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Page introductionintroduction to the jesus christ and the everlasting gospel teacher manual lesson 1lesson 1: jesus is the living christ lesson 2lesson 2: jesus christ is central to all human history lesson 3lesson 3: jehovah and his premortal ministry lesson 4lesson 4: jehovah created the earth lesson 5lesson 5: jesus christ was jehovah of the old testament lesson 6lesson 6: types, shadows, and symbols of jesus the christ lesson 7lesson 7: jesus christ—god’s only begotten son in the flesh lesson 8lesson 8: jesus christ fulfilled all righteousness lesson 9lesson 9: the savior’s profound influence lesson 10lesson 10: come, follow me lesson 11lesson 11: jesus christ went about doing good lesson 12lesson 12: miracles on the roads of palestine lesson 13lesson 13: jesus christ called twelve apostles lesson 14lesson 14: jesus christ is the messiah lesson 15lesson 15: jesus christ instituted the sacrament lesson 16lesson 16: the savior atoned for the sins of all mankind lesson 17lesson 17: the savior suffered and died on calvary’s cross lesson 18lesson 18: the savior ministered in the spirit world lesson 19lesson 19: he is risen lesson 20lesson 20: the savior ministered to his “other sheep” lesson 21lesson 21: jesus christ organized his church lesson 22lesson 22: the father and the son appeared to joseph smith lesson 23lesson 23: the savior restored his priesthood, church, and gospel lesson 24lesson 24: he lives!
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Lesson 25lesson 25: jesus christ will one day return lesson 26lesson 26: jesus christ will rule as king of kings and judge the world lesson 27lesson 27: jesus christ is the light, life, and hope of the world lesson 28lesson 28: a personal witness of jesus christ you have feedback?