Computer science related projects

Of notre e of of the ment of computer science and er science course er engineering course ntly asked guide to the honor m objectives, outcomes, and n valley ation for graduate graduate studies te school academic y of degree graduate student orientation rad research ering research t cse login rad research ering research t projects(old). Biometric thms and software for problems in radiosurgery, radiation therapy, and other medical les mosquito comparative tic emotion ell: computational methods for simulation of biological - design and analysis of real-time intensive abstractions for high end biometric ing grids with machine learning ing ultra-dense computers with nting endangered c data-driven applications simulation (wiper). Energy/power efficient, real-time system computational discovery to privacy preservation in social, product, and health grammars for igent edge ous resource ges and systems for data intensive scientific : morphable computer architectures for highly energy-aware networks for machine : processing in ol: computational methods for simulation of : spontaneous information and resource le and reliable computation re engineering of scientific of the open source software ak: collaborative mobile ng the wandering rvised multilingual language ed biometric project is investigating various biometric sources (face, iris, hand, fingerprint, and gait) and sensors (2d, 3d, infra-red, ... Our research group is supporting the government programs on the gait challenge problem, the face recognition grand challenge, and the iris challenge y: bowyer, thms and software for problems in radiosurgery, radiation therapy, and other medical project is on the design, analysis, implementation, and experimentation of new algorithms and software for solving geometric optimization problems arising in radiosurgery, radiation therapy, and other related medical applications. Gambiae species group and the larger set of species in relation to y: tic emotion goal of this project is to develop computer systems that automatically sense when a user is bored, confused, frustrated, etc. The emotion detection systems will be integrated into computer interfaces in an attempt to provide more effective, user-friendly, and naturalistic interactions. Several projects focusing on either adapting existing emotion detection systems or investigating new modalities for emotion detection are y: d'ell: computational methods for simulation of biological are creating a model that includes how genetics at the subcellular level interacts with biophysics at the cellular level to orchestrate the development of organisms. We also work with biologists, physicists, and mathematicians in the development and validation of simulations of chicken limb development as part of a national science foundation biocomplexity y: - design and analysis of real-time -time embedded systems can be found in many applications such as communication devices, transportation machines, entertainment appliances, and medical instruments. We are building and deploying tools that explain failures in computing grids of thousands of y: chawla, ing ultra-dense computers with m: most projections of cmos technologies perceive an ultimate limit of about 0. The qca solution: utilize a new technology termed quantum cellular automata (qca) to build real computers orders of magnitude denser than the limits of cmos from molecularly sized devices where information is moved by coulombic interactions rather than current y: nting endangered logies for large-scale data collection and automatic transcription and word alignment in endangered and unwritten languages. This notion of collective intelligence opens up a new tremendous source of data which can vastly improve decision making in many domains, be it advertising, the effectiveness of offering related products, or the ability to diagnose medical conditions. This work is driven by the insight that careless (non-cooperative) adaptation of multiple resource or multiple communicating devices can lead to sub-optimal savings in resource utilization or degraded application performance; effects which are often difficult to capture with theoretical models alone, thereby requiring extensive experimental y: ges and systems for data intensive scientific problems in science and engineering can only be solved by harnessing large collections of computers called cluster, clouds, or grids. To address this, our lab is designing new languages and systems that allow end users to easily specify and execute workloads that run on hundreds of y: : morphable computer architectures for highly energy-aware an energy gear to high performance embedded y: brockman, networks for machine and algorithms for translation and language modeling using neural y: : processing in the current trend of rapidly increasing cpu speeds and ballooning ram capacities, the bottleneck between the processor and main memory is becoming more and more costly.

