Call for proposals
Learning & nual conferencecall for you for your interest in submitting a proposal for the nafsa annual conference to be held in philadelphia, pennsylvania! Please use the resources below to help you prepare the best proposal for proposals by knowledge n & workshop fair & selection dates for n & workshop proposalsdeadline has proposalsdeadline: december 11, more about the nafsa 2018 call for international engagement strategic learning ment development ents and provosts r on peace and global civil ium on king with sional resources.
All are encouraged to submit proposals that are noncommercial in submissions should be designed to incorporate interactivity with the audience. As well as partnering with vendors on developing information solutions that help institutions g and partnering strategically across the leadership requires operational excellence while preparing the academy for digital disruption.
Other significant areas include interpreting, preserving, and providing access to locally produced digital scholarship and institutional information. Workshops are highly interactive and give participants the chance to discuss in depth approaches to challenges they are facing on campus - to share solutions and learn for proposals for proposals is now closed.
Attention will be given to diversity of institutions, presenters, and geographic l thanks go to the educause 2017 program you have any questions about the call, please contact your speaker liaison, sarah advice on crafting your proposal, please contact the educause presenter general information about this conference, including registration, please contact the educause membership team:Fundsforngosgrants and resources for funds for acy and good nmental security and hood and and conflict , sanitation and are here: home / archives for latest funds for ngos, call for proposals and call for applicationslatest funds for ngos, call for proposals and call for applicationsa list of latest grant funding opportunities for ngos and individuals including call for proposals, call for applications, request for proposals and expression of romeo foundation: supporting grassroots emerging lgbti ne: 1 january romeo foundation is seeking applications for its grant program to provide funding up to € 5,000 to grassroots emerging lgbti projects and initiatives, with a focus on achieving societal change in order to improve the position of lgbti people throughout the world, with an emphasis on the most disadvantaged regions and foundation gives high priority to small-scale projects which are initiated and implemented by the lgbti community itself and/or by … [read more... Awdf call for proposals: leading from the south round ne: 15 january african women’s development fund (awdf) is currently inviting proposals for the second round of grants from all eligible women-led and women’s rights groups and organisations in africa and the middle the leading from the south initiative, awdf aims to scale up its grantmaking and advocacy initiatives to promote women’s rights, amplify their voices, increase economic opportunities and improve access to spaces of is one of four … [read more...
Eu call for proposals: increasing knowledge, awareness, transparency and traceability for responsible value chains in the cotton and garment ne: 8 february european union (eu) is seeking proposals for its program "increasing knowledge, awareness, transparency and traceability for responsible value chains in the cotton and garment sectors" as a part of the action entitled promoting responsible value chains in the garment sector with a focus on decent work and transparency/traceability funded under the thematic programme global public goods and challenges of the development cooperation instrument for the area of human … [read more... Call for proposals: inviting ngos & community groups for new zealand embassy fund in mexico ne: 15 december new zealand embassy is currently inviting ngos and community groups for its new zealand embassy fund (nzef) in mexico program that allows flexible support for projects that clearly and directly contribute to the elimination of poverty, and that have a high impact on the socioeconomic development of the projects must be in line with the mission of the new zealand embassy fund that seeks “sustainable development in developing countries, in order to … [read more...
Bennelong foundation grant: supporting organisations and community projects across ne: 2 february bennelong foundation is seeking applications for its grant program with an aim to enhance community wellbeing and provide opportunities for positive and lasting change in inal and torres strait islander es, newly arrived migrants and culturally and linguistically diverse ities/groups experiencing socio-economic ion, training, and … [read more... Grants are intended for local representatives of civil society including non-governmental organizations, cultural institutions, universities, schools, and e tolerance, by funding proposals that combat hate and build community cohesion; engage at-risk youth; promote digital literacy; and engage communities … [read more...
Call for proposals for region 8 due date: december 1, a proposal to present at the nacada region 8 2018 conference. Read the following submission criteria:Criteria for selection of paper/presentation: proposals will be evaluated based on relevance to current issues in advising, appeal to conference participants, creativity, ingenuity, and applicability for participants after the conference.
We are seeking a wide range of presentation topics relating to academic advising from a variety of advising professionals in our ility for submission: those who are involved in advising- administration, faculty, full-time advisors and administrative staff are invited to submit proposals. Although the program committee will make every effort to honor your requested format option, the committee may recommend an alternate format in order to accept as many proposals as possible.
Nations drug, crime and terrorism nations system website pact and west/central , islamic republic al programme for afghanistan and neighbouring and middle east and north and central america and the and southern l america and the ast asia and the al office - al office for south n office - n office - new everywhere facebooktwitterflickryoutubetopicsalternative developmentcorruptioncrime prevention and criminal justicecybercrimedrug prevention, treatment and caredrug traffickingfirearmsfraudulent medicineshiv and aidsabout usour hiv worknews and eventsstrategic advisory grouppublicationscall for proposalshuman trafficking and migrant smugglingmoney-launderingorganized crimemaritime crime and piracyterrorism preventionwildlife and forest crimeresourcescampaignscommissionscrime congressresearchdata & indicatorselearningevaluationlaboratory and forensic science serviceslegal toolstreatiesinternational cooperationinformation for ... Criteria for the awarding of call for proposals seeks to provide funding support to civil society organisations (csos) including community based organisations (cbos) working in the area of hiv prevention, treatment, care and support among people who inject drugs and people in prisons whose projects are aimed at building capacity of national partners.
Community-based organisations are particularly encouraged to apply as the call is aimed at helping to ensure that people who use drugs and people in prison will receive higher quality hiv services that are better tailored to their grant funding under this call for proposals shall be provided under the following categories:Category 1: building capacity of the civil society organizations, in particular community-based organisations, in implementation of hiv services and ry 2: building capacity of the civil society organizations, in particular community-based organisations, in results-based program management and ry 3: building capacity of the civil society organizations, in particular community-based organisations, in developing sustainable partnerships with government stakeholders and local may be awarded either for self-contained activities or for activities which are a component of a larger other funds are required for implementing the project please provide evidence of the secured funding up rmore, funds will not normally be given to support travel, meetings, conferences or similar note that all the activities to be supported by this grants programme must be new interventions that would not take place without the funding provided through the grants detailed information about the eligibility and selection criteria can be found from the for proposals bona fide institutions will be considered (not commercial operations). Every grant over usd 10,000 will be dispersed in more than one instalment based on the cash flow requirement of the ion of projects to be final selection will be made by hiv/aids section on the basis of the criteria outlined in for proposals, and after having been endorsed by the relevant unodc field office and the unodc committee on grants and external engagement at headquarters in ants should fill in application template and application budget template, and submit them together with the copy of a registration certificate to hiv/aids section, to the email duly filled applications submitted within the deadline will be considered for funding.