Term paper computer hacking
Articlesubmit bug reportsubmit lecturesubmit useful stuffforumsprivate messagesirc idlerpgirc statsirc quotessearch usersuser pictureswho is onlinerankingsirc chatirc command referenceabout the projectbill of rightslegal disclaimerprivacy statementsmeet the staffunder the hoodadvertise with htsipv6hall of g: a research hed by: radical dreamer, on 2007-11-13 01:01: just for criminals do you think of when i say the word computer hacker? You probably think of some sort of criminal bent on gaining access into your bank accounts or remote control over your computer. Granted, hackers have gotten a bad reputation from the media, who sometimes report break-ins of databases, computers, and other virtual resources. I believe that regardless of the stereotypical view of hackers in todays society, the majority of them help the world of computers rather than damage it. Action should be taken against the people who make the internet unsafe, not the people who make the internet though computer hacking of todays time is generally frowned upon, there are still plenty of people who make an honest living out of it. Some companies pay skilled its to attempt to hack their servers and computers to test their security. If the hacker is successful in gaining entry into the companys database or find any exploits, he/she will alert the company of the problem and inform them on how to go about fixing the already mentioned that an its work is called penetration testing or ethical hacking. Cracker\" is a term generally used for someone who hacks programs specifically, not blackhats in general (those, amazingly, are referred to as blackhats). Of course, nicely written paper, something i would like to carry around with me in print to make people read when they show they don\'t know anything about the subject. Xd hopety you got an a, what class did you write this for; english or something computer related? I may be new to hacking, but even i knew that the way hackers in general are portrayed in the media is almost an entirely negative light. I used the \"hats\" illustration just so my english teacher could follow me a bit more throughout my paper. Although you are correct when you say that the conotation of the term hacker is stedily becoming more negative than it already is, something completely different then the correct denotation of the -\"what do you think of when i say the word \'computer hacker\'? 03:11 am friday november 23rd, it alright if i use this as the basis for a research paper for my school? Hacking - an jayaseelan 703 thesis ch paper - uction to ethical l hacking suryansh giridhar_ sent successfully! Related slideshares at ch paper - hacker hed on apr 10, you sure you want message goes you sure you want message goes ch paper - hacker 1luke perrinmrs. Lesteradvance composition11 october 2011 hacking plague more than 30 percent of computers are infected by hacker-made viruses (“china issues”). Are an international threat that breach computers to gain information, to harm others,to make a profit, or to cripple a system. Unfortunately, the hacking epidemic is rapidly spreading, but in order tocounter hacking, one must examine and pinpoint the problems, while analyzing the solutions andoutlook. In order to counter hacking, one must have an understanding of what hacking discussed by dr. Unlike past efforts, hackers do not have to be at theirtarget to hack it; rather, they can be anywhere in the world, as long as they have their computers(“cyber tension”).

The world communication has created the downfall of secure, computerizedinformation through the use of the internet, networks, satellites, and other modern 2hackers do not need a direct hook to the source of information to steal it. Mizrachstated, “dont leave a trail or trace of [hacker’s] presence; dont call attention to [hacker] or[hacking] exploits. Hackers cover their “tracks” through the use of viruseswhich often cause havoc on the victim’s computer. Although the overall definition of hacking is diverse, thespecific problems with hacking are a more dominant matter. Hackers, asindividuals, are a dangerous threat to any computer; however, an organized group of hackers is apotentially fatal threat to entire networks. These groups are usually professional hackers andknow exactly where to find weaknesses in firewalls or security in computers. Computers need to bereformatted, and the operating system reinstalled to prevent the hacker from reentering thesystem (“crucial paradigm”). Hackerscan return to the computer like a common cold if actions are not made to prevent the attacksagain. Users have to re-secure the computer after an attack, and then reformat the computer tomake it stronger against hackers. The outlook of preventing the hacking epidemic is not encouraging and withoutany traces of a simple end. For example, the conficker virus is a rapidly spreading virus that hasalready infected nearly 30 percent of the computers internationally (“china issues”). This virusspreads across the internet, and it is capable of hiding itself in multiple places across a is just one example of how many computers can be affected by one hacker-made virus. It uses this combination to move quickly into thousands of computers every day andacross 200 countries total. The outlook for hacking is atragedy in the making, and without any signs of a permanent end. In spite of hacking, future generations need to go into computer programming becausethe world demands people with the ability to program. Computers are used in nearly every fieldof work, and in order to get an edge on other workers, people need to have the ability to workfluently with a computer. The future of many jobs will be in computer technology, and the jobfields will only increase from this change. Programmers are the antibody to the hackingdisease, and the only applicable means of stopping hackers. Programming is just like many fields, and shares thesame risk as any other job; however, the rewards from programming are sufficiently to use linkedin course - linkedin ng techniques: creating multimedia course - linkedin course - linkedin er hacking - an 703 thesis ch paper - uction to ethical l hacking rime research sent successfully.. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your can see my er hacking uction: hacking is very well-know way of "crashing" a computer system. Listed below is some information on the problems caused by hacking and some solutions of how to stop : hacking has become such a problem in today's computer dependent society that stronger measures must be implemented to stop hackers, and if hackers are still successful, they should be severely punished.

