Business environment assignment
On business ss» sample on business ss environment means all of the internal and external factors that affect company's functions including employees, customers, and management, supply & demand and business regulations. The study on business environment helps the organizations to find out all those forces that can enhance sustainability aspects (yu and ramanathan, 2012). The present study has been made on iceland foods ltd which is a private british supermarket chain operating business in uk. The entity conducts its business in competitive market place and it sells frozen foods including meals and , as per the research study, specific information about the market structure of iceland ltd has been discussed and along with the same, researcher has also stated several aspects that determine output decisions of the business entity. Furthermore, discussion has also been made on impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms that affect the business practices. Lastly, the benefit of international trade to uk business organizations and to iceland is also tand the organizational purposes of businesses. 1 identify the various types and purposes of different business ent types of organizations exist and operate within an economy. The varied range of business units that operates within country are detailed proprietorship: the business unit that operates at small scale and is registered as sole proprietor is referred to as sole proprietorship. It is owned and controlled by single owner who takes entire responsibility of managing business rship: the partnership is a business unit that is owned and controlled by two or more partners. The partners mutually manage business activities and shares all profits and ally listed company: this form of businesses is listed as a publically listed company. It is listed as a company whose real owners are d supermarket: iceland supermarket is a private retail entity and the business provides all type of food services to the consumers. Iceland began business in 1969 and afterwards the establishment of business, numerous stores has been opened by the business entity. The business sells all food services and this helps the entity to operate business with spanish based retailer overseas (yannelis, 2004). 2 describe the various stakeholders and how an organization could meet their d supermarket has been managing all the business practices in effective manner with the support of all its stakeholders. Further, the business also makes sure that customers are not cheated from any ground and fair services are provided to them. Are the major resources of iceland supermarket that helps the business entity to deliver prominent services to the clients. The organization needs to emphasize on equality and diversity so that employees can consider themselves important part of the business entity (shaikh, 2010). In this regard, it prepares various business strategies and plans that help managers in increasing ees- these are those who work at the ground level for benefit of the company. Since, numerous people are involved with iceland supermarket; hence it is required for the business entity to comprehend the expectations of stakeholders.

All the shareholders should be provided with considerable benefits such as proper dividends and the business should allow all the stakeholders to access the books of accounts and other financial statements of the company (parkin, 2002). Since, iceland supermarket is engaged in delivering food products to the customers; hence the business needs to ensure that quality food is being delivered (gabriel, 2004). Iceland supermarket makes sure that ethical aspects are maintained in the business entity along with proper distribution of resources and dividends among shareholders. Suppliers are providing adequate raw materials to the business entity and they also assist the business entity to meet demand aspects in all areas. To survive at competitive market place, business entities are required to consider legal rules and norms as consideration towards such aspect can reduce the probabilities of legal rules and policies (economic system, 2013). This in turn leads to promoting privatization and supporting economy’s the other hand, there is mixed economic system where in the business entity experiences interference from private as well as from government bodies. They are entitled to change the strategic aspects of the business; thus these things can be included in business decisions. The political and social considerations influence the business conditions to trade freely with different economies. Iceland supermarket has been operating business in mixed economic structure where in government regulations are required to be considered for managing the flow of resources (nimwegen and et al. 2 assess the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on business organization and their ry and fiscal policies are different from each other. Thus, it can be said that fiscal policy of the country is concerned with the budgetary aspects and which determines the financial capability of the business organizations. It is an apparent fact that budgetary aspects of the company always allow them to allocate resources in different activities and as a result, it can enhance the survival aspects of the business. 3 evaluate the impact of competition policy and regulatory mechanisms on the activities of iceland ition policies and regulations are required to be considered by the organizations that operate business in uk market place. Iceland supermarket has been considering this act and this assists in managing all the business entities in adequate and legal manner (joardar, kostova and wu, 2014). Further, competition commission is also followed up by iceland supermarket which is a public body and which assists in managing investment for mergers and other strategic ering such act assist the business entity to facilitate healthy competition among all the same companies. On the other hand, norms defined by the european commission are also followed since it upholds treaties to manage day to day business activities. Iceland supermarket seems to follow civil aviation authority where in the business entity needs to consider all aspects of civil aviation so that aspects related to transportation processes can be properly managed (gani, 2011). Firm needs to comply with these rules very strictly and if it will not do so then strict action can be taken against it for non compliance with rules and tand the behavior of organizations in their market environment. Iceland supermarket has been operating business in such market place where in large number of sellers exist and sell their products.

