All quiet on the western front essay

Following words are common and were removed from the search query: search returned over 400 essays for "all quiet on the western front". You may also sort these by color of innocence in all quiet on the western front, by erich maria remarque. All quiet on the western front one of the best war novels that is read by thousands of high school students each year is erich maria remarque's all quiet on the western front. In the novel all quiet on the western front, the narrator, paul baumer, and his friends encounter the ideals of suffering, death, pain, and despair. However, all quiet on the western front gives the reader some insight and a look at a group of young german friends who are fighting in world war i. One novel, all quiet on the western front, has been considered a classic and possibly "the greatest war novel of all time". All quiet on the western front    erich maria remarque’s literary breakthrough, all quiet on the western front, describes two stories. In his novel, all quiet on the western front, remarque depicts a transition in the nature of reality from idealism to realism and naturalism. All quiet on the western front by erich maria remarque "all quiet on the western front" was written in a first person style. When sent to the front, paul, along with his other friends, made new friendships that would last throughout time.... All quiet on the western front - a book review professor’s comments: this is a good example of a book review typically required in history classes. All quiet on the western front is the story of paul baumer’s service as a soldier in the german army during world war i. All’s quiet on the western front lewis milestone’s “all’s quiet on the western front”, based on erich remarque’s novel, is an incredibly disturbing and effective anti-war film. One book, all quiet on the western front, has been considered a classic and possibly "the greatest war novel of all time. All quiet on the western front  two years  the book i chose to read was all quiet on the western front, by erich maria remarque.

The story told in all quiet on the western front occurs during the two years just before the armistice ended world war i in november 1918. The eastern front extended into russia, and the western front extended through belgium into northern france.... The title of the novel roots from a phrase used to describe the silence between shellings and infantry attacks during the battles fought on the western front ( text, 895 ). Although world war i was a very real event, the testaments of the main character in “all quiet on the western front” is purely fictional, but they are based on the accounts of veterans of the war.... The metamorphosis of paul baumer in all quiet on the western front     erich maria remarque's all quiet on the western front, a novel set in world war i, centers around the changes wrought by the war on one young german soldier. All quiet on the western front: the quiet novel that screamed a message in remarque's "all quiet on the western front", the main character paul baumer who is 18 years old, is sent to the front to fight for his homeland, germany. All quiet on the western front: nature of war in the books all quiet on the western front by erich maria remarque and the wars by timothy findley, there is clear evidence of the nature of war. Paul's facade in all quiet on the western front in erich maria remarque's novel all quiet on the western front, paul baumer paints a vivid picture of the horrors of war. Essay: all quiet on the western front an anti-war novel often portrays many of the bad aspects and consequences of war. Erich remarque’s all quiet on the western front is a novel set in the first world war that is against war. Erich maria remarque's all quiet on the western front , is a novel set in world war i, and centers around the changes wrought by the war on one young german soldier. The cause of death in all quiet on the western front erich maria remarque's all quiet on the western front is a very interesting and true-to-heart novel based in the first world war where many men and women died because someone called them the enemy. They are sent to the front to "protect the fatherland" or germany as it is called.... All quiet on the western front erich maria remarque's all quiet on the western front is one of the greatest war novels of all time. All quiet on the western front the setting of this novel takes place in germany during world war i.

