Marketing research case study
To ensure continued strong in-store sales, the client’s marketing team wanted to answer one key question: how much does online advertising affect offline sales? Has a strong track record of measuring marketing campaigns using existing modeling and analytics, they wanted to run a market test to quantify roi on these campaigns and project returns on future campaigns at a national -level enabled retail tracking: how bodyguardz proved its growth potential and won more shelf space in a large wireless retailer and strong direct-to-consumer sales results, bodyguardz set its sights on increasing in-store distribution to reach additional consumers and continue to grow brand awareness. Recently a leading manufacturer of beverageware wanted to know which of its glassware products were most likely to drive growth, and which merited expanded distribution and marketing/promotional -level enabled retail tracking: how a headphone manufacturer grew sales by expanding ly, a consumer electronics manufacturer approached us in its effort to grow its headphone business. And this made it difficult to win more shelf space from its ut: how a specialty retailer won the back-to-school season with marketing and assortment. View our privacy mentary ing research case is a list of case studies detailing some of decision analyst’s experiences, from innovation and qualitative research to quantitative research, to advanced analytics and predictive analytics. Decision analyst proprietary panel of ry: tanning s: proprietary panel; custom research panel; tracking research; qualitative research; quantitative research; attitude, usage, & behavior y: a large consumer packaged-goods company wanted to gain insights into two consumer groups’ attitudes, usage, and behaviors toward tanning products over a period of 16 months. Hair-raising global tracking ry: beauty s: product awareness and usage, international research, product attributes, incidence, customer target y: an international innovator of premium beauty products targeted to women wanted to better understand hair care needs and product usage among females in four countries. This research was conducted to help the company develop targeted marketing initiatives, enhance product offerings, and understand targets for new products. Children's s: package testing, virtual shopping, advanced analytics, quantitative research, shopper y: recently a major toy manufacturer was challenged by its management team to grow sales of its top brand. Consumer research was carefully crafted to understand shoppers’ reactions to the revised packages, and ultimately revealed that the proposed changes would benefit the ising testing among s: advertising research (copy testing), hispanic y: a large retailer wanted to measure the effectiveness of its hispanic advertising campaign. Management knew they wanted to grow their marketing share among seniors, but only had a vague idea of the type of product they needed.

Decision analyst recommended a two-part project: a card-sort survey to determine the market potential and identify the most desired benefits, followed by a concept test to identify the most promising concept and determine the optimal price : a new world of ry: skincare s: time-extended™ online focus group, global research, research in y: a multinational personal-care products manufacturer was interested in expanding its skincare business in china and wanted to identify the unique needs and applications to deliver a pipeline of skincare products specially designed for asian modeling: testing product and service ry: technology products and s: advanced analytics, choice y: a supplier of high-end technology products and services wanted to expand to broader group of customers. Decision analyst conducted research to develop a consumer-configured list of preferred product and service bundles to ng advertising approaches between alternative ry: automotive parts s: copytest®, advertising y: an advertising agency representing a major automotive aftermarket parts manufacturer had developed two different approaches to creating a tv advertisement. Our client asked us to conduct a study that would determine which of the two ads would be the most effective at communicating the message to their target ing survey choice modeling with customer-database predictive s: advanced analytics, customer-database predictive modeling, hierarchical bayes choice y: decision analyst’s client wished to directly predict the receptivity of its customers and prospects to a wide variety of promotion and pricing features of electricity plans. Using sophisticated data cleaning and exploratory methods, geospatial analysis, and standard market research analysis methods, decision analyst was able to illuminate patterns in the ining the relationship between consumption and household s: advanced analytics, predictive modeling, predictive y: a major utility company wished to understand the relationship between consumption of their product and their clients’ household income in order to address pricing issues raised by the regulatory authority. A formal test of this hypothesis was ry: personal care product s: in-the-moment research; diary panel; tracking research; market assessment, y: a personal-care-product manufacturer wanted to understand and quantify consumers’ personal hygiene routines in order to identify new opportunities or marketing campaigns for an existing product. To obtain this level of detail, decision analyst recommended that diary research be conducted “in-the-moment. The oem asked decision analyst to design a consumer research program to help them understand the potential for this new product concept they sting: alternative-fuel vehicle s: advanced