Research papers on global warming

In the present age, the temperature of the earth's climate system continue rapidly increase and it leads to global warming. Global warming is the process of gradual growth of average annual temperature of the atmosphere of the earth and world ocean. There are various reasons of global warming, such as human activities, natural events, increasing of gases, such as carbon dioxide in atmosphere and solar activity (global warming).... It's no surprise to most people that the idea of global warming is a highly controversial and debated topic. But is there any real evidence that global warming is a growing problem or is global warming just a big scare tactic being used to get people to comply with strict government regulations. Global warming is widely believed to be the main cause of rising average global temperatures. Many of the predicted effects of global warming over time have actually been proven to be false all together.... Global warming, also known as the greenhouse effect, is a rise in the entire temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. Global cooling was a scare that resulted because of a theory, but now the concern is global warming.... Global warming, by definition is the “ gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. Scientists do believe that our production of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide is having a warming effect on the atmosphere, but it also is creating a positive impact to on the planet.... The problem with this is that the islands are surrounded by the indian ocean and the sea level is rising because of global warming and the islands are no higher than eight feet above sea level. There is an overwhelming consensus amongst scientist that human activities from countries around the world are primarily responsible for global warming due to the use of fossil fuel, pollution, and deforestation.... This essay offers a defense to the position that humans are responsible for global warming. We humans cannot help but feel a twinge of regret when we contemplate how we brought forth the plague of global warming by our own hands in the passing years. In 2006, former senator al gore created an academy award winning documentary on global warming entitled “an inconvenient truth” . The movie discussed several different topics of great concern to global warming; such as permafrost, climbs in temperature, extinction of species, drought, and fatigue to name a few. Four writers in five different articles discussed the three topics of greenhouse gases, climate change, and causes of global warming.... Global warming and climate change threaten the very existence of mankind; understanding the affects of each and implementing measures to save this planet are of dire urgency. Global warming is caused by many natural and manmade processes that continue to affect our environment. With the warming of the environment almost inevitable now, methane gases are sure to become an even bigger contributor as the planet warms and the ice melts at the poles.... Over the years, scientists have conducted experiments to understand the causes and effects of global warming and they have searched for solutions. Global warming affects the ocean water level because of the raising temperatures; it causes the icebergs to melt which adds more water in the ocean.

Research paper on global warming and climate change

Global warming has some very potential impact on hawaii’s environment, health, economy and natural resources. All nations must begin to address, formulate, and implement the necessary solutions to reduce global warming before it becomes irreversible. In recent years, the controversial subject of global warming has been more predominantly brought to our attention. There are many different views on whether global warming is actually real or not and possible catastrophic damage it causes. After researching many sites, such as national aeronautics and space administration (nasa), university studies, intergovernmental panel on climate change (ipcc) studies, nongovernmental international panel on climate change (nipcc), and more, global warming is very complicated. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels, transportation emissions, and deforestation have caused global climate changes that can lead to catastrophic results if people do not take action. Global warming is a long term used to reference “a large increase in the earth’s average surface tem temperature that results in large changes in climate. Differences in “solar radiation, atmospheric chemistry, and oceanic and atmospheric circulation resulted in global climate changes. There has been much discussion recently about global warming do you know what are the causes behind the global warming. The whole phrase means increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere that causes changes in climate around the whole world, which refers to the meaning of global. However, regardless of the current increase in the level of carbon dioxide, previous studies indicate that the current rate of global warming is lower in comparison to the historical data recorded for 450,000 years.... Everyone knows that global warming is a serious environmental health problem with its effects reflecting on nature and all of mankind on earth since the mid-twentieth century – emission of concentrated greenhouse gases, rise of sea levels, melting of polar ice caps, and increase in global surface air temperature. The rise in global surface air temperature causes frequent droughts in dry areas and accelerated ocean warming and hence the rapid increase in sea levels and melting of the polar ice caps.... This essay will explain why global warming is fast becoming a cause for concern and why preventative measures are being taken.... Former united states vice president al gore became interested in global warming during his years at harvard university studying under professor roger revelle. Al gore traveled across the united states and around the world presenting a slide show featuring the concerns of global warming.... They do this to turn public attention away from the fact that much of their data is purposely taken out of context, manipulated, or made up in order to prove that manmade global warming exists. Introduction anthropogenic global warming many consider global warming to be the largest threat that faces the earth today. The topic for this speech will be whether or not there is an imminent threat of anthropogenic (or manmade global warming) at the end of my speech i would like the audience to develop the truce perspective on the issues of manmade global warming. This will be done through a small representation of the facts related to manmade global warming.... Global warming (the greenhouse effect) is the increase in the temperature of earth's weather which has become popular to many people as one of the most important danger in the universe. One of the first subject people learned is that there are several causes of global warming. In the article does air pollution help reduce global warming by evan galloway, the author starts off with naming some of the many contributors to global warming.

