Technical proposal ppt

Presentation on technical proposal prepared by nikhil you sure you want message goes the first to or, continuing education-.

Technical uction: a proposal is an offer by one party to provide a product or service to another party in exchange for money.

Proposals are written offers to solve a technical problem or to undertake a project of practical or theoretical es to sale to survey to plan to conduct to train to als are… valuable records to maintain index documents of company’s growth means of financial returns tools to promote various activities tools to win sales proposal solicited proposal unsolicited proposal research teristics demonstrates needs creative informality and personal approach to some extent keeping in view customer’s financial gain, convenience and prestige neat and attractive including summary, background, objective, description of the problem, methodology and cost estimate providing suggestion fulfilling the requirement of solicitor purposeful and useful unambiguous in language ure-elements 1-prefatory parts: -title page -letter of transmittal -draft contract -table of contents -list of tables/figures -executive ure-elements 2-body of proposal: *introduction: -problem -need -background -objectives -scope and limitation *technical procedures: -methods and sources -plan *managerial procedures: -sequence of activities -equipment, facilities, product -personal qualifications *cost estimate *conclusion 3-supplemantary parts: -appendices - & appearance company logo visual aids graphs/charts consistency accuracy correctness e factors 1-questionable project design 2-inadequate explanation of the research 3-lack of experience of the -driven presentations with excel and powerpoint course - linkedin ing learning course - linkedin ng techniques: project-based course - linkedin cal proposal esh cal proposal tant's technical & financial cal and financial proposal-consultancy services for the preparation of ...

Hossain n 18 technical proposal format, organization and cal and financial proposal-consultancy services for the preparation of ...

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