Dissertations and theses
Hers & ation ch & ch development t & general tion management ow solutions rships & eering hers & nes for libraries™ this schools tations & hers & st dissertations & theses st dissertations & theses largest single repository of graduate dissertations and es 4 million works – grows by 130k each ational scope – deposits from universities in 88 ed by 3000 institutions – over 45,000 downloads every ad a short st dissertation & theses global (pqdt global) simplifies searching for dissertations and theses via a single access point to explore an extensive, trusted collection of 4 million graduate works, with 2 million in full text.
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Dissertation and theses database
Direct access to full text and other proquest and ebook subscriptions advance the research examples of quality research featured in pqdt global, see the most-accessed dissertations and t type: dissertations and te your tations and theses complete your library collection by surfacing original research that can often be the only source of information on a given fy searching with a single unified access point for dissertations and hensive historic and ongoing coverage from universities ensures effective, efficient icant and growing international t partners for pqdt global include university college london, london school of economics and political science, university of cardiff, university of leicester, university of aberdeen, university of bath and university of critical support for arts, humanities, and social disciplines where journals are not the primary form of scholarly communication, dissertations offer access to significant primary research that is not published in any other format and they surface seminal ideas from notable e research in the tations provide additional context for research published in journals or conference proceedings while surfacing hard to find information such as negative a new dimension to literature tations are an important and valuable tool for literature reviews, with deep coverage and extensive bibliographies that surface sources and ideas that would otherwise be research in , video, data, survey instruments, and other types of digital files are included for thousands of library ill resources and costs to gain access to dissertations and st offers best-in-class customer service, technical support, and training so you can hit the ground running with your proquest products and leverage everything they can support st dissertations & theses global studies & sity of la verne case school of economics case sity of surrey case ing the reach and impact of graduate works study: mapping research trends with proquest dissertations & study: indiana university using dissertations data for y marketing newsstream provides the most recent global news content – with archives that stretch back into the 1980s – from over 2,500 news sources including newspapers, wires, broadcasts, and web content in full-text format.

Language, and field of may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses:Ndltd, the networked digital theses and dissertations.

Ndltd provides information and engine for and dissertations (etds), whether they are open access or st theses and dissertations (pqdt), a database , whether they were published electronically or in print, and mostly available for purchase.

Access to pqdt may be limited; consult your local access tations & hers & ation ch & ch development t & general tion management ow solutions rships & eering hers & nes for libraries™ this schools tations & hers & tations & st dissertations and theses st dissertations and theses tations and theses are a critical component of academic library research collections.

Proquest offers your patrons single-point access to an extensive and expanding global archive of dissertations and theses which has been designated as an offsite digital repository for the u.

Proquest’s comprehensive program offers a full range of st digital archiving and access st’s digital archiving and access program (daap) is an easy, cost effective way to digitize the valuable record of graduate research performed at your st dissertations & theses st dissertations & theses (pqdt) global is a critical element of academic library research collections.

An extensive and expanding collection, pqdt global provides visibility of breakthrough research from the world’s premier st dissertations and theses — uk & st dissertations and theses - uk & ireland has been meticulously compiling citations to british and irish dissertations and theses.

And ireland dissertations and master’s theses currently comprises over half a million tations & theses @.

Theses @ is a service for universities whose graduate students actively publish their doctoral dissertations and/or master's theses with proquest dissertation and theses ion magazine ion magazine archive will comprise archival runs of 26 major 20th-21st century magazines relating to many different aspects of education.

Dissertation and theses st dissertation and theses dissemination takes responsibility for preserving and disseminating graduate research for our university and college partners.

Up for proquest ts and an doctoral an doctoral free research database indexes thousands of theses and dissertations accepted by american universities from 1902 to the present and provides links to full text, when than 172,000 citations for theses and ge from 1902 to the an doctoral dissertations was recently expanded to offer greater coverage of 20th century research.

The database includes full page images of the original print index, doctoral dissertations accepted by american database was created with the generous support of the h.

Whether you are looking for a specific graduate work, or want to find out what dissertations or theses have been written on a particular subject, proquest provides a variety of tools to lly every major research library in the world provides access to the proquest dissertations & theses (pqdt) database through one of several formats:Proquest dissertations & theses database (pqdt) - with more than 2.

Million entries, the proquest dissertations & theses (pqdt) database is the most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses in the world.

Pqdt is a subscription database, so consult your library for tations & theses @ - dissertations & theses @ is a service for proquest’s active university publishing partners.