analytics, decisionsimulator™, market y: forecasting consumer demand for several alternative-fuel technologies within five g up: international advertising ry: retail automotive fuel s: global marketing research, advertising research (copy testing). Consumer research revealed a far vaster realm of opportunity, a fantasy world beyond the imaginations of the s: customer loyalty, awareness and usage, customer satisfaction, tracking y: a multinational food and beverage chain wanted to measure over time the awareness and usage of its frequent user/gift card program and its impact on customer loyalty. This research was conducted to provide strategic direction for improving the overall effectiveness of the program as a customer relationship tool—to drive customer acquisition and retention, and to grow celebrity index—an international star ry: health and beauty aids—s: global marketing research, custom indexing y: a major multinational cosmetics manufacturer sought a celebrity spokesperson to use across global markets. The custom index-scoring system identified viable options that resonated with the largest services innovation ry: s: qualitative research, ideation, quantitative research, new product concept development & refinement, advanced analytics, maxdiff latent class choice y: a major hotel chain was interested in developing relevant and actionable new products and services designed to target the business traveler, and to project potential market appeal for each concept. Once the new product and service concepts were developed, decision analyst then used quantitative research combined with advanced analytics to identify the new concepts with the best potential for success.

Business-to-business (b2b) s: profiling, international research, business-to-business (b2b) research, attitude/awareness/usage research, diagnostic research, problem solving, y: a leading device manufacturer discovered that previously-held beliefs about the philosophical differences between u. The research that was originally designed to identify how to penetrate a market was ultimately used to identify how to encourage switching from a competitor’s ing customer satisfaction for a utility s: customer satisfaction, customer segmentation, business-to-business research, consumer y: a major national utility company was suffering from low customer satisfaction ratings and needed a plan to identify problems and address the issues in a timely ients for success: a global look at health- and beauty-care ry: health and beauty s: international research, analytical y: a major multinational consumer health-and-beauty product manufacturer wanted to determine and anticipate the next big “ingredient” that could revolutionize its segment of the health-and-beauty industry. Decision analyst conducted a large concept test, followed by in-home usage product tests for each major flavor of the new salty snack, and forecasted in-market sales volume with its conceptor® forecasting s: market evaluation, quantitative research, market y: a multinational automotive manufacturer (oem) with no previous experience in the u. Owner and intender of vehicles in one particular segment of the mix modeling: measuring return from advertising in the fresh-food ry: fresh food s: advertising research (copy testing), promotion research, marketing mix modeling, econometric modeling, decisionsimulator™. The findings supported strategic decisions regarding the level and timing of advertising and promotional needs assessment: qualitative research among ry: s: new product development, qualitative research, physician y: a pharmaceutical company was interested in developing a new product for the treatment of a cronic disease. Exploratory research was utilized to understand current treatment patterns and needs among primary care physicians and specialists who treat the f modeling for healthy snack-food flavor ry: health snack food s: maxdiff analysis, analytical consulting, choice y: a u. Decision analyst updated and automated their customer satisfaction program for preowned ry: childcare products and s: concept testing, product testing, in-home usage y: a niche company specializing in childcare products and accessories tasked decision analyst with conducting multiphased research in order to gain a better understanding of the target market. The research was designed to help diversify, expand, and improve the product line, and, ultimately, to refine and optimize the growth strategy that would allow the company to develop into a global ry: healthcare s: ideation, name generation, name y: a large healthcare system asked decision analyst to generate, iterate, and then quantitatively test new names for several new healthcare trust an ry: electronic calculators, mathematics s: focus groups, depth interviews, ethnography, telephone y: a large, worldwide manufacturer of electronic components and devices developed handheld calculators and mathematics training program for children in the first, second, and third grades. Senior marketing managers wanted to know how to market the new calculators and training program, and hired decision analyst. The research revealed some s: advanced analytics, discrete-choice modeling, focus-group qualitative research, quantitative static y: a multinational automobile manufacturer sought to introduce a new vehicle into a segment of the market that technically did not exist at that time. The company wanted to determine the best product name and to identify a compelling positioning statement to use in marketing the vehicle launch ry: automotive s: automotive research, quantitative research, intender survey, new buyer survey, competitive buyer y: a global automotive oem was launching a redesigned version of its best-selling vehicle in the u.