The war is being fought at the fronts- which is almost every side of germany where other countries lie. For the most part, paul baumer stays on the western front, (north west of belgium), during the three years when the novel takes place. Erich remarque’s all quiet on the western front      “i am young, i am twenty years old; yet i know nothing of life but despair, death, fear, and fatuous superficiality cast over an abyss of sorrow. Paul baumer, the protagonists of erich remarque’s all quiet on the western front utters these words signifying the loss of his humanity and the reduction to a numbed creature, devoid of emotion.... Indifference to war in remarque’s all quiet on the western front in remarque’s all quiet on the western front, characters such as paul and his friends become indifferent to shocking elements of war through constant exposure to them. For example, the characters are unconcerned about the dangers of the front because they are accustomed to being on the front. Importance of life revealed in erich maria remarque's all quiet on the western front     erich maria remarque's classic war novel, all quiet on the western front, deals with the many ways in which world war i affected people's lives, both the lives of soldiers on the front lines and the lives of people on the homefront. All quiet on the western front:  effective criticism of war              all quiet on the western front was a sad tale of paul bäumer, a lad just entering adulthood, who fought in a war that he did not even believe in. A deconstruction of erich maria remarque's all quiet on the western front the young soldiers depicted in erich maria remarque's text all quiet on the western front represent a generation without precedent, constancy, or forethought. Remarque contrasts the cold realities of war in the present to the tranquility of the past in order to illustrate the psychological transformation of the men stationed on the frontlines.... Can’t go home again – all quiet on the western front during his leave, perhaps baumer’s most striking realization of the vacuity of words in his former society occurs when he is alone in his old room in his parents’ house. Horror of war exposed in erich maria remarque's all quiet on the western front erich maria remarque's all quiet on the western front is one of the greatest war novels of all time. Theme of destruction in erich maria remarque's all quiet on the western front everyone knows what war is. In all quiet on the western front, erich maria remarque puts all of these aspects of war into a vivid story which tells the horrors of world war 1 through a soldier's eyes.... Remarque’s novel, all quiet on the western front, transpires in the trenches of the nazi western front, which is protected by the young german soldiers world war i.

Paul bäumer, the narrator; enters the war under pressure to enlist; goes to the front and learns about the brutality of war. Paul witnesses the extreme violence that defines war during his time spent on the western front. The reader is taken from the front line, to a catholic hospital, to his home while he is away on leave. Maria remarque’s all quiet on the western front – an accurate description of the honors and h. Erich maria remarque’s all quiet on the western front – an accurate description of the honors and horrors of war ellen glasgow said, "violence commands both literature and life. Violence commands erich maria remarque’s literature in his novel all quiet on the western front. All quiet on the western front should be read by all members of the armed forces for several reasons. The courage and strength in all quiet on the western front by erich maria remarque as i enter my last week as a twenty-year-old, i find myself nostalgically looking back on the past two decades while wondering what life has in store for me over the next two. All quiet on the western front the book, all quiet on the western front, was a very shocking book because it shows the reader what world war i was like from a german soldier, paul baumer’s, point of view. Erich maria remarque, the expressive german author, shows the scenes of war in his novel all quiet on the western front. In the movie “all quiet on the western front';, the german soldiers were sent into the battlefield thinking that they were going to win. Erich maria remarque’s all quiet on the western front is a novel that takes you through the life of a soldier in world war i. All quiet on the western front shows the change in attitudes of the men before and during the war. All quiet on the western front the novel all quiet on the western front by erich remarque describes the psychological and physical battles of young soldiers such as the main character paul baumer who was pressured by the spirit of nationalism and his school master into joining the german army during world war i. All quiet on the western front erich maria remarque was born on june 22, 1898, in germany.

He was wounded several times and in 1929 he published all quiet on the western front. After the publication of all quiet on the western front, the nazis accused remarque of being unpatriotic.... All quiet on the western front all quiet on the western front, written by erich maria remarque is a first hand experience account of the war. All quite on the western front was written for the millions of men who fought for their countries.... All quiet on the western front is a historical novel written by erich maria remarque. The novel focuses on a young german soldier and the predicaments he encounters in during his life on the front. All quiet on the western front erich maria remarque’s “all quiet on the western front” was set and written in germany during the first world war. However “all quiet on the western front” is an anti-war novel which shows the truth and reality of war. All quiet on the western front the 19th century view of war expressed that it was the most honorable and glorious event that a man could participate in. In addition, erich maria remarque’s all quiet on the western front further illustrated the ghastly nature of war. All quiet on the western front at the beginning of this chapter, paul reflects back on how the war abruptly uprooted his life and the lives of his comrades. All quiet in the western front” in the movie, “all quiet in the western front,” paul is an average eighteen-year-old male who enlists in the army and is sent to fight in wwi, which changes his views and makes him an adult. This opening paragraph is a simple, poetic version of the main theme behind all quiet on the western front by erich maria remarque. All quiet on the western front world war i had a great effect on the lives of paul baumer and the young men of his generation. In erich maria remarque’s novel, all quiet on the western front, paul baumer and the rest of his generation feel separated from the other men, lose their innocence, and experience comradeship as a result of the war....