One of the most vigorously debated topics is the issue of climate change, the climate that all living things have come to rely upon is changing by the effects of global warming. If we want to address global warming, along with the other environmental problems associated with our continued rush to burn our precious fossil fuels as quickly as possible, we must learn to use our resources more wisely, kick our addiction, and quickly start turning to sources of energy that have fewer negative impacts. On another note, global warming is an issue that is having effects on almost all aspects of our environment. Global warming itself means a gradual increase in the temperature of our earth’s atmosphere over large periods of time. There is evidence that global warming has occurred in the atmosphere, however, now we are beginning to see its effects in the world’s oceans, as well.... Investigating the cause of global warming many people disagree on the issue concerning global warming. Some believe that human activities, various forms of polluting, are the main cause of global warming. Others think that not only have humans not affected the planet by any significant amount, but that not much global warming has even occurred. Many scientists think that pollution is the cause of global warming and the greenhouse effect. The effects of global warming what is global warming, and how is it affecting the earth and its inhabitants. Political history of global warming there is a lot of ambiguity surrounding the theory of 'global warming' and the proper political response to it. At the very center of the scientific debate on the variability of global climate is to what extent human activities influence climate change. The change in global temperatures and precipitation over time is due to natural variability or to human activity. Global warming and the greenhouse effect      recently, global warming has moved to a serious scientific issue. Infrared radiation is sent out by the earth through the atmosphere, where molecules (carbon dioxide) hold outgoing radiation for a while, warming the surface. The molecules are kind of like glass in a greenhouse which is why this process of warming is called the greenhouse effect.... On global warming:- introduction: the purpose of this paper is to investigate whether global warming could affect the thermohaline circulation cycle (thc) significantly enough that it could even shut it down and thus cause a shift in the climate of europe severe enough to cause another little ice age. To answer the question about whether global warming could cause another ice age, i have divided this paper into segments. Rhetorical analysis of richard lindzen’s the world should not waste resources on fighting global warming. In his piece on climate change, richard lindzen addresses his stance on the heated debate of global warming. Lindzen, a professor of meteorology at the massachusetts institute of technology and a recipient of the jule charney award from the american meteorological society (richard lindzen), believes that the earth goes through natural phases of warming and cooling. It is often talked about that the primary reason why the global warming situation is increasing is due to the increase of the amount of greenhouse gases present in the earth’s atmosphere, primarily the amount of carbon dioxide emissions.... The warming of the earth’s atmosphere is one of the most important environmental issues in the world today.