In order to provide a holistic view of the market reaction, decision analyst partnered in designing and implementing a research program that provided market opportunities research among healthcare ry: health & wellness s: market perception study, needs assessment survey, healthcare professionals y: a leading maker of health and wellness products wanted to identify barriers and opportunities in a niche market in order to improve its market position in the -so-secret ry: premium packaged s: depth interviews, projective techniques, motivational research, survey research, advanced analytics, qualitative research, quantitative research, packaged y: our client’s brand was among the first of its kind, had been on the market for decades, and had maintained market share, yet our client wanted the brand to do more than just survive. Our consumer research identified “key pillars” for the brand, which have helped propel it far beyond previous success and into new markets around the annel shopper experience: multiphased qualitative ry: beauty products s: in-person focus groups, qualitative research, remote desktop viewing, screen sharing, time-extended™ online in-depth interviews, virtual y: a large global manufacturer and marketer of beauty products wanted to understand beauty shoppers’ motivations, perceptions, and usage of various stores and websites. A multiphase qualitative approach was used to gain a deep understanding of consumers’ needs, desires, shopping experiences, and shopping decision-making behaviors, both in store and the right track: consumer packaged goods brand ry: consumer packaged s: advertising research (copy testing), analytical consulting, choice modeling, attitudinal research, brand equity monitor™, key driver analysis, tracking y: a domestic tool manufacturer wanted to track the category’s (and its own) brand and advertising awareness, in addition to attitudes and usage. The research identified the effective major marketing initiatives, and the key driver analysis identified “perception gaps” limiting its brand qualitative, time-extended™: acheiving deeper insights after quantitative ry: casual s: casual dining positioning, menu evaluation, online depth interviews, time-extended™ online qualitative y: with dinner being a key strategic opportunity for a major casual-dining restaurant, scores from quantitative data were significantly lower for the restaurant than its main competitors, and the company used online qualitative and ethnographic research to uncover current perceptions of the brand, menu choices, food, and service. Time-extended™ online depth interviews were conducted to provide an intimate understanding of the consumer relationship with the brand and its current menu the path to purchase: identifying the decision-making process for b2b ry: s: business-to-business research, key driver analysis, qualitative research, quantitative research, path to purchase, time-extended™ online y: a manufacturer of products for workplace usage wanted to increase its knowledge about the path to purchase—how and why business customers buy their products—in order to effectively reach them with the right content at the right place and ry: retail—s: qualitative research, in-person qualitative y: an american production and distribution company needed to explore consumer attitudes, usage, and perceptions of its line of plush toys that accompanied its popular children’s tv show. Insights from the focus groups improved the toy, its marketing, and the show, and the client even gained merchandising of presence ry: s: in-store, digital display testing, customer experience optimization, promotion y: decision analyst’s client was introducing informational and advertising-oriented, digital display kiosks in its stores nationwide. The panel allowed easy access to representatives in the ppn and provided a mechanism for feedback on a variety of planned changes and improvements in the ways that providers interact with the se probability modeling: lead classification system for a cloud-based ry: b2b s: purchase probability modeling, predictive modeling, business-to-business (b2b) research, sales lead classification, international y: an international, high-tech software company wanted to boost sales of its business-to-business hosted software service. The model was incorporated into an interactive scoring tool that allowed the sales force to enter prospect responses for each of the model predictors and forecast the likelihood of prospects to accept an offer of ative research among unacculturated hispanics in ry: prepaid services s: qualitative research, hispanic research, in-person in-depth y: a large u. Company believed that unacculturated hispanics might represent a viable target market for its services, but marketing efforts to this segment had largely failed. The firm asked decision analyst to propose research that would lead to an improved marketing strategy to reach and convert unacculturated hispanics in the estate site selection with predictive modeling in the open-source r s: advanced analytics, decision tree, linear regression, predictive modeling, random forest™, r language, real estate site y: we explored the use of the open-source r language to develop alternative types of predictive models for retail-site sales forecasting. The study found that a straightforward linear regression—when developed using best-practice, cross-validation techniques to select variables from a large variety of store, customer, and trade-area predictor variables—can be developed rapidly and cost-effectively using open-source, free ry: optical s: promotion testing, marketing communications, medical y: a leading maker of optical products wanted to gauge likely consumer response to several product discount point-of-sale s: point-of-sale surveys, tracking, customer satisfaction y: a major retailer needed a way to better understand the experiences of their customers in a timely and cost-efficient sales forecasting: using spatial analytics to identify new market ry: fashion s: retail store location analysis, spatial analytics, geographic information systems (gis).