This project is funded by the national science y: : spontaneous information and resource objective of this project is to overcome the limitations of mobile wireless devices by allowing them to spontaneously request access to resources (such as storage, cpus, network bandwidths) and information (e. Biocompute divides large bioinformatics jobs into hundreds of smaller jobs that are sent to either a large collection of personal computers or an external cloud. Biocompute is maintained by the cooperative computing lab and is supported by the bioinformatics core facility at the university of notre y: emrich, and reliable computation project allows resource-constrained devices (limited in their battery life or computational capabilities) to use external computing resources such as supercomputers or grids to carry out their extensive computational tasks in a secure and reliable way. We also are trying to build self-adaptive programs that can choose the best algorithms and parameters for particular problems at run y: of the open source software research project seeks to understand the free/open source software (f/oss) phenomenon and to predict the pattern of growth exhibited by f/oss projects over time. A number of short and long-term projects that focus on eye tracking and other methods to detect mind wandering are y: d'rvised multilingual language and algorithms for translation, word alignment, and bilingual lexicon induction from parallel and non-parallel texts. Further, vectorbase will be responsible for providing bioinformatics support of four included "driving biological projects," which will generate cutting-edge experimental data for both graduate students and staff to y: collins, emrich, department of computer science and engineering at the university of notre dame. Mail: cse@itation bachelor’s degree programs in aerospace, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, and mechanical engineering are accredited by the engineering accreditation commission of abet, inc. The bachelor’s degree program in computer science is accredited by the computing accreditation commission of abet, ibility sity of notre e of of the ment of computer science and er science course er engineering course ntly asked guide to the honor m objectives, outcomes, and n valley ation for graduate graduate studies te school academic y of degree graduate student orientation rad research ering research t cse login rad research ering research t projects(old). The bachelor’s degree program in computer science is accredited by the computing accreditation commission of abet, ibility enter a search term in the text er science fair project ensure you have javascript enabled in your browser. Here's computer science fair project you're interested in learning about computer programming and computer science, we have some great science fair project ideas to get you started. For programming, we have a series of science fair project ideas based on javascript that offer a great way to get started with programming, using just a web browser and a text editor. We also have science fair project ideas about file compression, a cool geometry applet that you can use to make interactive diagrams, and many more ideas to get you select from the following difficulty levels:You may print and distribute up to 200 copies of this document annually, at no charge, for personal and classroom educational use. For any other use, please contact science ic outreach -on stem for your e fair project ering design project ed project e fair project a free science buddies e buddies in us on ght © 2002-2017 science buddies.

All rights uction of material from this website without written permission is strictly of this site constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions of fair sity of oxford department of computer resources & t projects - raduate student ation of photovoltaic increased relevance of renewable energy sources has modified the behaviour of the electrical grid. In an industrial uisites: computer-aided formal verification, probabilistic model is and verification of stochastic hybrid stic hybrid systems (shs) are dynamical models that are employed to characterize the probabilistic evolution of interleaved and interacting continuous and discrete analysis, verification, and optimal control of shs models represent relevant goals because of their lity and for their applicability to a wealth of studies in the sciences and in a number of practical instances the presence of a discrete number of continuously operating modes (e. Are directly applicable to general shs models, while being computationally s: computer-aided formal verification, probabilistic model checking, probability and computing, automata logic uisites: familiarity with stochastic processes and formal ted verification of complex systems in the energy microgrids are small-scale versions of centralized electricity systems, which locally generate, distribute, and flow of electricity to consumers. This framework provides the opportunity of employing formal methods to verify properties of the goal of the project is in particular to focus on the energy production via renewables, such as photovoltaic project can benefit form a paid visit/internship to industrial s: computer-aided formal verification, probabilistic model checking, probability and computing, automata logic uisites: familiarity with stochastic processes and formal verification, whereas no specific knowledge of smart pment of software for the verification of mpl project is targeted to enhance the software tollbox verisimpl (''very simple''), which has been developed to abstraction of max-plus-linear (mpl) models. This enables the verification of mpl models against temporal specifications within s: computer-aided formal verification, numerical solution of differential uisites: some familiarity with dynamical systems, working knowledge of matlab and tive sensing and actuation for smart isation and actuation in smart buildings and the development of smart hvac (heat, ventilation and air-conditioning). Further, we plan to investigate