Content analysis in qualitative research

20 – june ative content ct: the article describes an approach of systematic, rule guided qualitative text analysis, which tries to preserve some ths of quantitative content analysis and widen them to a concept of qualitative the development of content analysis is delineated and the basic principles are explained (units of analysis, step models,Working with categories, validity and reliability). Then the central procedures of qualitative content analysis, pment of categories and deductive application of categories, are worked out. The possibilities of computer supporting those qualitative steps of analysis are shown and the possibilities and limits of the approach are words: qualitative content analysis, content analysis, category, induction, intercoder-reliability. Examples of projects working with qualitative content qualitative content analysis (mayring 1983; 7th edition 2000), as it is presented here, consists in a bundle of systematic text analysis which we developed ca. Conducting about 600 open-ended interviews we received more than of transcripts which had to be analyzed in a qualitative oriented way.

Main idea of the procedure of analysis is thereby, to preserve the advantages of quantitative content analysis as communication science and to transfer and further develop them to qualitative-interpretative steps of analysis. Object of (qualitative) content analysis can be all sort of recorded communication (transcripts of interviews, discourses,Protocols of observations, video tapes, documents ... Becker & lissmann (1973) have differentiated levels of content: themes and main ideas of the text y content; context information as latent content. As outlined below content analysis embeds the text into a model of communication within which it defines the analysis. This is expressed by krippendorff, who defines "content analysis as the use of replicable and valid method specific inferences from text to other states or properties of its source" (krippendorff 1969, p.

Content analysis defines itself within this framework as an approach of empirical, methodological controlled texts within their context of communication, following content analytical rules and step by step models, without rash quantification. History of content can distinguish different phases in the historical background of content analysis (cf. Newspaper analysis, graphological procedures, up to the dream analysis by sigmund ication theoretical foundation: the basis of quantitative content analysis had been laid by paul f. The procedures had been refined (fitting ent models of communication; analysis of non-verbal aspects, contingency analysis, computer applications) (cf. Of qualitative critics: since the middle of 20th century objections were raised against a superficial analysis ting latent contents and contexts, working with simplifying and distorting quantification (kracauer 1952).

Basic ideas of content we say, qualitative content analysis wants to preserve the advantages of quantitative content analysis for a more interpretation, so what are those advantages? I want to emphasize four points:Fitting the material into a model of communication: it should be determined on what part of the communication inferences made, to aspects of the communicator (his experiences, opinions feelings), to the situation of text production, to -cultural background, to the text itself or to the effect of the of analysis: the material is to be analyzed step by step, following rules of procedure, devising the material into ries in the center of analysis: the aspects of text interpretation, following the research questions, are putted ries, which were carefully founded and revised within the process of analysis (feedback loops). For estimating the ility we use in qualitative content analysis (in contrary to quantitative content analysis) only trained members project team and we reduce the standard of coder agreement (cohens kappa over . Procedures of qualitative content above listed components of quantitative content analysis will be preserved to be the fundament for a qualitative ure of text interpretation. 1 inductive category cal quantitative content analysis has few answers to the question from where the categories come, how the system ries is developed: "how categories are defined ...

Within the framework of qualitative approaches it would be of central interest, to develop the aspects of interpretation,The categories, as near as possible to the material, to formulate them in terms of the material. For that scope t analysis has developed procedures of inductive category development, which are oriented to the reductive ated within the psychology of text processing (cf. Criterion of definition, derived from theoretical background and research question, which determines the aspects of l material taken into account. 2 deductive category ive category application works with prior formulated, theoretical derived aspects of analysis, bringing them in the text. The qualitative step of analysis consists in a methodological controlled assignment of the category to a text.

