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If your company meets our investment criteria, please use the following form to submit a funding request for consideration.
All submissions will be reviewed by our investment team and responded to in a timely ss plan submission formname *job title company name *address street addressapt, suite, bldg.
Southwestunited kingdomother internationalemail *phone *website sector *please choose the sector that best fits your ss servicesclean technologyhealthcare & life sciencesconsumer productsinformation technologyadvanced materials & manufacturingmedia & communications (includes internet)otherif other, please specify.
Funding request ($) *target size of funding round ($): *business description (max 100 words): *is your business a start-up?
Yesnoapproximate annual revenue *pre-revenueless than $1 million$1 million-$5 millionmore than $5 millionexecutive summary (max size: 3 mb) please include an executive summary of your business.
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Treatment of your business information and strict internal control of any materials you provide us at all initial assessment response within 5 days of business plan submission, usually a conference call or face-to-face meeting with a nexa of any information or documents provided to us upon request.
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Use of this website is subject to certain terms and conditions which constitute a legal agreement between you and angelus ment a business a business you for your interest in idea fund partners.
If your company meets our investment criteria, you may use the following form to submit a business plan to our ible objects raises series a acquires insert to add mobile apps to its user analytics and engagement s named one of america’s fastest growing tweets.