Computer science thesis projects
Trobe university > department of computer science and information technology > research > apply for research > thesis s/masters by coursework thesis coordinatordr. Eric pardede beth gleeson 221 melbourne (bundoora) campus t: 03 9479 3459 e: e@w are the research areas of staff at both the melbourne and bendigo campuses for the department of computer science and information technology. In some cases, a student may choose a topic outside the list of topics below provided a staff member is willing to act as supervisor and the head of department judges it to be an appropriate thesis or project topic. Students are advised to complete all the discussions well before the start of the proposed enrolment, so that they are not research thesis (45cp, duration – two semesters)cse5tsa and cse5tsb – semester 1 and semester 2please refer to online subject outline for cse5tsa and cse5tsb for more details and to applyall students enrolling in:a thesis must download and complete a thesis administration form [doc 95kb]a project must download and complete a major computer engineering project administration form [doc 94kb]. The protocols used in a wsn, therefore, are designed with objectives which differ from the objectives of the protocols in other computer are usually randomly deployed (scattered/aerially dropped) and are self-configuring. Richard lairesearch areas of interest:component based software engineeringsoftware process and managementsoftware measurement, metrics and testingrequirement engineering and uml specificationthe projects that i offer are suitable to students who have a keen interest in software engineering and software project management.

Those who get a good grade in software engineering project, or snm or srt are encouraged to discuss the potential projects with 1: software sizing: uml approach software size is important in the management of software development because it is a generally reliable predictor of project effort, duration, and cost. This approach is very time-consuming and thesis proposes and investigates a new approach, in whichwe build a model of the data contained in the survey. The aim of the thesis is to study the sbvr standard in depth, to survey the works that have been published since the release of the standard, and to critically evaluate the applicability of sbvr to practical information system 3: converting business rule models to uml (object-oriented) models: an application of meta modellingbusiness rules are the most important factor that determines the structure and behavior of an information system. The aim of the thesis is to automate the conversion of an sbvr business rule models into an object-oriented uml business model. Typically, the process for building such a system starts with building an sbvr model, and then translates that model into a uml model, which is more suitable for practical approach proposed for this thesis consists of the following steps: (1) build a formal model for sbvr; (2) build a formal model for uml; (3) formulate transformation rules to transform a sbvr model into a uml model; (4) implement a system to automatically translate an sbvr model into a uml 4: design and implementation of web services for information systemsthe aim of web services is to make data resources available over the internet to applications (programs) written in any language. Restful web services have now been recognized as generally the most useful methods to provide data-services for web and mobile application aim of the thesis is to study the concept of restful web services in depth and to construct a catalogue of patterns for designing data-intensive web services.
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In this thesis, the student will use case based reasoning (cbr) to design and develop a recommender system for subject selection in higher education context. In this thesis, the student will review educational technology methods and tools that have been used in higher education sector. The outcome of this thesis is to propose mapping rules of rdb to nosql database addition, once the mapping rules are established, the research can also be extended by proposing the query rewriting of sql in rdb into nosql mahardhika pratamageneral areas of interest:neural and fuzzy systemsintelligent control systemsmachine learningdata stream miningreal-world applications of computational 1: advanced evolving intelligent system data stream mining is today one of the most challenging research topic, because we enter the data-rich era. Projects-zero adoption impact applicationstopic 8: design rules for zaia applications ok, how much time do you waste learning to use a new software package? And, how many computer systems that you know of invisible, or nearly invisible in the sense that they assist you but, don't intrude on your non-computer work patterns? Our goal is the production of systems which can be installed in a work environment, either computerised or not, and have almost zero learning effort, but, which will make life do we design things like this?

