Fair mindedness critical thinking

The basic concept:Fair-mindedness entails a consciousness of the need to treat all viewpoints alike, without reference to one's own feelings or selfish interests, or the feelings or selfish interests of one's friends, company, community, or nation. It implies adherence to intellectual standards (such as accuracy and sound logic), uninfluenced by one's own advantage or the advantage of one's be fair-minded is to strive to treat every viewpoint relevant to a situation in an unbiased, unprejudiced way.

Thus, fair-mindedness is especially important when the situation calls on us to consider the point of view of those who welfare is in conflict with our short-term vested opposite of fair-mindedness is intellectual self-centeredness. It is demonstrated by the failure of thinkers to treat points of view that differ significantly from their own by the same standards that they treat their ing a truly fair-minded state of mind is challenging.

It requires us to simultaneously become intellectually humble, intellectually courageous, intellectually empathetic, intellectually honest, intellectually perseverant, confident in reason (as a tool of discovery and learning), and intellectually t this family of traits in an integrated constellation, there is no true fair-mindedness. Furthermore, fair-minded people make decisions based on hard evidence and reason rather than emotion; they know the whole story rather than just some of the ive.

Fair-minded people reward folks based on the value they provide rather than on the basis of subjective abiding. Fair-minded people make a concerted effort to pull their own weight rather than living off the hard work of others.

Furthermore, fair-minded people wait their turn in line rather than pushing their way to the leadership. Fair-minded people earn the respect of their colleagues through their expertise, personal integrity, and ability to foster trust rather than demanding it.

When fair-minded people are in positions of power, they “ do right” by people and go out of their way to serve as exemplary role models. Fair-minded people are empathetic, willing to walk in another person’s shoes before making a judgment.

Furthermore, as fair-minded people climb the ladder of success, they lift up others and are genuinely happy for their e: no guts, no y: the plain and simple you like this article, subscribe to our blog so that you don’t miss a single post. We can’t lower our standards by getting into the mud with them –– we must remain above the more than ever it is critical for all good people to live by the principles of trust, honor and integrity and to serve as exemplary role models.

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