Iceland supermarket is allowed to trade freely with other countries due to this market structure and the business can change the pricing factor as per the amount of quantities demanded at market place. Hence, firm is following a cautious approach to respond to a ly market: in monopoly market structure, there is only one seller who has absolute potency to manage the business solely. The degree of prices can fluctuate anytime; and this can also change the business operations. Market: in oligopoly market structure large number of suppliers is there which further impacts the decision of business. In such market place, the business authorities do not possess the right to make changes in prices. 2 the ways in which market forces shape organizational order to manage demand and supply aspects, it is essential for the business entity to consider all the aspects prevailing at market place. The major aspects that shapes organizational responses are supply and demand aspect as when people demand for more, the business must possess the capability to supply the same quantity so that to satiate them as per the needs. Furthermore, the elasticity of substitute products also determines business activities of iceland supermarket and retail industry of uk is highly integrated with huge number of competitors. This changes the probabilities of customer switching to other brands; thus iceland supermarket has to emphasize chiefly on business products and services. 3 judge how business and cultural environment shape the behavior of iceland d supermarket has been operating the business in competitive market place; however different cultural aspects have been considered by the business entity so that customers need can be fulfilled. Political factors have been changing the business scenario of uk and this shapes the internal business activities. At the same time, rules and regulations ought to be considered by the business entity (fernando, 2011). Business entity has to give importance to cultural aspects and for that each and every employee should be provided equal importance. Having focused on social and cultural aspects assists iceland supermarket to manage social support in all the ic prosperity of the business has been enhancing because the flow of resources in the economy is appropriate and this manages supply and demand aspects (craig and campbell, 2012). This highly shapes the business processes of iceland d supermarket has to use technological resources on higher extent so that creativity and innovation can be encouraged. Supermarket has been showing great concern towards the environment and for such purpose; the business has been trying to reduce the amount of resource wastage. 1 discuss the significance of international trade to uk business any company enters in international market place for the purpose of trading with the international business entities; then the process is termed as international trade. The companies operating business in uk embarks in international trade because it enhances the scope of acquiring greater profits and as a result, competitive edge can be created (international trade: features, advantages and disadvantages of international trade, 2015). International trade seems to be beneficial for iceland supermarket as that can augment the value of business services and more customers can be attracted towards the same.

International trade can create a few issues to the business entities; but it would definitely increase the market share and growth potential. Moreover, iceland can make huge use of technological aspects by entering into global market impact of international trade varies as per positive and negative aspects; but chiefly it augments market share of the business entity (erixon, 2011). If iceland supermarket enters into international market, then the business would get the opportunity to bring various products in different varieties to all the other customer segments. It is an apparent fact that having international business can assist iceland supermarket to generate more opportunities for employment; thus it will help the country to bring down their unemployment rates. 2 analyze the impact of global factors on iceland any business entity enters in international market place, it faces issues related to political, economic and social aspects; thus iceland supermarket may also face such constraints at the time of entering into new market place. Global forces like policies and strategies of companies can impact the existing work processes and it can also hamper the interest of stakeholders in the business. Hence, it is clear that iceland supermarket can get numerous benefits from international trade but at the same time it can impact the consistent operations of business such impact of global factors is that iceland supermarket will have to consider technological aspects highly so as to facilitate innovation and creativity in the business processes. New and attractive techniques needs should be utilized so that productivity of the business can be enhanced. 3 evaluate the impact of policies of the european union on iceland ntly, european union is a combination of several policies that delivers wide range of advantages to the customers; however on the other hand, this could this could also lead to consider numerous policies for business management. The policy is also beneficial for iceland supermarket as the business can enter into competitive market place without facing many restrictions because european union allows easy entry and exist process in retail industry (yu and ramanathan, 2012). European union is considered as the largest market in the entire world and this reflects that all the concerned of eu can freely conduct business and trade practices throughout other member states. Hence, this can augment the business scope of iceland supermarket due to significant assistance by iks membership in the uk. Thus, on the basis of this discussion, it can be stated that iceland supermarket have to oblige different policies and norms for adequate business operations (erixon, 2011). Up the entire research study, it can be said that since iceland supermarket has expanded its stores across britain and ireland; thus according to the business scenario, there are various factors prevailing in the environment that impacts the business decisions of iceland. The business has been acquiring huge assistance from cultural forces and these aids to retain the customers for longer time span. From the research study, it is evaluated that iceland supermarket should expand the business operations in international markets as well so that it can create competitive edge over the rivalries. Be able to assess the significance of the global factors that shape national business , t. Help centerless log insign siness environment assignment for hnd business management 50 pagesbusiness environment assignment for hnd business management uploaded bygihan sandaruwan connect to downloadget docxbusiness environment assignment for hnd business management downloadbusiness environment assignment for hnd business management uploaded bygihan sandaruwanloading previewsorry, preview is currently unavailable. Help new research papers in:physicschemistrybiologyhealth sciencesecologyearth sciencescognitive sciencemathematicscomputer rivacycopyrightacademia ©ss environment assignment ment writing help on business ment subjects business environment assignment ss environment assignment help from ss environment is the sum of all the environmental factors that affect a business.