approaches to perform meta-sensing,Namely to extrapolate the knowledge from physical sensors towards that of virtual elements (as an example, to infer the ng occupancy from correlated measurements of temperature and humidity dynamics). Computer-aided formal uisites: some familiarity with dynamical learning and ndro abate, daniel  project will explore connections of techniques from machine learning with successful approaches from formal project has two sides: a theoretical one, and a more practical one: it will be up to the student to emphasise either two sides depending on his/her background and/of interests. On the other hand, a more practical project will apply the above theoretical connections on a simple models the area of robotics and s: computer-aided formal verification, probabilistic model checking, machine e simulations and analysis of aggregated probabilistic project shall investigate a rich research line, recently pursued by a few within the department of cs, looking development of quantitative abstractions of markovian models. As such, whatever can be shown abstract model, can be as well formally discussed over the original project, grounded on existing literature, will pursue (depending on the student's interests) extensions of this , or its implementation as a software s: computer-aided formal verification, probabilistic model checking, machine reinforcement rcement learning (rl) is a known architecture for synthesising policies for markov decision processes (mdp). This project will provide extensions of these uisites: computer-aided formal verification, probabilistic model checking, machine re development for abstractions of stochastic hybrid stic hybrid systems (shs) are dynamical models for the interaction of continuous and discrete states. For samson abramsky is happy to supervise projects in the following areas:- study of nonlocality and contextuality in quantum information and beyond. For example, it may be the case that with quantum systems, fewer resources are project will investigate the classical simulation of quantum systems in simple scenarios in which quantum systems icated from one party to another, or in which quantum systems are measured to produce correlated outcomes. Some extra cover the basic formalism of quantum theory would be an -independent quantum of the most successful applications of quantum information science is quantum key distribution, which enables s to send secret messages, with security guaranteed by the laws of quantum theory.

Some extra cover the basic formalism of quantum theory would be an zation of web query project will look at how to find the best plan for a query, given a collection of data sources with access look at logic-based methods for analyzing query plans, taking into account integrity constraints that may exist on y of science: aligning the world of scholarship data from the royal recent ambitious project from the royal society aims to digitise all transactions of the royal society over the the earliest scientific journal publication in the world, this resource is an invaluable asset to the history of ific knowledge. Areas in which i could supervise student projects in quantum information theory and quantum foundations. General areas for student supervision: quantum information and foundations of quantum m computing and quantum information, logic, category theory, fundamental coecke is willing to supervise projects in the following areas. Other projects on novel human-computer interfaces for security possible, interest and ing of security-related interactions, in csp or more evocative notations such as milner's bigraphs. Security: one concrete idea is the development of a policy language to allow the authors of apps to behaviour, designed to be precise about the expected access to peripherals and networks and the purpose thereof (ed and usage); uses skills in formal specification, understanding of app behaviour (by studying open-source apps),Possibly leading to prototyping a software tool to perform run-time checking that the claimed restrictions are adhered le for good 3rd or 4th year undergraduates, or msc, concurrency, concurrent programming, computer security all advantage. Other projects within this domain possible, according to interest and rency, concurrent programming, computer security all possibly an logy-layer social networks. This msc project will build upon opal to deal with static forms but also with sequences of interrelated forms, as in case of a rough initial form, followed by. Science and machine learning techniques for model parameterisation in biomedical and environmental  gavaghan, martin robinson, michael clerx, sanmitra ghosh. The problem that we are interested in is inferring the values of these key h applications of techniques from machine learning and data science. In the case of the kemeny consensus, which is an np-complete rank aggregation rule, of interest to exploit heuristics that may be effective on real-world data, and see for how large a data set can the sus be uisites: familiarity with polynomial-time algorithms, np-hardness; interest in computational -paper-scissors for the computerised the well-known game of rock-paper-scissors, it is clear that any player can "break even" by playing entirely at the other hand, people do a poor job of generating random numbers, and expert players of the game can take advantage table aspects of opponents' behaviour. Depending on how , we could also consider extending this approach to related uisite: interest in working with probability is important. A web camera or a microsoft kinect to conduct anomaly detection on real-world environments,And flag any issues related to potential ements: programming skills ering the performance limiters for l goldsmith, sadie creese, ioannis agrafiotis, arnau erola, jason  behavior of controls will be dependent upon how they are used. Other projects on visualizations are possible (not just cybersecurity), depending on ements: programming skills worried should we be about a malign entity deliberately changing or poisoning our data?

