Project papers for cse

All>computational biologycomputational markets / game theory / economicscomputer architecturegraphics / vision / human-computer interactionmachine learningprogramming languages / compilerssecurity / privacy / policysystems / networkstheory project name. The is is a joint laboratory with the department of computer science and the lewis-sigler institute for integrative y and graduate students:Computational n and n and y and graduate students:Security / privacy / : content-aware search project investigates how to build an efficient, high-quality content-based similarity search engine for feature-rich (non-text) data, which has dominated the increasing volume of digital information. The current toolkit is used to construct search systems for four data types including audio recordings, digital photos, 3d shapes, and genomic micro-array y and graduate students:Moses charikar, perry cook, kai li, olga oq: principled optimizing compilation of dependently typed certicoq project aims to build a proven-correct compiler for dependently-typed, functional languages, such as gallina—the core language of the coq proof assistant. The project exposes both engineering challenges and foundational questions about compilers for dependently-typed y and graduate students:Andrew appel, olivier savary belanger, zoe mming languages / ational molecular group develops algorithms for a diverse set of problems in computational molecular biology. It is a project led by georgia tech and the university of napoli federico ii to develop an openwrt-based platform for performing measurements of isp performance, as well as traffic inside the home. Biological sciences (my discipline) is the largest, but i started with this one so that i could look at the data with fresh eyes, and also because it’s got some really cool papers to talk about.

Here’s what i found:What i found was a fascinating list of topics, with many of the expected fundamental papers like shannon’s theory of information and the google paper, a strong showing from mapreduce and machine learning, but also some interesting hints that augmented reality may be becoming more of an actual reality top graph summarizes the overall results of the analysis. This graph shows the top 10 papers among those who have listed computer science as their discipline and chosen a subdiscipline. In fact, ai researchers contributed the majority of readership to 6 out of the top 10 papers. Presumably, those interested in popular topics such as machine learning list themselves under ai, which explains the strength of this subdiscipline, whereas papers like the mapreduce one or the google paper appeal to a broad range of subdisciplines, giving those papers a smaller numbers spread across more subdisciplines. The interesting thing about this paper is that had some of the lowest readership scores of the top papers within a subdiscipline, but folks from across the entire spectrum of computer science are reading it. I would really have expected this to be at least number 3 or 4, but the strong showing by the ai discipline for the machine learning papers in spots 1, 4, and 5 pushed it down.

It’s one of the more fundamental papers of computer science, founding the field of information theory and enabling the development of the very tubes through which you received this web page you’re reading now. This is different from the other papers above in that it’s a descriptive piece, not primary research as above, but still deserves it’s place in the list and readership will only grow as we get ever closer to his vision. Looking across subdisciplines as we did here, it’s not surprising to see two related papers, of interest to the main driving discipline, appear twice. First of all, it shows that mendeley readership data is good enough to reveal both papers of long-standing importance as well as interesting upcoming trends. We are working on a way for people to assign themselves and papers to disciplines in a more flexible ble for windows, mac osx and our users are sayingmy tweets recent ts into the national aeronautics and space administration (nasa) grant research ey data: introducing ey data: now available via ific research is hard …so you have to enjoy it! D bloggers like this:Crowdsourcing taxonomy goal is to break down large projects into work that can be done in parallel microtasks.

For example, given 100 travel tips, we can create a taxonomy that shows what the popular topics are, what topics are missing, and let's users navigate the data more ible goal crossing accessible goal crossing project is funded by the national science foundation as an effort to create user interfaces more suited to people with motor impairments by using goal crossing instead of pointing-and-clicking, which is difficult for many people. The uw center for collaborative technologies is currently continuing development and deployment support for goal of the deaf and hard of hearing cyber-community in the stem (dhh cyber-community) project is to use existing cyber infrastructure connections between universities to advance deaf and hard of hearing students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (stem). Project aims to design, implement, deploy, and test innovative ways for citizens and government to communicate, with the goal of better supporting civic engagement and more information, current activities, and project partners, please see the main project web page :///. In this project, we attempt to help bridge this gap by presenting a method for using heuristic evaluation to evaluate persuasive is a set of tools for apple's iphone that allows us to collect annotated sensor traces from the accelerometer as well as compute accelerometer features and perform real-time activity classification. Importantly, both fully automated and human-powered web services are used to balance the cost and capability of the services asl is a video compression project at the university of washington with the goal of making wireless cell phone communication through sign language a reality in the is a major element of social gatherings. It then queries the online music libraries of the speakers to choose songs appropriate for that -lifespan information system project focuses on the design of information systems to support the solution of problems that are unlikely to be solved within a single human lifespan — structurally, problems that are tied to limitations of the human psyche, limitations of the structure of society, or to slow-moving natural time -computer explore the feasibility of muscle-computer interfaces: an interaction methodology that directly senses and decodes human muscular activity rather than relying on physical device actuation or user actions that are externally visible or audible.

One example of what prefab enables is better hci research: prefab can be used by hci researchers to test many of their ideas using existing applications, rather than implementing a toy prototype within an isolated goal of this project is to create novel computer-based devices enhance the quality of life for people with cognitive disabilities. Supple uses decision-theoretic optimization to render an interface from an abstract functional specification and an interchangeable device e graphics tactile graphics project aims to increase universal benefit from graphical images (i. It is a multidisciplinary project with researchers and practitioners from uw's department of computer science and engineering, access technology lab, and do-it. We see an increasing number of location-enhanced applications, particularly on mobile y allows designers to quickly prototype location-enhanced applications using high-level abstractions, such as maps, scenarios and storyboards, and test these application prototypes with real users in the field without having to deploy a location trustworthy wireless project aims to provide the users of mobile, wireless devices with technologies that let them understand and control the kind of privacy that they receive. It consists of three main components: (1) a glanceable display, (2) an interactive application, and (3) a fitness ubigreen project aims to encourage environmental stewardship by combining low-cost sensors, inference, and user feedback to track resource usage and "reward" green behaviors. The visual passwords project explores how to reduce problems such as password forgetting, writing passwords down, reusing passwords, and failing to authenticate.

Our goal is to make passwords easier to use, to provide visual clues in the password itself for site authentication, and to provide relevant prompts for the goal of this project is to develop a novel system that we call the vocal joystick (vj). Since no mouse, keyboard or stylus is required, it can be used by people with various forms of motor impairments to express themselves the voicepen project, we seek to explore ways in which a digital stylus input can be augmented with voice input to provide added expressivity and control in various pen-based tasks, such as drawing and manipulation of animation webinsight project includes is a collection of projects designed to make the web more accessible to blind web data kit (odk) is a free and open-source set of tools that help organizations author, field, and manage mobile data collection solutions. In addition to socio-economic and health surveys with gps locations and images, odk is being used to create decision support for clinicians and for building multimedia-rich nature mapping ourcing taxonomy goal is to break down large projects into work that can be done in parallel microtasks.