So many people rely on computers to get around, communicate and keep track of the things they have to do, when a hacker breaks into a system, it can sometimes temporarily ruin someone's life. It is relatively hard for even the best of hackers to break into a computer due to the strict security and punishment. Although, if hacking is done, and a hacker is caught, the consequinces are sometimes not that wonderful... With all the problems it causes, something has to be ue reading this er hacking uction: hacking is very well-know way of "crashing" a computer system. With all the problems it causes, something has to be ue reading this wikipedia, the free to: navigation, to be confused with hacker article is part of a series communication of computer criminals. Security hacker is someone who seeks to breach defenses and exploit weaknesses in a computer system or network. The subculture that has evolved around hackers is often referred to as the computer underground. In this controversy, the term hacker is reclaimed by computer programmers who argue that it refers simply to someone with an advanced understanding of computers and computer networks,[4] and that cracker is the more appropriate term for those who break into computers, whether computer criminal (black hats) or computer security expert (white hats). 3 non-fiction r information: timeline of computer security hacker sterling, author of the hacker computer security, a hacker is someone who focuses on security mechanisms of computer and network systems. White hat is the name given to ethical computer hackers, who utilize hacking in a helpful way. 8] they operate under a code, which acknowledges that breaking into other people's computers is bad, but that discovering and exploiting security mechanisms and breaking into computers is still an interesting activity that can be done ethically and legally. Accordingly, the term bears strong connotations that are favorable or pejorative, depending on the subculture around such hackers is termed network hacker subculture, hacker scene, or computer underground. It initially developed in the context of phreaking during the 1960s and the microcomputer bbs scene of the 1980s. 1980, an article in the august issue of psychology today (with commentary by philip zimbardo) used the term "hacker" in its title: "the hacker papers". It was an excerpt from a stanford bulletin board discussion on the addictive nature of computer use. In the 1982 film tron, kevin flynn (jeff bridges) describes his intentions to break into encom's computer system, saying "i've been doing a little hacking here". By 1983, hacking in the sense of breaking computer security had already been in use as computer jargon,[9] but there was no public awareness about such activities. 10] however, the release of the film wargames that year, featuring a computer intrusion into norad, raised the public belief that computer security hackers (especially teenagers) could be a threat to national security. This concern became real when, in the same year, a gang of teenage hackers in milwaukee, wisconsin, known as the 414s, broke into computer systems throughout the united states and canada, including those of los alamos national laboratory, sloan-kettering cancer center and security pacific bank. 13] the newsweek article appears to be the first use of the word hacker by the mainstream media in the pejorative red by media coverage, congressman dan glickman called for an investigation and began work on new laws against computer hacking. House of representatives on september 26, 1983, about the dangers of computer hacking, and six bills concerning computer crime were introduced in the house that year.

15] as a result of these laws against computer criminality, white hat, grey hat and black hat hackers try to distinguish themselves from each other, depending on the legality of their activities. These moral conflicts are expressed in the mentor's "the hacker manifesto", published 1986 in of the term hacker meaning computer criminal was also advanced by the title "stalking the wily hacker", an article by clifford stoll in the may 1988 issue of the communications of the acm. The popularity of stoll's book the cuckoo's egg, published one year later, further entrenched the term in the public's l subgroups of the computer underground with different attitudes use different terms to demarcate themselves from each other, or try to exclude some specific group with whom they do not s. Raymond, author of the new hacker's dictionary, advocates that members of the computer underground should be called crackers. In contrast to raymond, they usually reserve the term cracker for more malicious ing to ralph d. Clifford, a cracker or cracking is to "gain unauthorized access to a computer in order to commit another crime such as destroying information contained in that system". The term is generally synonymous with ethical hacker, and the ec-council,[18] among others, have developed certifications, courseware, classes, and online training covering the diverse arena of ethical hacking. Black hat" hacker is a hacker who "violates computer security for little reason beyond maliciousness or for personal gain" (moore, 2005). 19] the term was coined by richard stallman, to contrast the maliciousness of a criminal hacker versus the spirit of playfulness and exploration in hacker culture, or the ethos of the white hat hacker who performs hacking duties to identify places to repair or as a means of legitimate employment. 20] black hat hackers form the stereotypical, illegal hacking groups often portrayed in popular culture, and are "the epitome of all that the public fears in a computer criminal". A grey hat hacker may surf the internet and hack into a computer system for the sole purpose of notifying the administrator that their system has a security defect, for example. Even though grey hat hackers may not necessarily perform hacking for their personal gain, unauthorized access to a system can be considered illegal and unethical. Script kiddie (also known as a skid or skiddie) is an unskilled hacker who breaks into computer systems by using automated tools written by others (usually by other black hat hackers), hence the term script (i. Neophyte ("newbie", or "noob") is someone who is new to hacking or phreaking and has almost no knowledge or experience of the workings of technology and hacking. Blue hat hacker is someone outside computer security consulting firms who is used to bug-test a system prior to its launch, looking for exploits so they can be closed. Order to do so, there are several recurring tools of the trade and techniques used by computer criminals and security article: exploit (computer security). Vulnerability scanner is a tool used to quickly check computers on a network for known weaknesses. These check to see which ports on a specified computer are "open" or available to access the computer, and sometimes will detect what program or service is listening on that port, and its version number. Firewalls defend computers from intruders by limiting access to ports and machines, but they can still be circumvented. A common approach is to search for possible vulnerabilities in the code of the computer system then test them, sometimes reverse engineering the software if the code is not rd guessing. Cracking is the process of recovering passwords from data that has been stored in or transmitted by a computer system.

