Powder coating business plan

Plans ss plans - volume coating manufacturer v2 business coating plan is the second of two powder coating manufacturer ed in this edition. Both plan owners site that the ment regulations have created a demand in the market for a nmentally friendly coating process. Innovative over coat, r coating systems, presents a detailed plan, with ation that is helpful to anyone considering the powder ption of s and use of ial tive over coat (ioc) will be the provider of choice in the powder coating finishes for custom, refinish parts. Ioc will ers by providing custom colors and superior customer coatings are the fastest growing sector of the paint industry; n pounds sold in 1992 to 450 million pounds projected for the year. There are three key reasons: it expensive to apply than liquid coatings, it is easier to apply coatings, and there are no solvents so it is more ly than liquid individuals who are refinishing motorcycle, automobile and are impressed with the appearance and durability of powder tive over coat intends to capitalize on this market tive over coat (ioc) is a michigan-based s-corporation which e powder coating application services to metal parts. As well as a high volume retail customer base,Linnfield motorcycles is a high volume parts supplier and will tive with all of its after market powder coating kind of parts will ioc be coating? These customers will buy services directly from innovative, customers to are not enough aquality applicators in the market place to growing demand for custom powder coating services. We have identified company located in sandusky, ohio that is serving this two partners forming this business have the breadth and depth ence needed to succeed. The owners are providing $10,g: $5,000 cash and $5,000 tive over coat (ioc) will be the applicator of choice in the custom powder coating finishes.

Ioc will focus its marketing efforts on parts e a quality ption of tive over coat, a michigan s-corporation, is a start-up venture provide custom powder coating finishing services for metal parts. Will differentiate itself from the competition by:Focusing on custom coated ing only powder coated ing superior ison of liquid and powder coatings. The coating must contain some form of solvent carrier ers the paint to the part being coated. Curing can occur in one of several ways based on a: evaporation (air dry), baking (elevated temperature dry), use -violet radiation, or use of a contrast, a powder coating does not involve the use of any liquid. Powder is electrostatically applied to the part, and then cured in oven at a temperature of 350 to 425 degrees. There are no liquids clean equipment, eliminating all liquid waste coatings have proven to be an efficient, economical, ically sound method of industrial finishing. Generally, form liquids because of their higher molecular weight and bility; there is less film porosity with superior ance, toughness, hardness and abrasion of the advantages of powder coatings include:Powder is an attractive choice over liquid finishing systems because a 100 percent solids material that contains no solvents. This results in considerable that is not deposited on the part can be reclaimed and reused,Increasing material efficiency to as much as 95 to 98 a coating mistake has been made, powder can be blown off ssed air and reapplied to the part before baking, sing part need for paint mixing is eliminated. Powder is introduced into hopper directly from the coatings can offer excellent color consistency, color lities and color and gloss up is easy; powder can be vacuumed off skin and clothing with efficiency and water will accomplish the final clean this all sounds too good to be true, there has historically been tion to powder coatings.

This limitation was eliminated within the past , when powder coatings have been developed to match liquid all measures of has selected powder coating finishes because they are the finish future. Powder coating sales have nearly doubled since 1992 (149 in 1992 to 257 million pounds in 1995), and are expected to again by the year 2000. Sales are projected to be 450 by the year coating sales have grown at the expense of other types of coatings,And manufacturers are converting from liquid coating to powder paint (solvent borne and water borne) will drop t of the market in 1995 to 67 percent in 2000. Powder coating se from 15 percent in 1995 to 22 percent in conversion from liquid to powder is happening for several , it is environmentally friendly. Second, it is less ng powder coating costs one tenth of the cost of the application has further evaluated the market by interviewing numerous g users, and other experts in the field. Customers, cturers, and painting equipment manufacturers agree that there custom powder coaters in the midwest who can consistently, ly apply powder coating to meet the demanding standards of ed market will initially target the custom refinishing of motorcycle,Automobile, and snowmobile parts. Third, these individuals know that coating finish is superior to a liquid coating finish mance and look. They have already agreed to refer customers and ycle dealers needing powder coating to ioc. This provides access to their customers, and a er to the owners and their p brochure and price list for pos g of brochure and price list to the remainder of the 482 the prospect research shows that there are not enough quality applicators in place to support the growing demand for powder coating research shows that the demand will continue to grow.

G will position itself from day one to fulfill the needs of tive coatings will compete in a marketplace that currently e providers. Will differentiate themselves from these companies in three ways:Custom powder coating will be our only ng a quality finish will be our primary ional customer service will be a key part of our tive coating recognizes that customers demand "service sale. Very interested in ioc succeed in custom coating, every individual in the company must be performer. 88 million company; regional vice president for a start-up operation,Part of a $20 million, 125 person operation; vice president - a $4 million, 40 person company; and corporate manager for a walton, vice president-operations, has the knowledge and it takes to set up and run a high quality powder coating has more than 22 years of experience working in the ry. Ike has spent the past 8 years working for the world leader c powder coating application systems. Ike spent 6 years programming that drives the powder coating system, and has spent 2 years as project manager installing new systems and ng systems. Furthermore, ike has run a powder coating operation in the and member of the management team brings a different resource to y, resulting in a whole that is greater than the sum of the tive will start out in a fashion that will minimize overhead risk, and maximize profitability. John and ike will be the ees initially, responsible for selling the work, applying the g, and running the business. We expect that this business will y, and we will need employees within six months.

