Ethnography research paper
Commons @ outfaqmy ed anthropology 380 photo nding ethnographic research ethnographic photo-essays that students from anthropology 380: visual & ethnographic methods have submitted here are examples of how iwu anthropology students learn to conduct ethnographic research with visual media--in this case, still photography.
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What results is a photo-essay produced through collaborative research methods that enhance the self-awareness of the community under study (attained through the process of visual self-representation) and a more enlightened view of the community by 2013, anthropology 380 focused on the theme of immigration as part of the "making human rights real" curriculum cluster.
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Marina balina: a photo essay, lauren henry 'd into focus: addressing the challenges faced by undocumented mexican immigrants in the united states, nora peterson ' american who emigrated from poland: the significance of education and family support in the acculturation process, stephanie pierson 'sions from and style: an ethnographic analysis of isu's gamma phi circus, sarah carlson 'ng christ-based relationships, disciples, and sharing the gospel of jesus christ at illinois state university, cassandra jordan ' words fail, music speaks, hannah williams 'sions from ing acupuncture in the american midwest, shuting zhong 'sions from be a lady: an exploration of the bloomington bingo community through visual ethnographic methods, monica simonin g high: an inside look into college students' lives with type 1 diabetes, amber spiewak city chess club: a visual ethnographic examination of chess, morgan tarbutton context to search:Across all me via email or ogy and anthropology ibility l commons @ outfaqmy ed anthropology 380 photo nding ethnographic research ethnographic photo-essays that students from anthropology 380: visual & ethnographic methods have submitted here are examples of how iwu anthropology students learn to conduct ethnographic research with visual media--in this case, still photography.