Posing as an accountant working for the same company, dade tricks the employee into giving him the phone number of a modem so he can gain access to the company's computer s who use this technique must have cool personalities, and be familiar with their target's security practices, in order to trick the system administrator into giving them information. It can be used to set up a back door in a computer system, enabling the intruder to gain access later. Nonetheless, many people use the terms "virus" and "worm" interchangeably to describe any self-propagating program. For example, a business may maintain a keylogger on a computer used at a point of sale to detect evidence of employee patterns are defined as series of repeatable steps that can be applied to simulate an attack against the security of a system. Intruders and criminal article: list of computer e security article: list of auernheimer, sentenced to 3 years in prison, is a grey hat hacker whose security group goatse security exposed a flaw in at&t's ipad kaminsky is a dns expert who exposed multiple flaws in the protocol and investigated sony's rootkit security issues in 2005. He is a founding member of the honeynet project and vice president of computer professionals for social er 2. Who claimed that he hacked into the democratic national committee (dnc) computer appelbaum is an advocate, security researcher, and developer for the tor project. Jude) was an american hacker and activist, founding member of the cypherpunk movement, and one of the creaters of community memory, the first public computerized bulletin board system. Mitnick is a computer security consultant and author, formerly the most wanted computer criminal in united states history. Sassaman was a belgian computer programmer and technologist who was also a privacy th l. He has since become a respected computer security consultant and an advocate of children's online designer is the pseudonym of the founder of the openwall computer underground[2] has produced its own specialized slang, such as 1337speak. 39] it is common for hackers to use aliases to conceal their groups and articles: hacker conference and hacker computer underground is supported by regular real-world gatherings called hacker conventions or "hacker cons". Hacker groups became popular in the early 1980s, providing access to hacking information and resources and a place to learn from other members. Computer bulletin board systems (bbss), such as the utopias, provided platforms for information-sharing via dial-up modem. For malicious ing with computer source documents – intentional concealment, destruction or alteration of source code when the computer source code is required to be kept or maintained by law for the time being in onment up to three years, or/and with fine up to 20000 onment up to three years, or/and with fine up to 50000 e 138ab of wetboek van strafrecht prohibits computervredebreuk, which is defined as intruding an automated work or a part thereof with intention and against the law. 1030, more commonly known as the computer fraud and abuse act, prohibits unauthorized access or damage of "protected computers". 1030(e)(2) as:A computer exclusively for the use of a financial institution or the united states government, or, in the case of a computer not exclusively for such use, used by or for a financial institution or the united states government and the conduct constituting the offense affects that use by or for the financial institution or the government. Computer which is used in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce or communication, including a computer located outside the united states that is used in a manner that affects interstate or foreign commerce or communication of the united states;. Maximum imprisonment or fine for violations of the computer fraud and abuse act depends on the severity of the violation and the offender's history of violations under the g and the category: hacker most notable hacker-oriented print publications are phrack, hakin9 and 2600: the hacker quarterly. Kevin mitnick sentenced to nearly four years in prison; computer hacker ordered to pay restitution .. And ries: hacking (computer security)computer occupationsidentity theftillegal occupationscomputer securityhidden categories: pages with citations lacking titlespages with citations having redundant parameterswikipedia indefinitely move-protected pageswikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pagesuse mdy dates from march 2013all articles needing style editingwikipedia articles needing style editing from august 2016articles needing additional references from august 2011all articles needing additional referencesall articles with unsourced statementsarticles with unsourced statements from december 2011articles with unsourced statements from october 2008commons category without a link on logged intalkcontributionscreate accountlog pagecontentsfeatured contentcurrent eventsrandom articledonate to wikipediawikipedia out wikipediacommunity portalrecent changescontact links hererelated changesupload filespecial pagespermanent linkpage informationwikidata itemcite this a bookdownload as pdfprintable version.