It is often talked about that the primary reason why the global warming situation is increasing is due to the increase of the amount of greenhouse gases present in the earth’s atmosphere, primarily the amount of carbon dioxide emissions. The increased carbon dioxide amount in the atmosphere that causes global warming is a cause of concern for many people because of its potential dangerous effects to the earth and the environment.... The effects of global warming on coral reefs graphs missing introduction: the effects of global warming touch every human, animal, plant, ocean, landmass, and atmosphere level on this planet. The numerous effects of global warming are mixes of "good" and "bad" results, depending on how your definition of "good" results and "bad" results are. Jean baptiste joseph fourier, a mathematician and physicist, discovered the concept of “global warming” in the 19th century while studying how earth receives energy from the sun. According to his published theory in 1822, “general remarks on the temperature of the terrestrial globe and planetary spaces,” fourier recognized how the sun’s heated energy, absorbed by earth’s surface, and radiated back toward space, became trapped in the atmosphere by gases creating a lasting warming effect. The greenhouse effect and global warming are issues that are talked about by geologists all the time. Abstract: theory of global warming explaining the phenomena of accelerating change in the number and size of weather-related disturbances. James lovelock's gaia: a new look at life on earth, presenting a theory predicting the general parameters of global warming over the coming years. I believe the world is being faced with a serious issue of global climate change due to the greenhouse effect. Global warming global warming is an increase in the earth's temperature due to fossil fuels, industry, and agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions. Global warming global warming is an important ecological issue and has many negative effects upon our environment. Global warming, or what has been called the greenhouse effect, is the result of a fourfold ecological process. Global warming for the last 20 years or so the subject of global warming has spawned heated debate among the world’s brightest minds. I plan to break up the paper into three sections that contains what global warming is and how it affects the world, the united states problems and conflicts with other counties about this subject, and my own conclusion based on the information i have found. World powers such as the united states, japan, canada, and australia can usually see eye to eye with each other about global warming.... The causes, effects and possible solutions to global warming global warming is a problem that threatens the whole world. Though it has had little noticeable impact on the world so far, its potential impact could be disastrous which is why global warming has become an issue ever present in the media and for governments. Could slowing the effects of global warming global warming has been a recurring issue in the news lately, but not everyone realizes how great the impact is on the earth. Billion people on the earth change a few daily habits, we may be able to slow the effects of global warming and ensure that the life of our fossil fuels is extended.... Global warming is considered as a byproduct of energy crisis, because as oil continues to burn in the refining process, co2 is constantly emitted to the atmosphere at a fast rate and in heavy concentrations, which in turn, worsens the global warming situation. Our earth, the single known planet that supports life in the vast universe is said to be in crisis due to a phenomena known as global warming, luckily, this is just not the case. There are many sides on this debate, some say that the earth is indeed warming, however some contend that this is not so, furthermore others are not sure about which side they are entrusting the earth too.

My standpoint on the heavily heated and controversial issue is that global warming as defined by its proponents is not occurring.... Global warming solutions 1) stopping deforestation would make this easier , getting rid of the trees means getting rid of our natural carbon eaters.... The central theme in mcneill's article is revolving around the fact that environmental problem like global warming comprises some of the byproducts of the modernization as well as development (cho, martens, kim & r... Global warming is a prominent source to consider how and why the environment, coastal zones, water resources, agriculture, food supply, and the health of human life have changed.... To stop global warming we should stop polluting the air and water also growing trees is a very good way to stop global warming because global warming changes the temperature however, trees can balance the temperature by keeping the temperature cold. We must stop global warming because global warming is causing problems on the earth and every creature living on it such as raising of water, climate change, and aquatic animal danger however there are some good effects too.... Global warming introduction the environmental situation in the world is worsening on a regular basis mostly due to the pollution caused by human-made activities. The global warming and climate change do not only affect people’s health and nature but also the economy forcing people to invent ways in order to reduce the negative impact of this natural catastrophe. This paper will describe the nature of global warming, as well as the basic causes and effects of this continuous rise of the earth’s temperature and explain how people can stop this process contributing to the clean and safe planet not only for the present but also for the future generations.... Global warming can be defined as the increase in the earth's sea level due to an increase in surface temperature. Greenhouse gasses and ozone depletion are one of the most important factors that geologists are facing in the fight against global warming. Global warming is one of the most serious problems that people all over the world are dealing with. In fact, however, many people may not realize that global warming also affects animals as badly as it does to human. All americans should help protect animals from global warming because global warming changes animals’ habitats, decreases food supplies of animals, and even shortens animals’ lifespan. The causes and effects of global warming the earth has experienced considerable climate change for the last several centuries. There have been many explanations toward the main causes of the increased warming of the planet, but according to ipcc climate report: human impact is unequivocal. A un panel said it was more certain than ever that humans were the cause of global warming and they also predicted temperatures could rise from 0. Specifically, according to the chart below, carbon dioxide has never reached above 300 ppm for the last 650,000 years and currently as of the year 2013, we have exceeded that limit to almost 400 ppm (evidence for global warming). Another obvious answer that supports global warming is occurring is the increase in sea level, ocean temperatures, and humidity and the decrease in glaciers and snow cover.... Stephen vavrus and his colleagues display this prediction through the national center for atmospheric research’s community climate system model, version four (ccsm4). On a global basis, the world warmed up some five degrees celsius from the beginning of the ice age’s rapid retreat over 15,000 years ago (39). What they don’t realize is that global warming is so much more than that. No matter how you call it, “global warming” or “climate disruption”, its effects are all the same.