We will also be able to provide training for the student,So they are able to use the eyetracking tools ements: programming skills -computer interaction using motion l goldsmith, jassim -gesture peripherals have become popular in recent years, with leap motion, myo and kinect being a few examples. These projects tend to have a strong focus on human-computer interaction elements, designing and implementing user-friendly and meaningful motion gestures for a variety of real-world applications. Other projects on novel human-computer interfaces possible, depending on interest and ational cybersecurity capacity building l goldsmith, sadie creese, ioannis agrafiotis, arnau erola, jason  is a large investment being made by the international community aimed at helping nations and regions to develop ty in cybersecurity. Ts on novel human-computer interfaces for security possible, depending on interest and ing of security-related interactions, in csp or more evocative notations such as milner's bigraphs. Of security-related interactions, in csp or more ons such as milner's rency and computer security a distinct advantage. Such as on an application server) to further refine the understanding of which users and live on which applications ements: students must be able to construct software prototypes and have a working knowledge of network computer ural methods in computer l goldsmith, jassim ural methods in computer graphics help us develop content for virtual environments (geometry and materials) grammars. These projects tend to have a strong focus designing and implementing existing procedural methods, but also includes. Other projects on business process modelling also possible, interest and ising attack l goldsmith, sadie creese, ioannis agrafiotis, arnau erola, jason  use of visualisation techniques to better detect attacks and predict the harm that might result is a common project will provide the student with sample data-sets so that a novel visualisation might be developed (using ies) of one or more insider attacks. Such games have multiple applications in semantics, artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems, and verification and computer science. For instance, whether a logics for strategic reasoning become invariant under bisimilarity if the new model of strategies is considered, logics that are unable to express nash equilibria can do so with respect to the new model of strategies, and results already obtained still hold more complex classes of systems, for instance, where nondeterminism has to be uisites: discrete mathematics, introduction to formal proof, logic and ble: computer-aided formal verification, computational s tractable strategic reasoning in strategy gy logic (sl) is a temporal logic to reason about strategies in multi-player games. Such games have multiple logic and semantics, artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems, and verification and computer science. The fragments to be studied can be either syntactic fragments full language or semantic fragments where only particular classes of models are uisites: discrete mathematics, introduction to formal proof, logic and ble: computer-aided formal verification, computational el algorithms for computing hilbert a homogeneous system of linear equations a x = 0, a hilbert basis is a unique finite minimal set of non-negative which every non-negative solution of the system can be generated. Computing hilbert bases is a fundamental problem various areas in computer science and mathematics, for instance in decision procedures for arithmetic theories, the infinite-state systems and pure combinatorics.

Time permits, an implementation of the decision procedure developed in this project could be uisites: good familiarity with first-order logic, linear algebra and computational ormatics ormatics projects can be found you choose any of these projects you must find a joint supervisor from the department of computer science. This is a programming project that creates a for features, extracting them from images and then projecting them onto 2-dimensional space in interesting ways, rating the effects of uisites: linear algebra, computer graphics. Fundamentals of learning theory is useful, but not ations of deductive machine goal of deductive machine learning is to provide computers with the ability to automatically learn a behaviour ly satisfies a given high-level specification. Security/cryptographic protocol: learn a protocol that performs a security-related potentially applies cryptographic methods. This can apply to both lossless and lossy ts being offered by d kroening is happy to supervise projects related toautomated hardware and software issat and decision proceduresapplications of sat or smt in other areas, e. List of sample projects, see  kroening, tom  intel galileo boards are micro controller boards that can be networked, and also conform to the arduino standard devices (sensors, actuators, screens, i/o devices) can be attached to them and controlled. Probabilistic modelling, verification and sor marta kwiatkowska is happy to supervise projects in the area of quantitative/probabilistic modelling, synthesis, particularly those relating to the prism model checker. While assurance for deep neural sor marta kwiatkowska is happy to supervise projects in the area of safety assurance and automated verification are some concrete project proposals:Safety testing of deep neural networks. Experience with finite element methods (navier stokes) and image ry declarations for aint programming is a programming paradigm, in which programmers write programs by specifying the problem aints) and letting computers use their computational power to figure out the solution automatically. In the second project, students ent and compare different physical models to describe hydrogen bonding, which is among the most important ctions that stabilize the double helical project is recommended for students who took the geometric modelling and computer animation well as have some interest in numerical methods (e. The be tailored to suit those from a variety of backgrounds but would benefit from having taken the following courses: cs, geometric modelling and computer electronic commerce cial use of the internet is becoming more and more common, with an increasing variety of goods becoming purchase over the net. The goal of this project is to enable multi-core query processing over in dbtoaster, which requires implementing necessary primitives for parallelization of the existing single-threaded tion dr olteanu would be happy to discuss specific projects within the aforementioned topics with interested ilistic databases (maybms, sprout). However, usually the only  available form is a bing the construction, while no computer code (and often no detailed description of a possible implementation) ed.

