International relations thesis proposal
Extension d summer sional ng in ion alumni e-497a crafting the thesis proposal in international relations ng the thesis proposal in international relations term 2017 crn focus of this tutorial is to prepare a draft thesis proposal as the first stage of the thesis process. The tutorial guides students through every aspect of the thesis proposal process, working from a chosen topic area to selecting a research problem, followed by specifying a research question, creating a testable hypothesis, and determining an appropriate method for answering the question.

The tutorial continues the development of students' scholarly writing skills and research abilities, discussing writing techniques and appropriate sourcing and citation methods as they study each of the elements of a proposal and analyze proposal examples. Students are asked to write and revise each section of the proposal, culminating in a draft of a complete proposal by the end of the datemonday, august 28course tuitionnoncredit: $0graduate credit: $2,700course credit4 creditsenrollment statusregistration uisitesstudents must be candidates in the master of liberal arts, international relations.

The document should include a potential thesis topic, a list of research questions, some background information about the research topic (including three references), and the rationale for the proposed research (why the questions are worth asking). When considering a topic it is important to be mindful that students need to work with a thesis director, typically a harvard faculty member, who has expertise in the area and not all topics of interest can be supported.
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Students who do not meet these requirements are dropped from the he tutorial involves in-person and/or phone or zoom web conference meetings with the instructor, along with a series of proposal development assignments available online in a modular format. Students are expected to work through all of the assignments during the semester in a timely fashion to reach the goal of a fully developed proposal ushttp:///course/ext-15481/2017fall deadlines fall dateslast day to register without a late fee: august 27, 2017last day to register with a late fee, make course and credit status changes, and drop for 100% tuition refund: september 5, 2017last day to withdraw for wd grade: november 24, ational relations and diplomacy master description international relations and diplomacy master master program in international relations and diplomacy requires, besides the completion of the courses, the writing of a thesis.

In the thesis, the student demonstrates his or her ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to a topic in the field of international relations and diplomacy. It is advised to select a topic related to the coursework followed, and particular attention should be paid to a conceptual or theoretical framework as acquired in the various courses in the thesis should be between 40 pages (16.

A proposal for the thesis is prepared in the context of the thesis lab during bloc 3. In the thesis lab, the methodological and technical aspects of the proposal are emphasized; the precise conceptual and theoretical design may be adjusted in the process of writing of the thesis will be supervised by a staff member of the department of political science or of the institute clingendael.

The thesis evaluation is based on specific criteria, among others clarity of research goals and questions, quality of theoretical and conceptual framework, academic and social relevance originality, legibility and presentation. In the month of november, the student will indicate his or her preference for a thesis topic as well as a supervisor to the coordinator for thesis supervision, dr f.

The thesis supervisor may require adjustments in the proposal and approves the thesis proposal by january 25, 2013. The director of studies assigns a second reader, who must also approve the proposal by february 18, 2013.

The supervisor ensures that a copy of the proposal signed by the supervisor and the second reader is submitted to the political science secretariat. The supervisor and second reader evaluate the thesis during a period up to three weeks (15 working days).

A thesis evaluation form is filled out and a meeting is scheduled to discuss the comments of both the supervisor and the second reader. After the last meeting the student uploads his thesis in pdf format in the leiden master ird student the thesis lab, given in bloc 3 (instructor: madeleine hosli), students will be guided as regards the choice of themes and the availability of expertise for thesis supervision.

The director of studies will assign the thesis supervisor based on student preferences and a reasonable distribution of supervision tasks among faculty members. In principle, the following persons are available for thesis supervision:Frans paul van der ational relations and diplomacy (political science).

Course ational relations and diplomacy master description international relations and diplomacy master master program in international relations and diplomacy requires, besides the completion of the courses, the writing of a thesis.