Essay: all quiet on the western front an anti-war novel often portrays many of the bad aspects and consequences of war. Erich remarque’s all quiet on the western front is a novel set in the first world war that is against war. All quiet on the western front born erich paul remark (later changed to remarque) on june 22, 1898, he grew up in a roman catholic family in osnabruck in the province of westphalia, germany--a city in the northwest part of what is now west germany. Remarque’s all quiet on the western front, a novel set in world war i, centers around the changes brought by the war onto one young german soldier. The novel all quiet on the western front contains many incidents where the readers can hold characters responsible for their actions, however his novel in particular relates to the clash of values. Though fictional this novel by erich maria remarque, presents vast detail through the conflicts at the western front. In all quiet on the western front, is a novel that shows all of the horrible things and situations that occurred in wwi. All quiet on the western front mental abuse is sometimes overlooked, because of the rough physical abuse, but soldiers see a good side of both during wars. Maria remarque shows the mental part of abuse on the book all quiet on the western front. Many of the preceding war novels to all quiet on the western front, misrepresented or overlooked the anguish of war, in favor of more resplendent ideals such as glory, honor, or nationalism. The predominant issue of all quiet on the western front is the terrible atrocities of war. Compare ‘gallipoli’ and ‘all quiet on the western front’ in terms of the: · boys’ attitude to war · reasons for enlistment · experiences on the front how do these change their attitude to war. Analysis of major characters paul bäumer as the novel’s narrator and protagonist, paul is the central figure in all quiet on the western front and serves as the mouthpiece for remarque’s meditations about war.... All quiet on the western front, directed by delbert mann, is based on the novel written by erich maria remarque. He is a young man of nineteen who fights in the german army on the french front in world war i.

They joined after listening to nationalistic speeches told to them by their schoolmaster, kantorek but after experiencing ten weeks of atrocious basic training at the hands of the small-minded, vindictive corporal himmelstoss and the inconceivable cruelty of life on the front lines.... In erich maria remarque's wwi novel all quiet on the western front, we see the war through the german point of view of a 19 year-old paul baumer. The introductory paragraph of all quiet on the western front states that the book’s purpose is “neither to be an accusation nor a confession. In a critical response to all quiet, modris eksteins says that “all quiet was not a book about the events of the war--it was not a memoir--but an angry postwar statement about the effects of the war on the young generation that lived through it,” (eksteins 336).... The novel "all quiet on the western front", erich maria remarque, tells a story of a young german soldier by the name of paul baumer, during the first world war. The story begins during the war on the front, the majority of the novel the story is bases here, with exceptions of flashbacks, and the time he was drafted. The story of several schoolmates who symbolize a generation destroyed by the dehumanisation of the first world war, all quiet on the western front tells of the men who died, and the tragically changed lives of those who survived. In the book, all quiet on the western front, the character corporal himmelstoss is portrayed as a disciplinary, brutal, and sympathetic type of person in the training camps. The brutal strictness of discipline that the corporal is known for changes once he has a taste of the frontlines.... Paul baumer is the protagonist in all quiet on the western front written by erich maria remarque. Decline of morality the novel all quiet on the western front by erich maria remarque shows that war destroys more than just the physical level; the decline of morality has taken place through various circumstances in the novel such as: then incident where paul baumer is forced to kill a soldier in a shell hole, when paul lies to his mother and the mother of his dead friend kemmerich and when paul and kat must beat a recruit unconscious to stop him from leaving the trench; these incidents can be compared to events in the 1990’s such as: rise in the abortion rate, columbine high school shootings, and the incident between president clinton and monica lewinski.... In all quiet on the western front, a novel by erich maria remarque, a group of soldiers learn the hard way about the realities of war. All quiet on the western front describes the experiences of a group of young men who fought in the german army during world war one. Adolf hitler portrayed this belief when he banned the selling of erich remarque’s all quiet on the western front just prior to wwii. All quiet on the western front” is a novel by erich maria remarque, published in 1928 about paul baumer, a 19 year old student, who is persuaded by his schoolmaster to join the imperial german army.