For more information about the science and to see it in action on cpu see "cardiac electrophysiology web lab" :///functionalcuration/ an existing a c++ implementation. If you have a particular area cs-related research that you are keen to explore then we can tailor a bespoke project for you. Have supervised in the past include "natural tree generation" which involved using lindenmayer systems to grow g bushes and trees to be rendered in a scene; "procedural landscape generation" in which an island world could be -the-fly using a set of simple rules as a user explored it; "gesture recognition" where a human could control a simple hand-gestures; "parallel ray-tracing" on distributed-memory clusters and using multiple threads on a gpu card; " for analysing the distribution of rfid radio signal inside a building; and "non-photorealistic rendering" where were rendered with toon/cel shaders and a set of pencil-sketch cs pipeline -requisites: computer graphics, object-oriented idea behind this project is to build an educational tool which enables the stages of the graphics pipeline to be might imagine the pipeline being represented by a sequence of windows; the user is able to manipulate a model in window and watch the progress of her modifications in the subsequent windows. The goal of t is to apply the unfolding technique to the verification of cbps, and compare with existing verification uisites: suitable for students having followed the course "computer-aided formal verification". Digital systems, compilers & computer architecture useful but not ution neural networks for microcontrollers and constrained ution neural networks have made dramatic advances in recent years on many image and vision processing tasks. Face in the field of view of a low pixel camera) on low-power uisites: machine learning & computer architecture useful but not ecting extinct  the architecture of current reduced instruction set processors is well established, and , the early days of computing saw extensive experimentation and exploration of alternative designs. This period also saw the development of the first single chip microprocessors,Such as the intel 4004, and the first personal computers, such as the altair 8800 using the intel 8080  project will attempt to resurrect one of these extinct designs (or a scaled down version if necessary). Prerequisites: digital systems or computer architecture useful but not of measure as types within an interactive programming able to define the units of constants and variables in a programming language has great value in many 's mars climate orbiter was lost in 1999 due to software that calculated trajectory thruster firings in pounds seconds,Rather than newton-seconds. It should be possible to make a of lego mindstorms, then control it with an instance of geomlab running on a host computer, with communication over bluetooth. Large international community of researchers is trying to use computers to allow groups of people (or groups of ) make better joint decisions. Most likely, require designing and implementing a tableau-based algorithm, in the spirit of related tools for description the guarded uisites: logic and proof (or equivalent). In recent years, computer-based tests have ped in order to remove the human subjectivity from the diagnosis, and in order to enable the patient to carry out litation programme at home. It is unrealistic to assume this project can run in the fying features in mri scan recent years, medical diagnosis using a variety of scanning modalities has become quasi-universal and has brought need for computer analysis of digital s of the spatial reasoning research group have developed image processing software for ct (tomography) scan data.