Even if several procedures of text analysis are processing that step, it is poorly described. Definitions, prototypical text passages, and rules for distinguishing different categories were formulated in theory and material, are completed step by step, and are revised with the process of analysis. Computer programs for support of qualitative content ally within the last years several computer programs had been developed within the framework of qualitative support (not to replace) steps of text interpretation (cf. The computer plays here a triple role:He works as assistant, supporting and making easier the steps of text analysis on screen (working through the material, underlining,Writing marginal notes, defining category definitions and coding rules, recording comments on the material ... Works as documentation center, recording all steps of analysis of all interpreters, making the analysis replicable (e.

With qualitative content analysis two computer programs had especially proved it's worth, atlas/ti and winmax, which. Examples of projects working with qualitative content demonstrate the possibilities of qualitative content analysis we want to give some short examples of research g with the above explicated procedures:Sandro vicini (1993) has conducted 14 open-ended in-depth interviews with educational advisors about concrete their advisory service with the aim to reconstruct their theory of mind of advice. Gerwin (1993) made a diary study with 21 middle school teachers about their daily hassles and uplifts and transcripts with summarizing qualitative content analysis. With a combination of inductive and deductive qualitative content analysis they found argumentation like: euphoria about multimedia; economic optimism; political critic; apocalyptic predictions. Working with inductive and deductive qualitative content analysis they analyzed their learning activities and gies.

The biographical interviews had been worked through with t analysis and led to typical biographical patterns (e. Inductive and deductive computer-assisted content analysis pointed out that d crisis situation of the persons (unemployment and german unification) causes specific stresses and new chances the qualitative content analysis we wanted to describe procedures of systematic text analysis, which try to strengths of content analysis in communication science (theory reference, step models, model of communication, , criteria of validity and reliability) to develop qualitative procedures (inductive category development, summarizing,Context analysis, deductive category application) which are methodological controlled. Those procedures allow a quantitative steps of analysis if it seems meaningful for the analyst. Procedures of qualitative content analysis seem less appropriate,If the research question is highly open-ended, explorative, variable and working with categories would be a restriction, a more holistic, not step-by-step ongoing of analysis is planned. The research question characteristics of the material should have the priority in the decision about adapted methods.

So it would be in my to discuss questions about methods in respect to specific content areas (cf. 2017 forum qualitative sozialforschung / forum: qualitative social research (issn 1438-5627) supported by the institute for qualitative research and the center for digital systems, freie universität 1, no. Analysisblast (basic local alignment search tool)blast (stand-alone)blast link (blink)conserved domain search service (cd search)genome protmapgenome workbenchinfluenza virusprimer-blastprosplignsplignall sequence analysis resources... Toall how tochemicals & bioassaysdna & rnadata & softwaredomains & structuresgenes & expressiongenetics & medicinegenomes & mapshomologyliteratureproteinssequence analysistaxonomytraining & tutorialsvariationabout ncbi accesskeysmy ncbisign in to ncbisign : abstractformatsummarysummary (text)abstractabstract (text)medlinexmlpmid listapplysend tochoose destinationfileclipboardcollectionse-mailordermy bibliographycitation managerformatsummary (text)abstract (text)medlinexmlpmid listcsvcreate file1 selected item: 16204405formatsummarysummary (text)abstractabstract (text)medlinexmlpmid listmesh and other datae-mailsubjectadditional texte-maildidn't get the message? 2005 nov;15(9): approaches to qualitative content hf1, shannon information1fooyin university, kaohsiung hsien, ctcontent analysis is a widely used qualitative research technique.

Rather than being a single method, current applications of content analysis show three distinct approaches: conventional, directed, or summative. All three approaches are used to interpret meaning from the content of text data and, hence, adhere to the naturalistic paradigm. With a directed approach, analysis starts with a theory or relevant research findings as guidance for initial codes. A summative content analysis involves counting and comparisons, usually of keywords or content, followed by the interpretation of the underlying context. 1049732305276687 [indexed for medline] sharemesh termsmesh termshumansqualitative research*research*terminal care*linkout - more resourcesfull text med commons home.