He goes to the western front where he and his comrades witnesses the horror and brutality of war through a series of deadly, meaningless battles that left an entire generation traumatized. Through the novel all quiet on the western front, novelist erich maria remarque provides a commentary on the dehumanizing tendencies of warfare. The soldiers enter the war levelheaded, but upon reaching the front, their mentality changes drastically: “[they] march up, moody or good tempered soldiers – [they] reach the zone where the front begins and become on the instant human animals” (remarque 56). All quiet on the western front: the youth at war lost: unable to find one’s way; gone, no longer in existence; confused; destroyed; lacking morals, or spiritual hope; forlorn. Encarta dictionary) the word lost takes on a whole new, three-dimensional meaning when used to describe a generation of young soldiers in erich maria remarque’s novel, all quiet on the western front. These words would obviously have been countered by a book like all quiet on the western front, and so inhibiting those who wish to access it during wartime would be essential to inspiring individuals to take up arms.... The ending to erich maria remarque’s book, all quiet on the western front is a very convincing and logical ending that connects every end together and ties together with the main themes of the book: the horrors of war, the fragility of human life, and the effect of war on the soldier.. The ending to all quiet on the western front manages to tie in and include elements from at least three major themes in the book, that is, the horrors of war, the fragility of human life, and the effect of war on the soldier..... Our free enter the title keyword:All quiet on the western quiet on the western all quiet on the western maria remarque biography. I am so alone and so without hope that i can confront them without fear" (chapter 12). In all quiet on the western front, erich maria remarque creates paul bäumer to represent a whole generation of men who are known to history as the "lost generation. Too much has happened at the front for him to believe in human beings or compassion. Here is where remarque is at his greatest: in his description of the true horror and paralyzing fear at the front. Their callousness is contrasted with the reaction of the new recruits who sob, tremble, and give in to front-line madness described over and over again in scenes of the ue vividly recounts the horror of constant death as paul comes upon scenes of destruction. As time goes by, however, the pictures of camaraderie relieve the terrible descriptions of front line assaults and death, and they provide a bright light in a place of such terrible darkness.

Quiet on the western maria remarque's war novel, all quiet on the western front, deals with the many ways in which world war i affected people's lives, both the lives of soldiers on the front and the lives of people on the home front. Reading this now to view premium aver provides access to 863 pdfs and quizzes, 6575 literature essays,1781 sample college application essays,269 lesson plans, and ad-free surfing premium content, “members only” section of the site! Includes a 10% discount on all editing  quiet on the western front glory of war is the realization that there is no quiet on the western war i was a conflict fueled by territorial desires and nationalism. This very sentiment is captured in erich remarque's novel all quiet on the western front. Quiet on the western the novel, all quiet on the western front, erich maria remarque demonstrates, through the character of paul baumer, how war has obliterated almost an entire generation of men. Men and women: what we can learn from non-traditional quiet on the western y, always open to interpretation, is not merely limited to the traditional sources. It can be viewed through forms such as fiction, autobiography, or journalistic memoir, as demonstrated by erich remarque’s all quiet on the western front,... Death, quiet on the western ue’s account of the horrors of the western front in world war i, from the common german soldier’s perspective, is a poignant reminder of the horrors of war. Quiet on the western : a universal loss of innocence: remarque’s “all quiet on the western front”author: katherine perrywords: 1,139written: january 23, 2009paul bäumer lives in a world where killing is the only way to live, memories are as foreign as the enemy... Misconceptions about the great war: henri barbusse's "under fire" and erich maria remarque's "all quiet on the western front". Quiet on the western g towards the end of the twentieth century, german literary scholar hans wagener reflects on the deep resonance of war literature, stating: “when we think about certain periods of history, epoch-making books come to mind that capture the... Person, singular: fiction as a vehicle for a deeper quiet on the western map is not the territory, the sculpture is not the subject, and the sequential arrangement of black marks on a white page or screen (or red ochre on a cave wall) is not the reality it attempts to depict. Quiet on the western s nothing is more frequent in the pages of history books than wars. Sparknotes → literature study guides → all quiet on the western front → study questions & essay quiet on the western fronterich maria is of major characterspaul bäumerkantorekcorporal , motifs & y & analysischapter onechapter twochapter threechapter fourchapter fivechapter sixchapter sevenchapter eightchapter ninechapter tenchapter elevenchapter ant quotations questions & essay tions for further to cite this questions & essay questions & essay questions & essay questions & essay questions & essay questions & essay topics. To cope if your parents are quiet on the western quiet on the western front sparknotes literature guide.