Numerous studies agree, that people are the reason global warming has gotten out of control and people need to figure out how to stop it. Global warming in essence, is exactly what it sounds like, the warming of the plant.... Our free enter the title keyword:Professional and art your essays and research g software to write a novel, ebook or al statement formats for writing software for k12 common art your research ch paper global t with a writing to all to use this essay format:Section 1 briefly introduce your topic of global warming and state your thesis. Introductionstate the relevance of your topic:the issue of global warming is [important/relevant] because [state reasons]. This issue is [controversial/debatable] because while some believe that [describe one perspective on global warming], others believe that [describe another perspective about global warming]. Research help: consider using one or more of these sources to support your analysis in the essay:source 1 : http:///features/globalwarming/source 2 : http:///content/global-warming-real-has-consequences-part-isource 3 : https:///pmc/articles/pmc2995507/ section 2 give one o-strong=" argument to support your thesis about global warming. First claim use or adapt any of these options to support your thesis:option 1: it is important to realize that global warming [state a fact in support of your thesis. Option 2: experts who have studied global warming have found that [summarize evidence in support of your thesis. Second claim use or adapt any of these options to support your thesis:option 1: many experts have weighed in on the subject of global warming including [name expert] who said that “[insert quotation that supports your thesis. Option 2: a prominent example of stand on global warming can be found in [describe an event or experience that supports your thesis. Third claim use or adapt any of these options to support your thesis:option 1: a further example that global warming [paraphrase my thesis] is true can be found in [describe a second event or experience that supports your thesis. Section 5 your “conclusion” is where you describe what can be done to further support your first claim about global warming (thesis. Have shared writewell with my warming essay this template to write a research paper in which you evaluate the topic of the global warming and draw unbiased conclusions from a variety of reliable warming essay this template to write an argumentative research paper in which you take a clear stance on global warming and persuade your reader that your interpretation is viable by referencing reliable warming analytical research this template to write a research paper in which you evaluate the topic of the global warming and draw unbiased conclusions from a variety of reliable warming argumentative research this template to write an argumentative research paper in which you take a clear stance on global warming and persuade your reader that your interpretation is viable by referencing reliable sional and art your essays and research g software to write a novel, ebook or al statement formats for writing software for k12 common art your research ch paper global t with a writing to all to use this essay format:Section 1 briefly introduce your topic of global warming and state your thesis. Have shared writewell with my warming essay this template to write a research paper in which you evaluate the topic of the global warming and draw unbiased conclusions from a variety of reliable warming essay this template to write an argumentative research paper in which you take a clear stance on global warming and persuade your reader that your interpretation is viable by referencing reliable warming analytical research this template to write a research paper in which you evaluate the topic of the global warming and draw unbiased conclusions from a variety of reliable warming argumentative research this template to write an argumentative research paper in which you take a clear stance on global warming and persuade your reader that your interpretation is viable by referencing reliable use cookies to improve your experience with our d support for css. Nature research climate s process-informed bias correction of climate change correction methods aim to remove introduced bias for climate model simulations; however, improper use can result in spurious climate signals. This perspective considers the issues of bias correction and makes recommendations for research to overcome model s maraun, theodore g. Fying the economic risks of climate review assesses climate change damage functions, which relate climate variables to economic losses, and how integrated information from impacts, adaptation and vulnerability research could be used to improve estimates of economic ne diaz & frances commitments under the paris ocean is a key part of the climate system but is often neglected in individual country priorities. Research now shows that the temperature control on carbon turnover is more sensitive in cold