Service delivery research proposals
Jul-sep the scores of the different domains contributing to service delivery integration: working arrangement within the service, social care, health care and others (corresponding to various working arrangements), 2scores of different domains contributing to service delivery , and reykjavik have the highest score for process-centred integration. Oslo, helsinki, copenhagen, stockholm and prague rank in the lowest quartile having less than two items of working arrangements within the ing social care amsterdam, copenhagen, helsinki, oslo, stockholm and nuremberg/bayreuth rank in the first quartile their home care services are providing all or most kinds of provisions. Prague and amiens and stockholm rank in the fourth quartile providing very few therapies and nursing results of the combination of the different domains of service delivery integration are seen in figure represents the plot of settings. The second model includes working arrangement within the service with predominance of health care and few or no social care delivery.

Reykjavik is close to it and ashford/maidstone is less 3plot of s:article | pubreader | epub (beta) | pdf (545k) | g and supportcurrent funding opportunitiesfunding for research studieshow to apply for fundingmanage my studyfunding programmesbecome a reviewerfunding for training and career developmenttraining programmesthe nihr trainee experiencecareer development opportunitiesfunding to support researchglobal health researchfunding to support research in the nhsfunding to support nihr prioritiesthemed callsstudy support serviceearly contact and engagementearly feedbacksite identificationoptimising deliveryeffective study set-upperformance monitoringeligibility for nihr supportstudy support service ch and impactresearchjournals librarynihr dissemination centresuggest an idea for researchcareer development awardsnihr studiesevidence reviewsthe james lind allianceimpactuseful publicationsresearch prioritiesdementiaantimicrobial resistanceareas of research interestsemerging health technologiesoutputs on emerging technologiescustomers and partnershorizon scanning methodologyhorizon scanning researchnihr clinical research network portfolioisrctn registrationinformation for funders of researchhow to apply for nihr crn supportnhs research performanceperformance in initiating and delivering clinical researchhra approvals and nihr metricsfaster easier clinical researchnihr research activity league tableresearch ts and the publicopportunitieswhy joining in makes a differencewhy research mattersresearch changed my lifeaccess to research resultsresources to support joining indefinition of termshow to join inthe research cyclejoin a studyuk clinical trial gatewaynihr bioresourcepeople in researchshape a research projectsuggest a research topicreview a research applicationjoin an advisory panelpatient research ambassadorjoin dementia researchsupport and resources for getting startedlearn about researchlearn zonecontact ring with usidentify research prioritiesuse our facilitiesco-fund health researchgive patient viewssupport your studydisseminate findingsimplement evidenceset standards and sciences industryaccess to expertise and collaborationswork with leading academic and clinical research expertscollaborations for early phase translational researchnihr specialtiesform an alliance and expand your r&d programmerunning your study in the nhsstudy support service summarygood clinical practice trainingresearch-ready workforcefunding opportunities for industryopportunities for smesreceiving nihr funding | what to expectintellectual property management | information for industrydata, samples and analytical support for researchuseful information, brochures and resourceskey commercial statsbrochuresresources and toolscontact facultystrategic review of trainingsenior investigatorsdirectorycompetitioninvestigatorstraineessupport and resources for traineesmeet some of our traineesevents for traineesclinical research staffclinical research nurseslearning and developmentmeet some of our peoplefaculty worldnihr leadership in your arealocal clinical research networkseast midlandseasterngreater manchesterkent, surrey and sussexnorth east and north cumbrianorth thamesnorth west coastnorth west londonsouth londonsouth west peninsulathames valley and south midlandswessexwest midlandswest of englandyorkshire and humberspecialtiesageinganaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain managementcancercardiovascular diseasechildrencritical caredementias and neurodegenerationdermatologydiabetesear, nose and throatgastroenterologygeneticshaematologyhealth services researchhepatologyinfectioninjuries and emergenciesmental healthmetabolic and endocrine disordersmusculoskeletal disordersneurological disordersophthalmologyoral and dental healthprimary carepublic healthrenal disordersreproductive healthrespiratory usour purposevision, mission and aimsprinciplesnational research contextour themeshow we are managednihr leadershipboards and panelsmanaging centresour structurenihr briefing documentsnihr todaynihr at 10chronology of the nihrpublicationsvacanciescontact and eventsnewsarchive newsblogarchive blogeventsevents calendar viewevents rss feedwebinarswebinars archivefeaturesbehind the researchsupport our campaignstwo sides of health researchi am researchworld alzheimer's monththe big challengespotlight on hepatitis researchspotlight on copd researchnihr mental health challengeprimary care #oneinamillionlet's get digitalfocus on biosimilarspress officenihr newsletter sign g and support →. Services and delivery g and supportcurrent funding opportunitiesfunding for research studieshow to apply for fundingmanage my studyfunding programmesefficacy and mechanism evaluationhealth services and delivery researchhealth technology assessmentinvention for innovationpolicy research programmeprogramme grants for applied researchsystematic reviewsresearch for patient benefitpublic health researchbecome a reviewerfunding for training and career developmentfunding to support researchthemed callsstudy support in to manage your hs&dr application success rates 2017 (0. And linkspatient and public involvement in researchthemed services and delivery hs&dr programme aims to produce rigorous and relevant evidence to improve the quality, accessibility and organisation of health support many types of research, including primary research and evidence are particularly keen to support ambitious evaluative research to improve health services. Our research serves a variety of key stakeholders including: nhs managers, clinical research networks (crns), clinicians and researchers, service users and carers, and the of our funded projects are eligible for publication in the nihr journals library.

This open access resource is freely available online, and provides a full and permanent record of nihr-funded nihr health services and delivery research (hs&dr) programme funds research to produce evidence on the quality, accessibility and organisation of health services. The audience for this research is the public, service users, clinicians and programme has two workstreams: researcher-led and hs&dr programme aims to support a range of types of research including evidence synthesis and primary research. This means primary research projects which:Address an issue of major strategic importance to the nhs, with the cost in line with the significance of the problem to be likely to lead to changes in practice that will have a significant impact on a large number of patients across the to fill a clear ‘evidence gap’, and are likely to generate new knowledge of direct relevance to the the potential for findings to be applied to other conditions or situations outside the immediate area of together a team with strong expertise and track record across the full range of relevant be carried out across more than one research hs&dr programme will support:Research into any aspect of health service quality, accessibility and effectiveness, as long as its importance to the nhs can be clearly methodology as long as it is appropriate, proportionate and likely to answer the research questions – which must relate to health service , pilot and feasibility studies on relevant topics, with the involvement of a clinical trials unit if required. In the case of a trial, adequate preparatory work must be completed in order to justify need and hs&dr programme will not support:Research for which there is not a strong and well demonstrated case for importance to the ch in a single site which is not likely to be generally applicable to other settings or patient scientific or epidemiological research on the causes of testing of new health technologies or diagnostic techniques – these may fall within the remit of the hta establishment of a database, as an end in itself.