Thesis topic is to survey this field, define the problem, and produce a simple tool, if 13: test harnesess - deriving white box coverage analysers from machine-readable designs. That is, it needs to be possible to easily (and preferably automatically), to generate the "hooks" in the code that will make this tester wants to be able to specify a test script in terms of the names used in the design, and have the harness execute the code, doing the required thesis topic is to survey this field, define the problem, and produce a simple tool, if ication systemstopic 14: unambiguous, informal specification techniquesdiscussions of specification capture raise the issue of a suitable language for system specification of software systems. It would not be expected that a complete solution would necessarily be t management and process recordingtopic 17: recording process enactments in student team projects (with dr torab torabi) student software engineering projects such as prj involve different projects each being undertaken by more than one team. The history of process recording is 18: the role of ontology construction in software development projectsit has been said that software projects are often a process of knowledge gathering. In addition, the process of construction of taxonomies is quite well known, but the extent to which it plays a role in software projects in terms of domain knowledge is probably known covertly, but is not remarked upon. Students should also have some background in both the python and matlab computer programming 2: text processing incorporating semanticswhereas information retrieval is typically conducted on text at the document level, in recent years researchers have become increasingly interested in also dealing with shorter segments of text; e.
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It is often used in business intelligence and financial analysis systems, but is increasingly being used in the sciences to extract information from the enormous data sets generated by modern experimental and observational methods. It has been described as "the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data" and "the science of extracting useful information from large data sets or databases. This research requires knowledge of xml and standards in weather and good knowledge of prakash veeraraghavanresearch areas of interest:computer and network securitydigital watermarkingbiometric based authentication schemesmobile and ad hoc networksnext generation protocolstopic 1: power aware routing in mobile networksthe energy-efficiency problem in wireless network design has received significant attention in the past few years. This research is focused on various data aggregation and scheduling 5: computer forensic and investigationcryptography helps people to achieve confidentiality, integrity and authenticity while communicating with unknown (or known) people over the unknown network. However, once an attacker hacked into a network or computer, it is necessary to make a thorough study on what information the attackers are looking for and how to collect evidences for prosecution. The process is more os dependant; the process also depends on the software introductory project on computer forensic and crime investigation, aims at making a good revision on various techniques available in the literature, establish their strengths and weaknesses and propose a suitable improvements.

Students to take this project need strong programming skills, knowledge on data mining and computational o campussupervision of melbourne campus students by academics from the bendigo sectionproposed delivery mode:formal weekly email between students and communication by video link - appropriate facilities will be provided at both sections of the communication will occur by phone, email and video link as academic from melbourne campus will be allocated to act as a ts who have a supervisor from bendigo campus will need to attend a short fortnightly meeting with their melbourne co-supervisor to discuss their to "sign up"please see our staff page for a list of academic staff located at the bendigo contact the bendigo staff member(s) whose thesis topics are of interest to you. When you have decided on an appropriate topic and wish to fill out the required form for supervision from a bendigo academic, please use the thesis administration form available from the general office. Academics at the bendigo section of the department welcome enquiries from students at the minor thesis, major thesis and phd ka ching chanresearch areas of interest:wearable platform for cyber enhanced scent detection dogswearable scent device for canine traininginnovative ict applicationsstatistical least cost routing, voip peering, embedded voip systemsremote hands-on labs for networking and security subjectsrouting and communication protocols, and ip addressing protocolscarrier grade voice/data infrastructurestopic 1: statistical least cost routing systems with real time performance feedbackleast cost routing is a common practice in the telco wholesale industry. The second is to propose multiple designs of a flexible training platform based on the findings and technologies available er sciences advisory raduate degree ctive students: major minor undergraduate ctive students: le & ta & formal structures & se management igent systems & ing systems & mming & mobile app ng to the ering for y research possibilities for cs t job atics & statistics ational sciences t class cs masters following is a list of some of the recently completed cs masters of h. In past and ctive campus map application for hree languages – educational transmission strategy optimization in energy constrained mobile computing on monitoring application using ibeacon – simulating tool for hellenistic s of debris flows on the west database and search and android mobile applications for coral identification g voronoi, convex hull and minimum bounding rectangle for given set of tool for bay area seismic data utility for rendering of maps using natural gies for drawing dynamic lines on fication of immunoprofiles with combined correlated features ic vehicles charging based view of asian nch: an interactive, web-based tool for building decision tree al and pre-colonial edia map based view of ancient chinese approaches to inverse problems: solution clustering, solution branches and feedback based application tool: israel-palestine al impacts on the united states from portal for clinical lsadat ing persuasive eco-feedback system to promote energy conservation ion of glycan markers for cancer detection using causal feature selection browser compatibility s game design and evolution of matsisle gaming based based application on american on based computerized multimedia presentation on american -based tool on the history of web ballot application. Mobile tool about causes and distribution of dramatic natural ndhar ons in the middle an war of independence and its fibrosis patient monitoring based learning tool for world’s largest earthquakes and its g inverse problems by decomposition, classification and simple modeling: extension to ill-conditioned decision tool to predict earthquake destruction in sumatra using first motion portal for san diego igating the use of microsoft kinect 3d imaging for robotic person tools to convert oracle spatial tables to esri shape ro: migration from java desktop application to web navigation & path planning algorithm using a proposed new greedy tool on fuel resources of the american rent programming patterns for scalable network platform multimedia view of local el computation of functions on set leaf recognition and matching with data analytics – hadoop performance to stl translation software for color/texture mapping in support of 3d printing of surfaces used in visual/tactile cross-modal cognitive neuroscience learning tool for ottoman based tool on indian independence rthy scientists and inventors – an interactive learning th d app for school of arts and line help package for map y annual report maintenance website.