climates, supporting projections of a strong carbon–climate feedback from northern s d. This study shows brazilian sugarcane ethanol could displace up to 13% of global crude oil consumption by 2045 whilst balancing forest conservation and future land demand for jaiswal, amanda p. Seneviratne & xuebin endum: future global mortality from changes in air pollution attributable to climate a. Stevenson & guang appeasement effect of a united nations climate summit on the german a global media event, cop 21 had the potential to enhance understanding and motivate political action. Ing of the north american monsoon with global studies suggest the north american monsoon will weaken in the future. By incorporating a range of volcanic futures into a coupled model, it is shown that volcanic forcing has quantifiable impacts on the time at which anthropogenic signatures emerge across various climate bethke, stephen outten, odd helge otterå, ed hawkins, sebastian wagner, michael sigl & peter bleaching pathways under the control of regional temperature bleaching threat to coral reefs from warming is increasing, but risk locations are not clear.

Typology of four perspectives on loss and damage is developed based on the study of actor perspectives, including interviews with stakeholders in research, practice, and policy. Russell, lei shi, marian chertow, yangjun wang & shuxiao n pacific emergent constraint lowers projected increase in indian summer monsoon e models typically predict an increase in indian summer monsoon rainfall with anthropogenic warming. Shane underwood, zack guido, padmini gudipudi & yarden ic vulnerability of the world’s freshwater and marine understand how species will cope with warming, knowledge of the thermal limits is needed. In the magnitude and mechanisms of global temperature variability with l climate variability can enhance or suppress anthropogenic warming. Model results now show natural variability will decrease in magnitude under warmer conditions, altering the mechanisms causing it and its influence on warming k t. S to north american forests from southern pine beetle with warming southern pine beetle is projected to be able to expand into vast areas of the northeastern us and southeastern canada by 2050 posing risks to forest structure, biodiversity and associated ecosystem lesk, ethan coffel, anthony w. D’amato, kevin dodds & radley dashboard: dashboard: of world e of world es 6 july 2015 12: most influential climate change papers of all pidcock06. 2015 | 12:esthe most influential climate change papers of all of the many thousands of papers on climate change published each year in scientific journals are the most successful? Which ones have done the most to advance scientists’ understanding, alter the course of climate change research, or inspire future generations? Wednesday, carbon brief will reveal the results of our analysis into which scientific papers on the topic of climate change are the most “cited”. That means, how many times other scientists have mentioned them in their own published research. Before we reveal the figures on the most-cited research, carbon brief has asked climate experts what they think are the most influential asked all the coordinating lead authors, lead authors and review editors on the last intergovernmental panel on climate change (ipcc) report to nominate three papers from any time in history. This is the exact question we posed:What do you consider to be the three most influential papers in the field of climate change? Wetherald published in the journal of the atmospheric sciences in 1967 tops the carbon brief poll as the ipcc scientists’ top choice for the most influential climate change paper of all ed, “thermal equilibrium of the atmosphere with a given distribution of relative humidity”, the work was the first to represent the fundamental elements of the earth’s climate in a computer model, and to explore what doubling carbon dioxide (co2) would do to global & wetherald (1967), journal of the atmospheric manabe & wetherald paper is considered by many as a pioneering effort in the field of climate modelling, one that effectively opened the door to projecting future climate change. Sherwood tells carbon brief:[the paper was] the first proper computation of global warming and stratospheric cooling from enhanced greenhouse gas concentrations, including atmospheric emission and water-vapour danny harvey, professor of climate modelling at the university of toronto and lead author on the buildings chapter in the ipcc’s working group three report on mitigation, emphasises the manabe & wetherald paper’s impact on future generations of scientists. 