Major ethical dilemmas

So, i now present you with a list of ten agonizing moral dilemmas, in no particular order.

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Ethical dilemma or ethical paradox is a decision-making problem between two possible moral imperatives, neither of which is unambiguously acceptable or preferable.

Sometimes called ethical paradoxes in moral philosophy, ethical dilemmas may be invoked to refute an ethical system or moral code, or to improve it so as to resolve the paradox.

Responses to the ethical dilemma is a decision making problem between two possible moral imperatives, neither of which is unambiguously acceptable or preferable.

Dilemmas can be refuted in various ways, for example by showing that the claimed situation is only apparent and does not really exist (thus is not a paradox logically), or that the solution to the ethical dilemma involves choosing the greater good and lesser evil (as discussed in value theory), or that the whole framing of the problem omits creative alternatives (such as peacemaking), or (more recently) that situational ethics or situated ethics must apply because the case cannot be removed from context and still be understood.

Popular ethical conflict is that between an imperative or injunction not to steal and one to care for a family that you cannot afford to feed without stolen money.

Under an ethical system in which stealing is always wrong and letting one's family die from starvation is always wrong, a person in such a situation would be forced to commit one wrong to avoid committing another, and be in constant conflict with those whose view of the acts r, there are no legitimate ethical systems in which stealing is more wrong than letting one's family die.

Ethical systems do in fact allow for, and sometimes outline, tradeoffs or priorities in decisions.

Resolving ethical dilemmas is rarely simple or clearcut and very often involves revisiting similar dilemmas that recur within ing to some philosophers and sociologists, e.

In other words, ethical dilemmas can become political and economic factions that engage in long term recurring struggles.

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