccles, eric o aboagye, simak ali, annie s anderson, jo armes, fedor berditchevski, jeremy p blaydes, keith brennan, nicola j brown, helen e bryant, nigel j bundred, joy m burchell, anna m campbell, jason s carroll, robert b clarke, charlotte e coles…. Novel function for p21cip1 and acetyltransferase p/caf as critical transcriptional regulators of tgfβ-mediated breast cancer cell migration and dai, amal a al-odaini, ani arakelian, shafaat a rabbani, suhad ali and jean-jacques hed on: 20 september m to this article has been published in breast cancer ed thematic series - lobular breast special series takes a translational view of lobular breast cancer, from bedside to bench and back. The second most common breast cancer subtype, lobular breast cancer displays many unique molecular and clinical properties. Leaders in the field explore the molecular biology, pathology, risk factors, imaging, treatment and prognosis of this breast the thematic series cancer research is an international, peer-reviewed online journal, publishing original research, reviews, editorials and reports. Open access research articles of exceptional interest are published in all areas of biology and medicine relevant to breast cancer, including normal mammary gland biology, with special emphasis on the genetic, biochemical, and cellular basis of breast cancer. In addition to basic research, the journal publishes preclinical, translational and clinical studies with a biological basis, including phase i and phase ii chodosh, university of pennsylvania, cancer research image competition year's scientific breast cancer image competition - in partnership with the uk’s largest breast cancer charity, breast cancer now - has closed; many thanks to the participants who submitted their amazing work! Read more cancer awareness month hed on: 10 october stic petals: unfurling the factors that help cancer to hed on: 22 september w kaleidoscope: the breast cancer research image competition hed on: 04 september us at the annual san antonio breast cancer symposium! Cancer use cookies to improve your experience with our information about our cookie ch paper on breast cancer, as the name says it, develops from breast cells and it is the most invasive type of cancer in females. Therefore, women can suffer from lobular carcinoma (cancer start from lobules, the glands that make milk) or from ductal carcinoma (cancer starts from ducts, the ones that carry milk to the nipple). What is more, in usa alone, there are 232,340 female breast cancers and 2,240 male breast cancers reported every most common symptoms of breast cancer are the following: lumps, pain, redness of breast skin, rashes around nipples, swelling, areas of thickened tissue, nipple discharges, sunken or inverted nipples, changes of forms and size in breasts and peeled, scaled or flaked breast skin. However, if patients get to be treated in good-time, severe complications can be causes of breast cancer have mostly been observed and learned though time, rather than infallibly settled. Therefore, they have come up with a list of factors that predispose women to breast cancer. These include getting older (due to menopause), genetics (family history of any type of cancer), prior cancer affections, non-cancerous lumps, dense breast tissue, high levels of estrogen exposure, obesity, height (for no scientific reasons, taller women are more exposed to breast cancer), alcohol consumption, radiation exposure, hormone replacement therapy (hrt), and certain jobs that suppose getting in contact with possible carcinogens and endocrine any type of cancer, breast carcinoma can be invasive or non-invasive.

In the case of invasive breast cancer, the abnormal cells are carried out of lobules and ducts, and spread all over the body organs through the bloodstream. Non-invasive cancer is less harmful, as the ill cells remain inside the lobules or ing breast cancer supposes several tests. These include breast exams (for extern observable signs), x-rays (mammograms), breast ultrasounds (to differentiate between solid masses of tissues and fluid-filled cysts), biopsies (an invasive procedure that establishes if cells are cancerous) and mri (magnetic resonance imaging) scans. All these tests are used to determine the type of cancer, the stage of illness and its treatment for breast cancer depends on its severity and it can consist in radiotherapy, surgery, targeted drug therapy, hormone therapy and eventually, order to prevent the apparition of breast cancer, women must reduce at minimum the alcohol consumption, give up on smoking, exercise daily, control their body weight and choose to eat only healthy foods. Postmenopausal hormone therapy must be closely monitored and women over 50 must go to periodically al breast al breast your login details below. Impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. This free service is available to anyone who has published and whose publication is in al colorectal al genitourinary al lymphoma, myeloma & al breast cancer is a peer-reviewed bimonthly journal that publishes original articles describing various aspects of clinical and translational research of breast cancer. Clinical breast cancer is devoted to articles on detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of breast cancer. Breast cancer is a peer-reviewed bimonthly journal that publishes original articles describing various aspects of clinical and translational research of breast cancer. The main emphasis is on recent scientific developments in all areas related to breast cancer. Specific areas of interest include clinical research and mechanistic approaches; drug sensitivity and resistance; gene and antisense therapy; pathology, markers, and prognostic indicators; chemoprevention strategies; multimodality therapy; and integration of various approaches. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support centerhide full aims & ve valence life events promote breast cancer tive factors for nonsentinel lymph node metastasis in patients with positive sentinel lymph nodes after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: nomogram for predicting nonsentinel lymph node al staging of the axilla: is it on its way out? A retrospective study and review of the ive training for improving executive function in chemotherapy-treated breast cancer survivors. Hadi cancer stem cells: a novel therapeutic na ii trial of nab-paclitaxel compared with docetaxel as first-line chemotherapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer: final analysis of overall survival. Noninvasive blood-based combinatorial proteomic biomarker assay to detect breast cancer in women under the age of 50 asma+ fibroblasts and low cytoplasmic hmgb1+ breast cancer cells predict poor requency ablation of breast cancer: a retrospective ly published articles from clinical breast ve valence life events promote breast cancer tive factors for nonsentinel lymph node metastasis in patients with positive sentinel lymph nodes after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: nomogram for predicting nonsentinel lymph node al staging of the axilla: is it on its way out? A retrospective study and review of the most cited articles published since 2012, extracted from ive training for improving executive function in chemotherapy-treated breast cancer survivors. Hadi cancer stem cells: a novel therapeutic na ii trial of nab-paclitaxel compared with docetaxel as first-line chemotherapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer: final analysis of overall open access latest open access articles published in clinical breast cancer. Noninvasive blood-based combinatorial proteomic biomarker assay to detect breast cancer in women under the age of 50 asma+ fibroblasts and low cytoplasmic hmgb1+ breast cancer cells predict poor requency ablation of breast cancer: a retrospective metrics – top social media is a recent list of 2017 articles that have had the most social media attention. Noninvasive blood-based combinatorial proteomic biomarker assay to detect breast cancer in women under the age of 50 years. A noninvasive blood-based combinatorial proteomic biomarker assay to detect breast cancer in women under the age of 50 tion of local oncologic safety in nipple-areola complex-sparing mastectomy after primary chemotherapy: a propensity score-matched study. Evaluation of local oncologic safety in nipple-areola complex-sparing mastectomy after primary chemotherapy: a propensity score-matched the timing of chemotherapy affect post-mastectomy breast reconstruction complications?

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