Journal of marketing research

Grewal, editor-in-chief of journal of marketing research, outlines the journal's governance structure and the manuscript management process, offers insights for authors looking to publish in jmr, and discusses the challenges of navigating the peer-review process. Beware: how bundling affects valuationthe effect of bundling on valuation is asymmetric: consumers demand more compensation for the loss of items from bundles, compared to the loss of the same items in isolation, yet offer lower willingness-to-pay for items added to bundles, compared to the same items purchased ng agent-based decision support systems for word-of-mouth programswe describe how to build a social analytic tool that examines a network of customers to identify the customers that are most appropriate to target with incentives to encourage reting the stock returns to new product announcements: how the past shapes investors’ expectations of the futurewe show that investors can form expectations about the future innovation output of a firm based on the firm's past actions, which can cause an ex-ante increase in stock prices and a smaller ex-post market reaction when an actual new product is self-expressive customization of a product can improve performancethis research demonstrates that the self-expressive customization of a product can improve performance on tasks performed using the customized jilting effect: antecedents, mechanisms, and consequences for preferencethe research reveals that that when people experience a jilt—that is, they expect to receive something extremely attractive but their hopes are dashed—the experience of the jilt drives people to no longer be content with the status quo and instead to seek out new and different alternatives.

Availability of product upgrades increases cavalier behavior toward possessionsconsumers act more recklessly with their current products when in the presence of appealing, though not yet attained, product upgrades to justify the attainment of these upgrades without feeling guilty or appearing channel search and commercial breaksthis paper investigates how viewers search alternative channels during the commercial breaks of their current channels and the implications for channels in terms of how to manage the timing of breaks offline stores drive online salesunderstand how a brand's online and offline stores interact: they are substitutes as distribution channels but complements as communication channelsthe rise of the sharing economy: estimating the impact of airbnb on the hotel industrythe sharing economy has recently emerged as a disruptive force in long-established service industries and new research shows how established providers may be able to navigate marketing strategies. Viral marketing works best with emotional appealswhile some ads go “viral,” their value to the brand is limited if they do not improve brand evaluation and purchase.

Tipping the scale: the role of discriminability in conjoint analysissimply expanding an attribute’s scale can shift choice toward alternatives that perform well on that attribute and thus impact metrics derived from conjoint analysis such as attribute importance and that shape marketing decisions: influence of chief executive officers’ political ideologies on innovation propensity, shareholder value, and riskwe examine the influence of ceos’ political ideologies on firms’ innovation propensity. Looking disclosures of customer metrics lower the investors' and analysts' uncertainty but do not have a negative impact on future cash-flows of the ncing acquisition performance in high-technology industries: the role of innovation and relational overlapwe highlight the value of relational overlap (io) in the acquisition context and highlight that (unlike io that help acquisitions) relational overlap (ro) hurts acquisition performance, suggesting that firms should consider overlaps across both resources in their acquisition ama journal reader: curations from scholarly journals.

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Please enable scripts and reload this l of marketing content​journal of marketing research concentrates on the subject of marketing research, from its philosophy, concepts, and theories to its methods, techniques, and applications. And a manuscript  l  submission guidelines  l  ama editorial policy l  p grewal, editor-in-chief of journal of marketing research, outlines the journal's governance structure and the manuscript management process, offers insights for authors looking to publish in jmr, and discusses the challenges of navigating the peer-review process.

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This site content may not be copied, reproduced, or redistributed without the prior written permission of the american marketing association or its l of marketing wikipedia, the free to: navigation, l of marketing an marketing association (united states). Of marketing research is a bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal published by the american marketing association.

Green for the best article in the journal of marketing research that demonstrates the greatest potential to contribute significantly to the practice of marketing research. O'dell award for the article that has made the most significant, long-term contribution to marketing theory, methodology, and/or practice.

Further suggestions might be found on the article's talk ries: marketing journalsmarketing researchenglish-language journalsbimonthly journalspublications established in 1964business journal stubsmarketing stubshidden categories: articles with outdated impact factors from 2014cs1 maint: multiple names: authors listofficial website different in wikidata and wikipediaall stub logged intalkcontributionscreate accountlog pagecontentsfeatured contentcurrent eventsrandom articledonate to wikipediawikipedia out wikipediacommunity portalrecent changescontact links hererelated changesupload filespecial pagespermanent linkpage informationwikidata itemcite this a bookdownload as pdfprintable page was last edited on 4 september 2017, at 17: is available under the creative commons attribution-sharealike license;.