Our market analysis identified ers need a powder coating operation that can reliably deliver a y finish, bundled with superior customer service. Other g operations in this geographic area place little emphasis iness, quality, or on-time will succeed by differentiating ourselves from these companies in coating will be our only ng a high quality finish will be our primary equipment needed to produce a high quality finish will be ional customer service will be a key part of our first key to applying a class a finish is having the right will purchase equipment capable of applying high quality finish. Ation equipment:Symons studio manual spray powder system: ultimate flexibility l manual application of powder powder coating cures when exposed for a prescribed length of time atures between 350 and 425 degrees fahrenheit. Airborne dirt and dust will powder coating, and result in a finish with principals know that it is critical to meet customer expectations time. Quality and process problems, concerns endations will be discussed as part of weekly and monthly nmental will make every effort to comply with all environmental coating is environmentally friendly. Powder coating that must be disposed can be handled ry trash; it is not a hazardous are some permitting requirements for this operation. This funding is essential to allow of this business plan assumes that ioc will purchase a combination of new equipment. Coating manufacturer v2 business plan coating manufacturer ss plans ss plans - volume coating manufacturer v2 business coating plan is the second of two powder coating manufacturer ed in this edition. Coating manufacturer v2 business plan coating manufacturer x | opening a powder coating business - what to consider first?

It’s quite possible to powder coat in your garage with hobby equipment and put an acceptable finish on your motorcycle frame, etc. It’s difficult, however, to turn that into a profitable powder coating all comes down to what your definition of a successful powder coating business is. Do you want to make enough money to pay the bills while working full time at another job or are you looking to start a $20,000 – $50,000 per month business that will become a full time venture? You clearly define what your end results should look like, it’s easy enough for reputable companies like powder-x to create a custom solution for you. Together, we can decide what size oven and powder containment you need, how you will clean and pretreat the parts, and what sort of gun set up will you need. Time and mistakes are money and you want to be sure to take advantage of every tool possible that helps you make more in mind when deciding the path to follow with your business that price and value are very different. You are creating a top level business and no smart business person buys based on price alone. Their business will never survive in the long run and you will reap all of the you drink a gallon of milk that someone sold you for 10 cents? Finding the right resources can be the difference in a business that fails and a business that changes your future.

This includes accounting and tax support, equipment for your business, job costing, sales and marketing support, and basic business advice. Want to be a powder powder coating class special coating class- seats g online at prices for powder coating equipment? Secrets that successful powder coaters don’t want others to us on ok by weblizar powered by -x coating : 1-888-326-4840 ght © 2017, powder ss plans ss plans - volume coating manufacturer v1 business coating r coating systems, s point, wi r 's business plan provides another example of a g a need caused by changing environmental government l major auto manufacturers recently announced a joint venture es the construction of a $25 million powder coating facility. This is one of many indications of rating growth of powder coating as an alternative to painting rial metal finishing applications. Superior durability, and environmental considerations have played a role in the manufacturers throughout the world from liquid paint to powder coating now comprises 15% of the market for metal finishing competes directly with traditional liquid coating is a finishing process where finely ground particles t and resin are electrostatically charged and sprayed onto tive part (usually metal). The parts to be grounded neutral so that the charged particles projected at to the parts and are held there until melted and fused into coating in a curing oven. It is a dry process that does not involve the volatile and toxic chemicals into the ations for the use of powder coating vary widely. The appliance tive industries are large users of powder coating for cabinets,Hardware, trim and underhood parts. There are also large markets coating in architectural metal, industrial equipment, furniture mission of brudder coating systems during our first three years ion will be to provide quality powder coating services to a clients.

Our long-term goal in entering the powder coating industry identify areas of opportunity in the industry that will allow us a manufacturing of value-added business that utilizes powder the process. These products will be a good compliment r's powder coating services since the market for the very similar to our market for powder coating will also attempt to develop innovations in the powder coating will allow us to either manufacture powder coating equipment, or s consulting and sales of existing equipment for the many ide who will be converting from liquid paint to powder coating the first 19 months in operation, brudder has established g business with over 20 industrial customers, from the region and away as milwaukee and the wisconsin rapids. Our initial market manufacturers in the region has identified over 350 potential brudder's powder coating services. The survey also potential competitors within our defined geographic market, and manufacturing firms who have in-house powder coating r began operations during august of 1994 in a manufacturing they currently lease 2,500 square feet of manufacturing space and a. The operation is currently staffed by the of the business, one full-time employee and one part-time hope to add at least four additional employees within our next year ion, and grow to approximately 12 employees within our first r's powder coating equipment currently includes high ng and phosphatizing equipment, a spray booth and sprayer and . In future demand for our services, a detailed expansion plan has d and price quotations have been obtained. The expanded plant e an automated powder coating line which would increase our imately ten times over our current worldwide market for powder of the biggest potential powder coating users is the ry. These include dryer drums, front and side panels and refrigerators, washer tops and lids, air conditioner cabinets,Water heaters, dishwasher racks and cavities of microwave logical developments have resulted in powder coatings with , lower temperature curing requirement and stronger resistance , scratches, detergents and grease. All these features have led use of powder coatings on about 40% of all appliance nce applications represent about 21% of the north american automotive industry represents an additional 15% of the north coating market.