Decision analyst combined survey research, competitive analyses, and geographic analyses and modeling to forecast sales of new stores in smaller tation s: segmentation analysis, key driver analysis, gap analysis, spatial analysis, media y: a major u. Restaurant chain derived substantial added value from its market segmentation study by commissioning decision analyst to re-analyze the segmentation data and conduct additional ry: graduate s: syndicated data analysis, secondary data analysis, geographical information systems (gis), spatial analytics, geomapping, site selection, sales forecasting, concept optimization, choice modeling, decisionsimulator™. The results revealed complex interactions among the site-location gic global research: qualitative research in ry: international s: international research, strategic research, depth interviews, ethnographic research, focus groups, quantitative research, qualitative y: a u. This research was undertaken to provide strategic direction for markets in advertising to the next ry: discount s: quantitative research, brand awareness, advertising research (copy testing), tracking y: a large discount retail chain wanted to track company, brand, and advertising awareness as well as consumer attitudes to help increase advertising effectiveness. The detailed monthly report and full analysis with recommendations helped the client gauge its success and pinpoint the most effective messages and -extended™ online qualitative ry: vehicle loan financing & s: time-extended™ online qualitative research, online qualitative research in a bulletin board y: an industry-leading company specializing in auto loans wanted to develop a targeted advertising campaign. Decision analyst was tasked with designing and conducting a two-phased research approach that would meet this goal. Striving to surpass the competition, the company made testing competitors’ similar products the focus of the research. Automated reporting technology was used to efficiently and accurately create the reports for the multiple markets, taking into consideration the local competitors for each ad powerpoint market research to create compelling thought leadership and earn industry respect by plantronics and decision ally presented at iir's the market research event 2010, this presentation summarizes the results of an executive communication survey conducted by decision analyst on behalf of plantronics. Taking a “pure research” position, we devised a research plan to compare and contrast communication modes, and gauge their relative value to team knowledge workers in both business and personal exploratory research to formulate quantitative research and a discrete choice modeling ry: auto/captive financial s: exploratory research, quantitative research, discrete choice modeling, in-person focus groups, simulated purchasing y: the captive finance arm of a global auto manufacturer had historically relied on a traditional approach to developing new business, utilizing the value of its automotive products as the primary conduit for attracting customers. Decision analyst conducted a maxdiff analysis on the proposed message statements to determine which messages consumers l shelf-set research among ry: cpg s: online/virtual shelf set, research with children, in-store display y: a manufacturer created a new product line that was targeted to children aged 6 to 12. Thanks to the research conducted by decision analyst, the manufacturer was able to determine which display option would appeal to both the children and parents as well as maximize tric concept ry: toy s: volumetric concept testing, latent class choice modeling, calibration, decisionsimulator™, online simulated y: a toy maker developed several toy concepts and wanted to know which of them should be taken to market.