All studies must include specific research questions, and all data collection must directly contribute to answering these setting-up or maintenance of research als which are solely or mainly service developments, audits or needs offer a wide variety of assistance during all stages of the research process. Safe and effective use of multiple medicines to manage these conditions can be a challenge for individuals and for health and social care services. In turn reducing the 5,700 deaths and the 5%-8% of unplanned hospital admissions which are estimated to happen in each year in the uk as a result of medication related adverse nihr health services and delivery research programme is funded by the nihr with specific contributions from the chief scientist office (cso) in scotland, health and care research wales and the hsc r&d division, public health agency in northern t funding g for research to apply for a reviewerfunding for training and career nihr trainee development opportunitiesfunding to support health g to support research in the g to support nihr prioritiesthemed support contact and ive study mance ility for nihr support service cesresearch and dissemination t an idea for development james lind publicationsresearch crobial of research interestsemerging health s on emerging ers and n scanning n scanning researchnihr clinical research network ation for funders of to apply for nihr crn supportnhs research mance in initiating and delivering clinical approvals and nihr easier clinical research activity league ch awardspatients and the joining in makes a ch changed my to research ces to support joining tion of termshow to join clinical trial a research t a research a research an advisory t research dementia t and resources for getting startedlearn about zonecontact uspartnering with fy research -fund health standards and guidancelife sciences to expertise and with leading academic and clinical research orations for early phase translational an alliance and expand your r&d programmerunning your study in the support service clinical practice ch-ready workforcefunding opportunities for unities for ing nihr funding | what to ectual property management | information for industrydata, samples and analytical support for information, brochures and ces and toolscontact usour gic review of t and resources for some of our for traineesclinical research al research ng and developmentmeet some of our y worldnihr leadership programmenihr in your clinical research , surrey and east and north valley and south ire and hesia, perioperative medicine and pain vascular ias and services es and lic and endocrine oskeletal ogical and dental atory , mission and al research contextour briefing documentsnihr logy of the t usnews and rss rs the researchsupport our sides of health alzheimer's ght on hepatitis ght on copd mental health y care # on biosimilarspress newsletter sign upuseful g and supportcurrent funding opportunitiesfunding for research studieshow to apply for fundingmanage my studyfunding programmesbecome a reviewerfunding for training and career developmenttraining programmesthe nihr trainee experiencecareer development opportunitiesfunding to support researchglobal health researchfunding to support research in the nhsfunding to support nihr prioritiesthemed callsstudy support serviceearly contact and engagementearly feedbacksite identificationoptimising deliveryeffective study set-upperformance monitoringeligibility for nihr supportstudy support service ch and impactresearchjournals librarynihr dissemination centresuggest an idea for researchcareer development awardsnihr studiesevidence reviewsthe james lind allianceimpactuseful publicationsresearch prioritiesdementiaantimicrobial resistanceareas of research interestsemerging health technologiesoutputs on emerging technologiescustomers and partnershorizon scanning methodologyhorizon scanning researchnihr clinical research network portfolioisrctn registrationinformation for funders of researchhow to apply for nihr crn supportnhs research performanceperformance in initiating and delivering clinical researchhra approvals and nihr metricsfaster easier clinical researchnihr research activity league tableresearch ts and the publicopportunitieswhy joining in makes a differencewhy research mattersresearch changed my lifeaccess to research resultsresources to support joining indefinition of termshow to join inthe research cyclejoin a studyuk clinical trial gatewaynihr bioresourcepeople in researchshape a research projectsuggest a research topicreview a research applicationjoin an advisory panelpatient research ambassadorjoin dementia researchsupport and resources for getting startedlearn about researchlearn zonecontact ring with usidentify research prioritiesuse our facilitiesco-fund health researchgive patient viewssupport your studydisseminate findingsimplement evidenceset standards and sciences industryaccess to expertise and collaborationswork with leading academic and clinical research expertscollaborations for early phase translational researchnihr specialtiesform an alliance and expand your r&d programmerunning your study in the nhsstudy support service summarygood clinical practice trainingresearch-ready workforcefunding opportunities for industryopportunities for smesreceiving nihr funding | what to expectintellectual property management | information for industrydata, samples and analytical support for researchuseful information, brochures and resourceskey commercial statsbrochuresresources and toolscontact facultystrategic review of trainingsenior