1976) source: university of california, santa jorge carrasco, antarctic climate change researcher at the university of magallanes in chile and lead author on the cryosphere chapter in the last ipcc report, tells carbon brief why the research underpinning the “keeling curve’ was so paper revealed for the first time the observing increased of the atmospheric co2 as the result of the combustion of carbon, petroleum and natural david stern, energy and environmental economist at the australian national university and lead author on the drivers, trends and mitigation chapter of the ipcc’s working group three report, also chooses the 1976 keeling paper, though he notes:This is a really tough question as there are so many dimensions to the climate problem – natural science, social science, policy the mauna loa measurements continuing today, the so-called “keeling curve” is the longest continuous record of carbon dioxide concentration in the world. Forwarding a few decades, in joint second place comes a paper by isaac held and brian soden published in the journal science in paper, “robust responses of the hydrological cycle to global warming”, identified how rainfall from one place to another would be affected by climate change. He says:[this paper] advanced what is known as the “wet-get-wetter, dry-get-drier” paradigm for precipitation in global warming. This mantra has been widely misunderstood and misapplied, but was the first and perhaps still the only systematic conclusion about regional precipitation and global warming based on robust physical understanding of the & soden (2006), journal of than choosing a single paper, quite a few academics in our survey nominated one or more of the working group contributions to the last ipcc report. The original ipcc report, published in 1990, also got was clear from the results that scientists tended to pick papers related to their own field. For example, prof ottmar edenhofer, chief economist at the potsdam institute for climate impact research and co-chair of the ipcc’s working group three report on mitigation, selected four papers from the last 20 years on the economics of climate change costs versus risks, recent emissions trends, the technological feasibility of strong emissions reductions and the nature of international climate a historical perspective, a few more of the early pioneers of climate science featured in our results, too. He says:[this is the] classic paper showing that rising greenhouse gas concentrations lead to increasing global average surface arrhenius (1896), philosophical magazine. Entitled, “the artificial production of carbon dioxide and its influence on temperature,” the paper marked an important step forward in climate change research, says andrew solow, director of the woods hole marine policy centre and lead author on the detection and attribution of climate impacts chapter in the ipcc’s working group two report.

They were only influential in callendar and his 1938 paper in quarterly journal of the royal meteorological honourable mentions in the carbon brief survey of most influential climate papers go to norman phillips, whose 1956 paper described the first general circulation model, william nordhaus’s 1991 paperon the economics of the greenhouse effect, and a paper by camile parmesan and gary yohe in 2003, considered by many to provide the first formal attribution of climate change impacts on animal and plant y, james hansen’s 2012 paper, “public perception of climate change and the new climate dice”, was important in highlighting the real-world impacts of climate change, says prof andy challinor, expert in climate change impacts at the university of leeds and lead author on the food security chapter in the working group two report. Result: more clarity and less levi, a political scientist at columbia university and lead author on the ipcc’s human security chapter, makes a wider point, telling carbon brief:The importance is in showing that climate change is observable in the , attribution of extreme weather continues to be at the forefront of climate science, pushing scientists’ understanding of the climate system and modern technology to their out for more on the latest in attribution research as carbon brief reports on the our common futures under climate change conference taking place in paris this g down which climate science papers most changed the world is difficult, and we suspect climate scientists could argue about this all day. But while the question elicits a range of very personal preferences, stories and characters, one paper has clearly stood the test of time and emerged as the popular choice among today’s climate experts – manabe and wetherald, image: satellite image of hurricane ines from this are the most influential climate change papers of all time? The climate change papers most featured in the is: the most 'cited' climate change is: the climate papers most featured in the media in is: the climate papers most featured in the media in concern over rising energy bills at an all time concern over rising energy bills is on the up, according to new government data. Analysis directly to your a daily or weekly round-up of all the important articles and papers selected by carbon brief by . You have been signed up briefexpert analysis directly to your a daily or weekly round-up of all the important articles and papers selected by carbon brief by .