An ethnographic evaluation of the brand ry: automotive s: ethnography, extended drive experience with in-vehicle mounted video camera, in-depth post-drive interview, online follow-ups, qualitative y: decision analyst conducted a multistage qualitative study for a premium division of an oem to determine their position relative to the competition and to identify action steps for tangible t decision on analyst r series mix minute login | about us | become a member | contact -world education for modern over 600,000 marketing er engine unlimited access to all of our exclusive marketing study: how a small internet publisher doubled its email database & reduced marketing spend with research earlier this year, when online travel publisher tripmela was in startup mode, ceo jared blank determined that he needed to achieve a $1. Study: how one whitepaper generated 500 leads and significant pr for a b2b research jer envirotech, a manufacturer of environmentally friendly thermoplastic biocomposite materials, needed to stand out in the green manufacturing industry. Study: how a consumer electronics company leveraged the power of community to uncover market preferences and build excitement for a new product research when it chose to enter the saturated inkjet market 20 years late, eastman kodak had a few surprises up its sleeve. Still, the company found it also needed a little marketing ingenuity if it was to gain market share. Study: how a university embraced social media and scored millions in youtube research how does a university up its visibility with an increasingly wired target market of both students of alumni? Study: how a web-based company increased leads 90%—and sales 23%—via ppc-visitor profiling, landing page research continental warranty used pay-per-click ads to generate leads by providing free quotes for extended-warranty coverage. Study: how myfax upped customer engagement, achieved a 79% netpromoter research internt fax service provider myfax wanted to tap into the power of word-of-mouth referrals by improving the customer experience and maintaining highly personalized customer interactions. Rather than chase small businesses, it hired an online "inbound marketing system" to help small businesses find makana. Study: how a marketing consultant significantly increased his client base via social research marketing executive and consultant lewis green wanted to re-establish his company in january 2004 after moving across the country. Study: how a technology firm upped webinar attendance, improved lead research by hiring an outside expert in lead optimization and leveraging its full range of data, san francisco-based objectivity increased turnout for its webinars an average of 10%. Study: how major league baseball doubled fan research without increasing research each year, when mlb's postseason culminates with the world series, all eyes are on baseball—or are they?

Study: how the kimpton hotel group's affinity-based email program boosted bookings revenue research kimpton hotels had successfully created a loyalty program, but its email program was lagging. Study: how an office furniture company tripled its sales by optimizing for research office furniture dealer panel systems unlimited found its sales lagging during an economic recession, and knew that it had to act quickly to position itself for the inevitable recovery. Partnering with medium blue search engine marketing, it focused on upping its search engine exposure. Study: how garden fresh realized a huge gain in web traffic and longer-term loyalty via research garden fresh restaurants sought to increase customer engagement with its "club veg" loyalty club, totaling more than half a million opt-in members. Study: how a state agency's anti-smoking campaign effectively reached teens via the web, tv and live research one of the more successful tobacco control programs is the "own your c" campaign commissioned by the state of colorado, which has effectively found ways to resonate with this hard-to-reach demographic. Study: how a hearing aid company doubled the percentage of sales to valuable first-time research the hearing aid industry has suffered from an image problem, because the devices were perceived as ugly and just for the elderly. Doubled us sales by convincing consumers that its product is hip and worth a research sigg had been selling its aluminum water and fuel bottles to the us outdoor market for years at a price about twice as much as the closest competitor's. With the advantages of automation not always apparent to potential customers, softrax based its marketing strategy on educating the market, while competitors relied mostly on advertising. Study: how a manufacturer's sales team found the secret to efficiently service a low-tech customer research the manufacturing sector is more traditional than most. Study: how a nonprofit used member resources to increase brand awareness across multiple research the nonprofit oregon sports authority (osa) was striving to bring new sporting events, teams, and tourist dollars to the state. Study: how a web services firm used 'fanatical' customer care to increase sales 60% year over research with web hosting fast becoming a commodity, web hosting firm rackspace realized it needed to stand out from the pack.