investigatorsdirectorycompetitioninvestigatorstraineessupport and resources for traineesmeet some of our traineesevents for traineesclinical research staffclinical research nurseslearning and developmentmeet some of our peoplefaculty worldnihr leadership in your arealocal clinical research networkseast midlandseasterngreater manchesterkent, surrey and sussexnorth east and north cumbrianorth thamesnorth west coastnorth west londonsouth londonsouth west peninsulathames valley and south midlandswessexwest midlandswest of englandyorkshire and humberspecialtiesageinganaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain managementcancercardiovascular diseasechildrencritical caredementias and neurodegenerationdermatologydiabetesear, nose and throatgastroenterologygeneticshaematologyhealth services researchhepatologyinfectioninjuries and emergenciesmental healthmetabolic and endocrine disordersmusculoskeletal disordersneurological disordersophthalmologyoral and dental healthprimary carepublic healthrenal disordersreproductive healthrespiratory usour purposevision, mission and aimsprinciplesnational research contextour themeshow we are managednihr leadershipboards and panelsmanaging centresour structurenihr briefing documentsnihr todaynihr at 10chronology of the nihrpublicationsvacanciescontact and eventsnewsarchive newsblogarchive blogeventsevents calendar viewevents rss feedwebinarswebinars archivefeaturesbehind the researchsupport our campaignstwo sides of health researchi am researchworld alzheimer's monththe big challengespotlight on hepatitis researchspotlight on copd researchnihr mental health challengeprimary care #oneinamillionlet's get digitalfocus on biosimilarspress officenihr newsletter sign t funding opportunities funding opportunities rss g for research g for training and career development funding to support researchloading... Your search by categoryprogrammedepartment of health0efficacy and mechanism evaluation5global health research0health services and delivery research6health technology assessment33invention for innovation1policy research programme0programme development grants0programme grants for applied research0public health research6research for patient benefit0systematic reviews1technology assessment review0research typeevidence synthesis7primary research44stand-alone feasibility study0translational research1specialtyageing12anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain management7antimicrobial resistance8cancer8cardiovascular disease11children13complex needs (2017 theme)6congenital disorders8critical care7dementias and neurodegeneration - dendron9dermatology11diabetes10ear, nose and throat7gastroenterology9genetics7haematology8health services and delivery research8hepatology7infectious diseases and microbiology10inflammatory disease7injuries and emergencies12long-term conditions in children8mental health18mesothelioma6metabolic and endocrine disorders7musculoskeletal disorders11neurological disorders11obesity10ophthalmology8oral and dental health10primary care8public health13renal disorders9reproductive health and childbirth16respiratory disorders10social care12stroke8surgery9very rare diseases4workstreamcommissioned research44researcher-led research8themed calls012317/93 - health technology assessment programme researcher-led evidence synthesis closing date:05 december 2017the health technology assessment programme is accepting evidence synthesis full applications to their researcher-led workstream (including complex health and care needs in older people theme)17/94 - health technology assessment programme researcher-led primary research closing date:05 december 2017the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their researcher-led workstream (including complex health and care needs in older people theme)invention for innovation (i4i) product development awards - call 15 closing date:13 december 2017applications are invited for the nihr invention for innovation (i4i) product development awards.
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105 perinatal mental health services closing date:04 january 2018the health services and delivery research (hs&dr) programme are accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream. 106 secondary falls and fracture prevention services closing date:04 january 2018the health services and delivery research (hs&dr) programme are accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream17/107 organisation of services and workforce interventions for the assessment and management of older adults with cognitive impairments in generalist health and care services closing date:04 january 2018the health services and delivery research (hs&dr) programme are accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream17/108 health and social care services support for transition of looked after children and young people (layp) leaving care closing date:04 january 2018the health services and delivery research (hs&dr) programme are accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream. 99 - health services & delivery research programme: standard researcher-led closing date:11 january 2018the health services and delivery research (hs&dr) programme are accepting stage 1 applications to their researcher-led workstream (including complex health and care needs in older people theme). 100 - health services & delivery research programme researcher-led (evidence synthesis) closing date:11 january 2018the health services and delivery research (hs&dr) programme is accepting full evidence synthesis applications to their researcher-led workstream.