For instance, safety regulation is an external factor that affects the internal environment of business. If you are studying business environments, you will probably need to prepare an array of business environment assignments in your academic career that demands in-depth research and good assignment writing skills. In this interesting subject, you learn how the external and internal factors influence any main sections of business study of all the environmental factors is necessary for the study of the business environment. Business environment can be divided into two main sections:Internal environment: internal environment involves all the factors that are present in the business and affects its performance. Some internal environment factors are listed below:Objectives of ment information ipation in ition of board of sational es of human al environment: external environment includes the elements outside the company that influences any business. Some external environment factors are listed below:Technological ing ble business environment main factors that affect the business converts the inputs into outcomes to make a profit, but several factors affect its performance. Some of the main environmental factors are described below:Business constraints: it presents the restrictions or constraints that need to be considered in a business. The constraints involve operating constraints, resources, demands in the market, competition, and legal conomic factors: external environments that influence business both from interest rates to economic growth are considered as macroeconomic ization: it is an another environmental factor that is affecting business for the last few decades. It influences the economy, business life, society and environment in several ational competitors: managers analyze how business is influenced by international factors and strategy: it includes social, legal, commercial, political, technological, and global factors that influence business and business ational trade: it is the exchange of products and services between different countries. International trade gives rise to the world economy in which supplies and demands are affected by global ational business: multinational business or company is one that operates in more than one country. Such organizations have offices in various countries and generally have a centralized head office where they can co-ordinate global ment and eu influences: it is the study of factors how the government and the eu influence businesses beyond the must explore all the above-mentioned points while preparing business environment we wrote related to business environment ss environment has a wide sector. If you explore its main areas, you will find enough details on any topic related to business environment. Some of the business environment assignment topics we have written for the students are listed below:Economic development study gic management assignment practice in hr operations for multinationals zational change and significance for best business environment assignment itive able income of bution of ment consumption mode phical and safety tive technological ’s attitude towards the of technological of technological ity of laws and climate and cultural domestic foreign exchange gender and connected monetary or fiscal social the most trusted business environment assignment help from you studying business environments? We at instant assignment help are continually serving young graduates to prepare an outstanding business environment assignment, which let them score a+ grade in their have an in-house team of 100+ professional and experienced writers who hold their masters or ph. 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Please ational business » assignment help » international business ational business environment international business environment assignment is a key element to explore and investigate untouched areas of business protocols which could be imposed for further enhancement of the study of international business. An international business environment assignment is a task which is mostly undertaken to conduct a research or investigate new facts and information by an also involves the tenacity of writing all the facts and information in a theoretical and synchronized pattern. An international business environment assignment is mostly constructed with events in connection with international business practices. A magnificent option is to get international business environment assignment help from the experts to know more about ational business international business environment is the study of international business which is rated in the international market and its consumer behavior along with competitiveness. It also talks about the global production or company strategy which is made for the global venture or operations of the business. However, the international business environment assignment help from the experts can guide you more about its in-depth ement of experts help and its expert help for writing an assignment can be superficial, but availing international business online tutor help could also furnish you with the precise information in context of international business environment such as-. 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Some of the basic steps which are required to be followed while writing an assignment are-. Assignment should talk about the business relationship goals which are internationally should be able to evaluate the opportunities and challenges in the international writing an assignment, it is the first step to select a topic or title, which should be in relation to the international business environment as it holds the strength to showcase a specific area of content of an international business environment assignment must start with an introduction which could display the glimpse of the subject and create an area of interest for the content must be structured with an authentic content backed by shreds of is also important to explore the subject by deliberating the resources which could eventually explore unengaged areas of the content of an international business environment assignment must be concluded with a vital information which could contribute its presence for the advancement of the application of the or sub-topics of an international business environment of the topics which are mostly selected for writing an international business environment assignment are-. 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