Study: how a nonprofit moved toward a for-profit marketing model to advance its nonprofit research for more than a century, boston's museum of science has depended on government grants and donors to finance its stated goal of encouraging "interest in and further understanding of science and technology and their importance for individuals and for society. Study: how a technology services company's online marketing campaign generated a 30-times research bearingpoint, a global provider of management and technology services, had won a major contract to implement a complicated voice over internet protocol (voip) system for a financial company and wanted to leverage off that success. Study: how a high-tech company created a searchable customer reference database that tripled references and closed research the customer development group at a large, publicly held high-tech company needed a central repository of data to help identify satisfied customers willing to be references when sales associates approached new putting together a customer reference management database filled with relevant data on customers, the company was able to ... Please enable scripts and reload this contentinnovative and creative marketing strategies are imperative to the success of a brand. The best lessons are learned through experience and ama's case study library offers you insights and practical solutions from a wide variety of companies and industries. Within these case studies you will find ideas and inspiration for everything from social media plans, lead generation, direct marketing, research, branding and sted in submitting a best practice to the ama library? Of the week: b2c content marketing 2016by:Content marketing institute & t marketing institute & t marketing institute and marketingprofs conduct study s: content marketing institute & marketingprofs date: 11/23/2015 the next big thingmashable's velocity algorithm is a set of predictive tools that monitor the site's content for clues of online most eye-catching element of this new form of s: melody udell date: 9/24/2015 breakfast of captainsquaker brand cap'n crunch faced humorous consumer accusations with real-time marketing tactics, seizing an opportunity to boost social engagement and target a new segment of s: melody udell date: 9/24/2015 better on paperthe paper market is starting a slow decline because of electronic substitution and an overall push in the market to go 2009, domtar and eric mower & associates s: christine birkner date: 9/24/2015 a peek behind the archesopenness, transparency and vulnerability are important for brands in today’s and companies have to be very comfortable with who they more open you are as s: christine birkner date: 9/24/2015 amped upgibson is strengthening its relationships with high-profile it comes to owned media, gibson has a robust content marketing though it’s expanding its s: christine birkner date: 9/24/2015 better, cheaper and more fun: a winning business formulathe keys to attracting an audience to your business, old or new, are to make your offerings better, cheaper and more fun than the an advertising budget can be s: michael krauss date: 9/24/2015 do marketers have to be extroverts? One percent of marketers polled by the ama enjoy meeting new people, and 74% said that they feel energized when interacting with people in social s: american marketing association date: 5/6/2015 marketers have amazing skills - just ask themeighty-three percent of marketers think that they have above average collaboration skills. Majority of respondents also reported that they have higher than average skills in s: american marketing association date: 5/6/2015 color me socialto promote its newest line of paint, behr launched a content marketing program with new york-based website operator buzzfeed modified posts based on the initial s: christine birkner date: 12/15/ our innovative members-only resources and tools to further your marketing today or create an online password or login? This site content may not be copied, reproduced, or redistributed without the prior written permission of the american marketing association or its following case studies are just a few examples of our successes. See how intelligent research, effective marketing strategies and impactful results helped our clients better meet the needs of their customers, earn stronger positions in the marketplace and make confident decisions to grow their find out more about a specific case study, or to learn how our knowledge could be applied to your business, contact ic and statistical ss and marketing: brand building and ss and marketing: resources for managing the research ss and marketing: sales and channel strategy er & retail ial services ational research ative research ch methods: surveys and ch methods: usability and mmunications by research ications t development tation ial services/wealth online shopping increasing, traditional retail models are continually challenged.

Our case study offers insight into a new consumer shopping can have strong brand awareness in the us but fail to capture mindshare internationally. This case study reveals how one client utilized our products to increase marketing effectiveness and energy utility needed to ensure that its customers interested in electric vehicles have a positive experience from the time they first reach out about evs through the electrical home modifications to rate plan enrollment and vehicle charging. One of our clients, a large distributor, needed help in identifying a new target group of investors with similar needs compared with its core customer competition to reach financial advisors intensifies, asset managers are increasingly augmenting sales and marketing outreach with paid advertising. Download this case study to see how one of our clients successfully measured their roi and media buying strategy. Major membership organization approached market strategies to undertake a multi-study customer satisfaction program comprising 200,000 verbatim responses. Consumer packaged goods company needed opportunities for innovation and a positioning for a new over-the-counter cold guitars and broken tech and telecom research reveals that, on average, customers are willing to pay 17% more for something if it is supported by a c2b mobile messaging channel.