87 - proton pump inhibitor therapy for refractory gastro-oesophageal reflux symptoms closing date:25 january 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic17/88 - fluid resuscitation regimens for burn injuries closing date:25 january 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic17/89 - interventions for babies born late preterm and early term closing date:25 january 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic17/96 - benzodiazepines for treatment resistant panic disorder closing date:25 january 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic17/98 - management of hidradenitis suppurativa closing date:25 january 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic. 95 - treatments for women with recurrent stress urinary incontinence after failed primary surgery closing date:25 january 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic. 115 - the role of prophylactic antibiotics for botulinum toxin a injections for overactive bladder closing date:25 january 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic17/116 - letrozole for improving fertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome closing date:25 january 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic17/117 - therapeutic interventions for self-harm in adolescents - an individual patient data meta-analysis closing date:01 february 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this evidence synthesis topic17/118 - the effectiveness of early treatment with amitriptyline for the prevention of post-herpetic neuralgia closing date:01 february 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research t funding g for research to apply for a reviewerfunding for training and career nihr trainee development opportunitiesfunding to support health g to support research in the g to support nihr prioritiesthemed support contact and ive study mance ility for nihr support service cesresearch and dissemination t an idea for development james lind publicationsresearch crobial of research interestsemerging health s on emerging ers and n scanning n scanning researchnihr clinical research network ation for funders of to apply for nihr crn supportnhs research mance in initiating and delivering clinical approvals and nihr easier clinical research activity league ch awardspatients and the joining in makes a ch changed my to research ces to support joining tion of termshow to join clinical trial a research t a research a research an advisory t research dementia t and resources for getting startedlearn about zonecontact uspartnering with fy research -fund health standards and guidancelife sciences to expertise and with leading academic and clinical research orations for early phase translational an alliance and expand your r&d programmerunning your study in the support service clinical practice ch-ready workforcefunding opportunities for unities for ing nihr funding | what to ectual property management | information for industrydata, samples and analytical support for information, brochures and ces and toolscontact usour gic review of t and resources for some of our for traineesclinical research al research ng and developmentmeet some of our y worldnihr leadership programmenihr in your clinical research , surrey and east and north valley and south ire and hesia, perioperative medicine and pain vascular ias and services es and lic and endocrine oskeletal ogical and dental atory , mission and al research contextour briefing documentsnihr logy of the t usnews and rss rs the researchsupport our sides of health alzheimer's ght on hepatitis ght on copd mental health y care # on biosimilarspress newsletter sign upuseful g and supportcurrent funding opportunitiesfunding for research studieshow to apply for fundingmanage my studyfunding programmesbecome a reviewerfunding for training and career developmenttraining programmesthe nihr trainee experiencecareer development opportunitiesfunding to support researchglobal health researchfunding to support research in the nhsfunding to support nihr prioritiesthemed callsstudy support serviceearly contact and engagementearly feedbacksite identificationoptimising deliveryeffective study set-upperformance monitoringeligibility for nihr supportstudy support service ch and impactresearchjournals librarynihr dissemination centresuggest an idea for researchcareer development awardsnihr studiesevidence reviewsthe james lind allianceimpactuseful publicationsresearch prioritiesdementiaantimicrobial resistanceareas of research interestsemerging health technologiesoutputs on emerging technologiescustomers and partnershorizon scanning methodologyhorizon scanning researchnihr clinical research network portfolioisrctn registrationinformation for funders of researchhow to apply for nihr crn supportnhs research performanceperformance in initiating and delivering clinical researchhra approvals and nihr metricsfaster easier clinical researchnihr research activity league tableresearch ts and the publicopportunitieswhy joining in makes a differencewhy research mattersresearch changed my lifeaccess to research resultsresources to support joining indefinition of termshow to join inthe research cyclejoin a studyuk clinical trial gatewaynihr bioresourcepeople in researchshape a research projectsuggest a research topicreview a research applicationjoin an advisory panelpatient research ambassadorjoin dementia researchsupport and resources for getting startedlearn about researchlearn zonecontact ring with usidentify research