Flexible test interface and grading service for an ajax based course management on based computerized multimedia presentation of theodore roosevelt’s life content management system for wildland urban interface fires alternative data structure to line sweep g text with the audio for media ion of cricket and comparison to ng a web content management application development for san diego cricket tion and analysis of finite monoids with an emphasis on syntactic interactive history and geography of mexico using map objects for based teacher credentialing in the united states – client based teacher credentialing in the united states–server ization of the deformation of planet due to tidal forces using xna programming ctive world map: man made sor pages: easy course website rn area international languages network site (sailn). Of json and ajax enabled, database driven, user interfaces for science application ting american sign language to voice using pdf conversion application for the android ation of ant-based technology in selection of glycan markers for cancer and implementing web content management d, a mobile based performance assessment tool for language t management system for art lab, asset database for sdsu school of art design and art e for freeway evolution in san diego tool to demonstrate freeway evolution in san ance of metadata in data warehousing. Dynamic database approach for e-commerce system using ctive graphical interface for printed glycan array data modeling emergent neocortical complexity with complex adaptive real estate agent for real estate agent for ing performance of applications written in native sdk, web phone frameworks and : a flash translation layer exploiting intra-plane copy-back goggles android based rm independent experimentation workbench for unimodal/cross-modal priming c projection of data on maps based on time-lines : client c projection of data on maps based on time-lines: client ajax based technical forum for thermodynamics i multimedia teaching tool about the mormon tating research with learner data in online speaking notification system for computerized assisted screening history maps, a gis based teaching tool for us t checkout system for online testing tool nt reader interface: designing the nt reader interface: database and admin narayan chandrashekar. 2017 computer science department, san diego state raduate programadvisors & ng a cs icate programcourse of study / interdisciplinary tracks for non-engineering epartmental ndent work & thesesimportant steps and ines and useful raduate research ndent work ndent work seminar offerings - fall independent work seminar involvedmailing lists and y of women in computer science (pwics). All>computational biologycomputational markets / game theory / economicscomputer architecturegraphics / vision / human-computer interactionmachine learningprogramming languages / compilerssecurity / privacy / policysystems / networkstheory project name. The main research issues are to develop effective shape representations and query y and graduate students:David dobkin, thomas funkhouser, adam finkelstein, szymon cs / vision / human-computer internet censorship lab (iclab) is a research platform to enable researchers to study a broad class of online information controls (e.

And graduate students:Security / privacy / data: anonymity, privacy, data: anonymity, privacy, y and graduate students:Security / privacy / ormatics & functional new era of large-scale experimental methods in molecular biology has transformed it into an information-based science, making bioinformatics an integral part of genomic research. The is is a joint laboratory with the department of computer science and the lewis-sigler institute for integrative y and graduate students:Computational n and n and y and graduate students:Security / privacy / : content-aware search project investigates how to build an efficient, high-quality content-based similarity search engine for feature-rich (non-text) data, which has dominated the increasing volume of digital information. We introduce decobrush, a data-driven drawing system that generalizes the conventional digital ``painting' concept beyond the scope of natural media to allow synthesis of structured decorative patterns following user-sketched paths. For a variety of example styles, we demonstrate high-quality user-constrained synthesized patterns that visually resemble the exemplars while exhibiting plausible structural y and graduate students:Graphics / vision / human-computer rise and data-center rise and data-center y and graduate students:Epigenome-wide association are currently developing methods for performing epigenome-wide scans for association of methylation status with phenotypes of y and graduate students:Computational e is a game to map the brain from seung lab at mit. We hope imagenet will become a useful resource for researchers, educators, students and all of you who share our passion for y and graduate students:Graphics / vision / human-computer interaction, systems / et et y and graduate students:Faculty and graduate students:Interdisciplinary . Mary czerwinski: emotion tracking for health and calendar and : biotech, data science promise better nj health and business er science celebrates 2018 siebel willett awarded best paper at ment icsundergraduate y & s & raduate & eventscalendars & s & servicesoffice of the a giftlearn how your gift supports innovative teaching and cutting-edge research at mputer sciencethesis theses in computer science.
