Call of proposal 2016

For proposals bio-based industries (bbi) joint undertaking (ju) is responsible for the implementation of open call for proposals for research and innovation actions and innovation actions, as well as coordination and support actions, in line with the horizon 2020 rules for submission results for the bbi 2016 call are as follows:A total of 103 proposals were submitted in response to the 2016  number of proposals for each type of action is shown below:Ia – demo -  20 – flagship – 6 ranking of the 2016 call evaluation was adopted by the bbi governing board on 15 december information letters on the evaluation results were sent to the applicants on 16 december 2016 and 29 projects are invited to the grant agreement preparation bbi ju programme office signed the grant agreements by 8 may the applicants interested in receiving professional support or advice nationally, you are encouraged to contact the respective member of the network of national contact onal documentsguide for applicantsfrequently asked questions (updated 04/07/2016)bbi ju scientific innovation and research agenda (sira)horizon 2020 rules for participationbbi ju derogation to h2020 rules for participationbbi ju regulation of establishmenthorizon 2020 regulation of for proposals bio-based industries (bbi) joint undertaking (ju) is responsible for the implementation of open call for proposals for research and innovation actions and innovation actions, as well as coordination and support actions, in line with the horizon 2020 rules for submission results for the bbi 2016 call are as follows:A total of 103 proposals were submitted in response to the 2016  number of proposals for each type of action is shown below:Ia – demo -  20 – flagship – 6 ranking of the 2016 call evaluation was adopted by the bbi governing board on 15 december information letters on the evaluation results were sent to the applicants on 16 december 2016 and 29 projects are invited to the grant agreement preparation bbi ju programme office signed the grant agreements by 8 may the applicants interested in receiving professional support or advice nationally, you are encouraged to contact the respective member of the network of national contact onal documentsguide for applicantsfrequently asked questions (updated 04/07/2016)bbi ju scientific innovation and research agenda (sira)horizon 2020 rules for participationbbi ju derogation to h2020 rules for participationbbi ju regulation of establishmenthorizon 2020 regulation of orngosgrants and resources for funds for acy and good nmental security and hood and and conflict , sanitation and are here: home / archives for latest funds for ngos, call for proposals and call for applicationslatest funds for ngos, call for proposals and call for applicationsa list of latest grant funding opportunities for ngos and individuals including call for proposals, call for applications, request for proposals and expression of e evaluation: seeking applications for small grants to support research in family ne: 5 january measure evaluation project has announced a request for applications for its small grants program to increase the evidence base in routine health information systems (rhis) in family planning and reproductive health (fp/rh). Open society public health program: mapping, tracking and advocating for funds to address migrants’ mental ne: 15 december open society public health program is currently inviting proposals from civil society organizations (individual organizations or consortiums) that will identify the current eu funds designated for migrants’ mental health, and elucidate whether such funds have been spent in a relevant and accountable manner by the european union and member successful applicant will also conduct advocacy-related activities to support the appropriate designation, levels, … [read more...

Department of state has announced the fiscal year 2018 call for the ambassadors fund for cultural preservation large grants competition in fund aims to preserve major ancient archaeological sites, historic buildings and monuments, and major museum collections that are accessible to the public and protected by law in peru. Embassy morocco and the cultural heritage center of the department of state’s bureau of education and cultural affairs are seeking proposals for its 2018 ambassadors fund for cultural preservation (afcp) afcp supports the restoration of ancient and historic buildings, and the conservation of rare manuscripts museum collections and morocco’s unique cultural funding will take the form of a … [read more...

Call for concept papers: small-scale renewable electricity projects in mali, myanmar and ne: 31 january puu foundation and ekoenergy climate fund have announced a call for project proposals to establish renewable electricity installations aiming at alleviation of energy poverty and social inequality in mali, myanmar and puu and ekoenergy are looking for projects in the range of 20. 15 december ia education authority, the government of tanzania through national skills development strategy (nsds) is seeking proposals for its skills development fund (sdf).

Department of state are seeking proposals for its 2018 ambassadors fund for cultural preservation (afcp) large grants program with an aim to preserve cultural sites or objects that have historical or cultural significance for afcp large grants program gives top priority to project activities that are appropriate and in keeping with international cultural … [read more... Matra – call for proposals 2017-18: inviting turkish civil society ne: 7 january embassy and consulate general of the kingdom of the netherlands is currently inviting turkish civil society, non-profit educational institutions, lower governments and semi-governmental organizations to submit new proposals to get support for their matra social transformation programme is a bilateral assistance programme of the netherlands that aims to support social transformation in countries neighbouring the european union.

Premium terms of n union research grants ii open call for proposals 2016 n union research grants ii open call for proposals 2016 african union commission launches phase 2 of the african union research grants programme with an open call for proposals for research and innovation in africa supported by the european call for proposal supports africa’s science technology and innovation strategy-2024 which addresses the aspirations identified under agenda 2063 and priority 3 on human development of the eu-africa partnership. The call supports research on: food & nutrition security and sustainable agriculture (fnssa) with particular attention on sustainable african union research grant (aurg) is one of the programmes initiated within the department of human resources, science and technology (dhrst) to support a pan african research and development through grants and direct funding.

Million euro under the eu pan-african programme to launch 2 calls for research proposals in africa in 2016 and full guidelines for applicants, application form and other supporting documents are available for downloading under the event resources section located on the right hand side of this us @ resources:  corrigendum to the guidelines for applicants work programme guidelines for applicants annex a: grant application form annex b: logical framework annex c1: legal entity sheet- private annex c2: legal entity sheet - public annex d: financial identification form annex e: grant contract – special conditions annex i: description of the action annex ii: general conditions annex iii: budget for the action annex iv: procurement procedures annex v: request for payment annex vi-a: interim narrative report annex vi-b: final narrative report annex vi-c: financial report annex vii: expenditure verification annex viii: pre-financing guarantee complete call documents auc grants management manual frequently asked questions (faqs). Union research grants ii open call for proposals 2016 n union research grants ii open call for proposals 2016 n union research grants ii open call for proposals 2016 african union commission launches phase 2 of the african union research grants programme with an open call for proposals for research and innovation in africa supported by the european call for proposal supports africa’s science technology and innovation strategy-2024 which addresses the aspirations identified under agenda 2063 and priority 3 on human development of the eu-africa partnership.