Clear powders, over a liquid base coat,Are being developed for exterior auto body architectural and building market uses powder coating on ts, shelving, aluminum extrusions for window frames, door frames r office furniture. Posts, rails, fencing, metal gutters, parking lot poles, guard rails, farm implements, garden tools rs, patio furniture, and other products used outdoors all the high weatherability factor of powder ess everyday uses for powder coating include fire extinguishers,Mechanical pencils and pens, thumbtacks, barbecue grills and es. Technological advancements d expansion of powder coating to non-metal surfaces, such cs, wood, plastic and brass so that bottles, shower stalls,Dashboards and even toilet seats are now powder l marketing efforts were concentrated on a geographic ing in a sixty-mile radius of our location. We have been successful in drawing business from wider geographic radius than we originally anticipated. We have we can be competitive with smaller parts that can be shipped distances, and certain types of specialized work justify establish a measure of the size of the market for powder coating identified geographic market, a telephone survey of cturing firms was conducted. The survey was used to identify are using either painting, plating or other metal coating in cturing process. In our first 19 months ion we have done powder coating for over 20 industrial customers on. We anticipate that our number ers and orders will continue to increase significantly over the is currently one other powder coating job shop located in the are also several automated lines in the immediate area region. Lize in military contracts and take in smaller jobs as a are also about five other manufacturing firms within our who have in-house powder coating facilities.

We will attempt to determine the volume and type of powder coated by our local competitors, as well as their pricing. Premiums will be charged other than black or white, certain coating materials, masking research on pricing for powder coating by other shops indicates generally charge on a square footage basis. Could w available brudder is powder r provides powder coatings on conductive metallic surfaces, -rolled steel, coldrolled steel, cast iron, stainless steel, rolled ed aluminum and cast aluminum. 63" which is the maximum size capacity of our logical advancements have allowed the expansion of powder coating -metal surfaces, such as ceramics, wood, plastic and glass. If market demand for these types of services is great enough y the expense of additional equipment, we will consider service to include of powder coating materials to be r will offer its customers their choice of most types of thick-film,Functional end use and thin-film decorative end use thermosetting are currently available. Al to be used in any given application will be determined tation with the powder supplier and the customer, using powder coating three major steps in the powder coating process are ation, powder application and thermosetting (baking). Brudder uses a variety of cleaning methods including temperature, high pressure phosphate wash, or other als as the job onally, we have identified a new metal finishing process that is nmental alternative to clean chromate coating on aluminum. We would like to begin offering e within the next 12 cleaning and coating chemicals are monitored for strength. After cleaning, must be completely dried before powder is applied in a spray booth designed specifically for g.

Because there are virtually no vocs in the powder, the air can be drawn through a two-stage filter and ly back to the shop. The powder to be applied to the part is a feeder unit through a hose to the spray gun. The be varied according to the type of powder material being applied intended thickness of the coat. The powder emerges as a charged,Diffuse cloud that is aimed at the electrically grounded part. Wet spray processes however, the powder overspray can be coated parts are placed in a preheated oven for thermosetting. Ature of the oven and the time of exposure to heat vary according coating material(s), the substrate material type and thickness of e controlled powder storage:Coating powders have a shelf life of about one year depending on ions. Degrees f or less, with humidity ideally at 60% or the chemicals associated with our powder coating operations lly not highly reactive, the concentrations involved would and prudent holding facilities. Minimum amount of fixtures have been necessary in our operation so far,Although the shipping area has the potential of becoming the foot area in the is planned to offer potential customers the option of light their product, packaging and shipping to their customer as ency that would greatly reduce extra handling two most challenging items requiring waste management will al of incoming packaging materials, and discharge of spent ons. Wire will be a small uous expense because of the rather limited life of an plant is equipped with a high temperature, high pressure cleaning atizing machine.

Each part is thoroughly cleaned prior to product must be completely dry before powder application. Airplane frames, boat trailers and docks) that we are ng plant current equipment our production capacity is capable of imately $28,000 per month in sales. With the addition of a , priced at approximately $35,000, four additional employees and 1, feet of manufacturing space, we could increase our ting capacity to approximately $40,000 per r coating systems incorporated is a closely held ation. We feel that this is also very attainable if sales nt through the second-half of the for additional the first eight months in operation it has become apparent that need to grow in capacity to keep up with our growing market coating size of our oven is currently our biggest limiting factor. The cost for a larger oven which could eventually orated into an automated system is approximately $35, winners of the industrial and commercial development business t, we used the $1,000 cash award and $10,000 interest free loan,Along with additional bank financing, and internal funding to onal equipment and pay off start-up debts.