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It is documentation of an attempt to contribute to the general understanding of some problem of computer science, together with exposition that sets the work in the context of what has come before and what might follow. In computer science, some theses involve building systems, some involve experiments and measurements, some are theoretical, some involve human subjects, and some do more than one of these things. Computer science is unusual among scientific disciplines in that current faculty research has many loose ends appropriate for undergraduate thesis projects generally emerge from collaboration with faculty. Students looking for senior thesis projects should tell professors they know, especially professors whose courses they are taking or have taken, that they are looking for things to work on. Once a project gets going, it often seems to assume a life of its write a thesis, students may enroll in computer science 91r one or both terms during their senior year, under the supervision of their research advisor. Rising seniors may wish to begin thinking about theses over the previous summer, and therefore may want to begin their conversations with faculty during their junior spring—or even try to stay in cambridge to do summer information session for those interested in writing a senior thesis is held towards the end of each spring semester.
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See harvard's policy for information about ownership of software written as part of your academic timeline for fourth year concentrators are contacted by the office of academic programs and those planning to submit a senior thesis are requested to supply certain information. Tentative thesis title approved by the thesis supervisor should be submitted to the office of academic student should provide the name and contact information to the sao for the readers (see below), together with assurance that they have agreed to supervisors are advised to demand a first draft. A common reaction of thesis readers is “this would have been an excellent first draft. Too bad it is the final thesis—it could have been so much better if i had been able to make some suggestions a couple of weeks ago. Seas will keep this electronic copy as a non-circulating backup and will use it to print a physical copy of the thesis to be deposited in the harvard university archives. More information can be found on the seas senior thesis submission three readers will receive a rating sheet to be returned to the office of academic programs before the beginning of the reading period, together with their copy of the thesis and any remarks to be transmitted to the student may pick up the reader’s comments and thesis copies from the office of academic programs, after the degree meeting to decide honors readers evaluate the thesis.

The second and third readers are ordinarily teaching members of the faculty of arts and sciences generally familiar with the research area, but might also be members of other faculties or comparable professionals (not graduate students, ordinarily). At the degree meeting, the committee on undergraduate studies in computer science will review the thesis abstract, the reports from the three readers and the student’s academic record; it will have access to the thesis. The readers (and student) are told to assume that the committee consists of technical professionals who are not necessarily conversant with the subject matter of the thesis so their reports (and abstract) should reflect this length of the thesis should be as long as it needs to be to present its arguments, but no longer! Most recent thesis examples can be found on the harvard dash (digital access to scholarship at harvard) repository al sparsification: the barrier method and its camacho, advisor: jelani advice costs nothing and it's worth the price: incentive compatible recommendation mechanisms for exploring unknown green, advisor: yiling than pagerank: hitting time as a reputation n liu, advisor: david adjoining grammar at the as longenbaugh, advisor: stuart t: machine learning tools for the automated analysis of schubert's nagler, advisor: ryan ng over molecules: representations and sun, advisor: ryan s the quantum machine: using scalable machine learning methods to predict photovoltaic efficacy of organic l tingley, advisor: ryan : visualizing provenance graphs with radial layouts and time-based hierarchical ine d. Boyd, advisors: hanspeter pfister and margo elite control: water management at caracol, sylvanus zaino chase, advisors: bill fash (anthropology) and harry lewis (computer science). Hoon, adviser: david er sciencegetting ng, degrees, & ing with other feedback on this the characters you see , we just need to make sure you're not a robot.