Mri) is preferred, both because of its safety (no radiation involved) and because of its increased visualisation project is about converting mri scan data into a format that can become compatible with existing segmentation data input would need to be integrated into the group's analysis software in order then to carry out 3d other project is co-supervised by professor david murray ma, md, frcs (orth), consultant orthopaedic surgeon at the aedic centre and the nuffield department of orthopaedics, rheumatology and musculoskeletal sciences (ndorms), and hemant pandit mbbs, ms (orth), dnb (orth), frcs (orth), dphil (oxon)orthopaedic surgeon / honorary senior clinical lecturer,Oxford orthopaedic engineering centre (ooec), rcement learning techniques for project is already taken for logy has inspired and informed a number of machine learning methods. Surgeons at the nuffield department of orthopaedics,Rheumatology and musculoskeletal sciences (ndorms) in oxford have been working on a standardised method to help trainees sequence of events in an operation. It is proposed to construct a computer-based tool which would help with this from the choice of tools and materials, the tool would also feature a virtual model of the knee. There would be pre-defined parameters regarding the type and depth of each cut, and tion tool on how the virtual cuts compared against the project goals are quite extensive and so this would be suitable for an experienced project is co-supervised by professor david murray ma, md, frcs (orth), consultant orthopaedic surgeon at the aedic centre and the nuffield department of orthopaedics, rheumatology and musculoskeletal sciences (ndorms), and hemant pandit mbbs, ms (orth), dnb (orth), frcs (orth), dphil (oxon)orthopaedic surgeon / honorary senior clinical lecturer,Oxford orthopaedic engineering centre (ooec), e fabric detail tional computer-aided design (cad) software uses methods such as extrusion and revolution tools that the user can create the 3d shape of a tools are based on traditional manufacturing methods and work very well for most cad application which these tools do not work well for is creating 3-dimensional representations of exact path of each fibre within the textile is dependent upon the other fibres, and the flexibility of the purpose of this project is to create a simple software tool/algorithm into which a user can input a weave pattern (flat),Or a braid pattern (cylindrical), and the flexibility of the fibres and it will create a 3-dimensional representation of investigation of the solution of least squares problems using the qr mental data inevitably contains error. This method, when used in practice, can cal instabilities, where the (inevitable) numerical errors due to fixed precision calculations on a computer are magnified,And may swamp the calculation. On a given computer we may only store a finite number of matrix working with sparse matrices we usually store only the non-zero entries and their locations. In particular, ms related to convex relaxations (linear and semidefinite programming relaxations), submodular functions, and and complexity of homomorphisms problems and constraint satisfaction problems. Year project registration form for mathematics & computer for 3rd year for 4th year t registration form for 3rd year undergraduate project undergraduate project undergraduate project undergraduate project undergraduate project undergraduate project g skills slides by maggie resources & raduate programadvisors & ng a cs icate programcourse of study / interdisciplinary tracks for non-engineering epartmental ndent work & thesesimportant steps and ines and useful raduate research ndent work ndent work seminar offerings - fall ndent work seminar offerings - spring independent work seminar involvedmailing lists and y of women in computer science (pwics). All>computational biologycomputational markets / game theory / economicscomputer architecturegraphics / vision / human-computer interactionmachine learningprogramming languages / compilerssecurity / privacy / policysystems / networkstheory project name. The main research issues are to develop effective shape representations and query y and graduate students:David dobkin, thomas funkhouser, adam finkelstein, szymon cs / vision / human-computer internet censorship lab (iclab) is a research platform to enable researchers to study a broad class of online information controls (e. And graduate students:Security / privacy / data: anonymity, privacy, data: anonymity, privacy, y and graduate students:Security / privacy / ormatics & functional new era of large-scale experimental methods in molecular biology has transformed it into an information-based science, making bioinformatics an integral part of genomic research. The is is a joint laboratory with the department of computer science and the lewis-sigler institute for integrative y and graduate students:Computational n and n and y and graduate students:Security / privacy / : content-aware search project investigates how to build an efficient, high-quality content-based similarity search engine for feature-rich (non-text) data, which has dominated the increasing volume of digital information. For a variety of example styles, we demonstrate high-quality user-constrained synthesized patterns that visually resemble the exemplars while exhibiting plausible structural y and graduate students:Graphics / vision / human-computer rise and data-center rise and data-center y and graduate students:Epigenome-wide association are currently developing methods for performing epigenome-wide scans for association of methylation status with phenotypes of y and graduate students:Computational e is a game to map the brain from seung lab at mit.

We hope imagenet will become a useful resource for researchers, educators, students and all of you who share our passion for y and graduate students:Graphics / vision / human-computer interaction, systems / et et y and graduate students:Faculty and graduate students:Interdisciplinary watts: computational social science: exciting progress and future 's interactive networking event (wine).