prioritiesuse our facilitiesco-fund health researchgive patient viewssupport your studydisseminate findingsimplement evidenceset standards and sciences industryaccess to expertise and collaborationswork with leading academic and clinical research expertscollaborations for early phase translational researchnihr specialtiesform an alliance and expand your r&d programmerunning your study in the nhsstudy support service summarygood clinical practice trainingresearch-ready workforcefunding opportunities for industryopportunities for smesreceiving nihr funding | what to expectintellectual property management | information for industrydata, samples and analytical support for researchuseful information, brochures and resourceskey commercial statsbrochuresresources and toolscontact facultystrategic review of trainingsenior investigatorsdirectorycompetitioninvestigatorstraineessupport and resources for traineesmeet some of our traineesevents for traineesclinical research staffclinical research nurseslearning and developmentmeet some of our peoplefaculty worldnihr leadership in your arealocal clinical research networkseast midlandseasterngreater manchesterkent, surrey and sussexnorth east and north cumbrianorth thamesnorth west coastnorth west londonsouth londonsouth west peninsulathames valley and south midlandswessexwest midlandswest of englandyorkshire and humberspecialtiesageinganaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain managementcancercardiovascular diseasechildrencritical caredementias and neurodegenerationdermatologydiabetesear, nose and throatgastroenterologygeneticshaematologyhealth services researchhepatologyinfectioninjuries and emergenciesmental healthmetabolic and endocrine disordersmusculoskeletal disordersneurological disordersophthalmologyoral and dental healthprimary carepublic healthrenal disordersreproductive healthrespiratory usour purposevision, mission and aimsprinciplesnational research contextour themeshow we are managednihr leadershipboards and panelsmanaging centresour structurenihr briefing documentsnihr todaynihr at 10chronology of the nihrpublicationsvacanciescontact and eventsnewsarchive newsblogarchive blogeventsevents calendar viewevents rss feedwebinarswebinars archivefeaturesbehind the researchsupport our campaignstwo sides of health researchi am researchworld alzheimer's monththe big challengespotlight on hepatitis researchspotlight on copd researchnihr mental health challengeprimary care #oneinamillionlet's get digitalfocus on biosimilarspress officenihr newsletter sign t funding opportunities funding opportunities rss g for research g for training and career development funding to support researchloading... 115 - the role of prophylactic antibiotics for botulinum toxin a injections for overactive bladder closing date:25 january 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic17/116 - letrozole for improving fertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome closing date:25 january 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic17/117 - therapeutic interventions for self-harm in adolescents - an individual patient data meta-analysis closing date:01 february 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this evidence synthesis topic17/118 - the effectiveness of early treatment with amitriptyline for the prevention of post-herpetic neuralgia closing date:01 february 2018the health technology assessment programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research t funding g for research to apply for a reviewerfunding for training and career nihr trainee development opportunitiesfunding to support health g to support research in the g to support nihr prioritiesthemed support contact and ive study mance ility for nihr support service cesresearch and dissemination t an idea for development james lind publicationsresearch crobial of research interestsemerging health s on emerging ers and n scanning n scanning researchnihr clinical research network ation for funders of to apply for nihr crn supportnhs research mance in initiating and delivering clinical approvals and nihr easier clinical research activity league ch awardspatients and the joining in makes a ch changed my to research ces to support joining tion of termshow to join clinical trial a research t a research a research an advisory t research dementia t and resources for getting startedlearn about zonecontact uspartnering with fy research -fund health standards and guidancelife sciences to expertise and with leading academic and clinical research orations for early phase translational an alliance and expand your r&d programmerunning your study in the support service clinical practice ch-ready workforcefunding opportunities for unities for ing nihr funding | what to ectual property management | information for industrydata, samples and analytical support for information, brochures and ces and toolscontact usour gic review of t and resources for some of our for traineesclinical research al research ng and developmentmeet some of our y worldnihr leadership programmenihr in your clinical research , surrey and east and north valley and south ire and hesia, perioperative medicine and pain vascular ias and services es and lic and endocrine oskeletal ogical and dental atory , mission and al research contextour briefing documentsnihr logy of the t usnews and rss rs the researchsupport our sides of health alzheimer's ght on hepatitis ght on copd mental health y care # on biosimilarspress newsletter sign upuseful links.